I will definitely recommend this book to everyone because it will help you release the fears that have been holding you back! This book is not just a book is a course itself with exercises and free innercise material which will help you learn more about the way brain works. This book can be a life changing for people who have been stuck with life goals setting and achieving. Buy tis book but do not read it, study it! Because the material in this book are life changing and once you start innercise you never stop. You will find yourself reading it again and again to upgrade your knowledge.
Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Monday, 29 March 2021
Money Buys You Freedom
By T.J. Rohleder | Submitted On August 15, 2014
I believe it's true that money can't buy you happiness. But in this article, I'm going to discuss what I call the "jealously guarded millionaire secret to happiness": the one thing money can buy you that will boost your enjoyment of life. You see, while money can't really buy you happiness, it can buy you freedom; and freedom, if used properly, can result in happiness. There's no guarantee that it will, but freedom gives you the ability to increase your enjoyment of life. You might say, "Okay, but what does this have to do with marketing?" I think it has everything to do with marketing, and everything to do with why you're reading this article. One of the things I usually do when I'm speaking at a seminar is tell the attendees, "You're not here to learn about making money." Of course everybody looks aghast, confused, unsure of what I mean. I then go on to say, "Look: if I gave you a million dollars, it wouldn't necessarily make you happy, would it?" And people are confused and frustrated by that statement, too. But what I say then is, "What if I were to hand you a million dollars, but at the exact same time the United States Government said, 'Money is no longer worth anything. We're going to something else,'" what would its value be then? Maybe the new currency would be gold bullion or ducks, and here you are, stuck with a pile of worthless greenbacks. All of a sudden that money doesn't mean anything; it has no value anymore. Let's take it a little bit further.
If you don't want money, if money itself isn't going to make you happy, what is? It might be the things you can buy with money-a house and a car and vacation. Well, that's great, but what does that give you? A sense of peace, enjoyment, or happiness. Bingo! That's ultimately what you want. You want the good feelings, you want the sensation of the monkey off your back, you want some peace and calm. In your mind, you've connected that those feelings with having money. Money can do good, but it also can do evil; but neither comes from the money itself. Money isn't the root of all evil; it's the love of money that is. Says so right in the Bible. How money is used comes from the person who uses it. Now, I'm not telling you to avoid money. In fact, I want people to have as much money as they want, because it gives you the freedom to make choices and decisions that can give you the happiness you want to enjoy -- though it can also give you great pain if you don't know how to use that freedom correctly. That's why you'll see people who are incredibly wealthy who are very happy in their lives, very centered, very balanced and enjoying themselves-while you'll see people with the exact same amount of money who are hooked on drugs, who are very depressed, who just don't know what to do with their lives. Again, it's not the money. The money gives you the freedom, and the freedom gives you more choices than you had before. For example, if you're dealing with a situation where you've got a lot of credit card debt or you've got creditors calling you, or you're living paycheck to paycheck, there will constantly be stress at the back of your mind. If you had enough money, 3/29/2021 Money Buys You Freedom https://ezinearticles.com/?Money-Buys-You-Freedom&id=8672594 2/2 you could pay off all those debts and get the stress out of your mind. Then you'd have the freedom to enjoy the life you want. Money gives you the freedom to do more things, to go on more vacations, to have the things you want to have. Money gives you the freedom to choose to be happy, to create a life of happiness. To get there, I'd recommend you start working on two things right now. First, find ways to make more money. Seriously research what other people are doing to make more money, because the money will be the vehicle for the life you want to live. Second, decide on the life you want to live.
Decide what you'll need to make you happy, or focus on the things that make you happy right now, and then try to live that type of life right now (within your means, of course). As you get more money, ramp up the life that you want to live. I believe that you can enjoy your life right now. I know people who have said, "I'm going to postpone my happiness until I'm out of debt, or until I'm living in the perfect house, or until I'm able to take the perfect vacation," and so they put off enjoying their lives until they've got a certain amount of money. I believe that's putting your life on hold -- and if you need ten million or a hundred million dollars, well, I'd hate for you to wait to make that kind of money before you start enjoying your life. You might not make it. What I recommend is that you build up the tools, right now, to enjoy your life as it is. Because what money usually does is this: it magnifies whatever you're living right now. So if somebody has very little money but they do have a drug problem, then what usually happens when they come into a lot of money is that they get a huge drug problem. Money doesn't make the drug problem go away; it magnifies it. Now, suppose somebody feels a little depressed when they have a little bit of money, and they think that more money will cure their depression. Well, guess what? It doesn't. They realize being rich doesn't cure their depression, and they become more depressed! On the flipside, if someone is charitable, if they're finding ways to enjoy their life with the little money they have, once they get more money they're able to give more and enjoy their life even more. So determine what makes you happy now. Create happiness in your life today. Work to make more money so that you can have more freedom. That's going to increase the amount of happiness you have a hundredfold. Problems are a part of life, and business is life amplified. You get more problems with business, not fewer. So build your business around your lifestyle, and try to find things that you love -- or try to fall in love with the things that make you the most money.
Make a game out of it, and you won't be disappointed. Sure, some games can be a real struggle; they can be a lot of work, and generate a lot of stress, and certainly there's a lot of challenge. And yet, they're also very fulfilling. I think you should view everything as if it's a great challenge. Money itself is not going to make you happier. It's not going to do anything except maybe pay off some bills. It can provide you with some toys, though, because business really is a game. It's hard to think that way when you're drowning in debt, struggling just to find the money to pay your rent, or to put food on the table. It's hard to see the game when you're struggling. But if you can maintain that perspective, and if you can learn to be content with life outside of business and the specific financial situation you're in, then when things do turn around for you you'll remain happy. If happiness was just about the money, you wouldn't have people in Hollywood committing suicide, you wouldn't have people in Hollywood or on Wall Street strung out on drugs, living horrible lives.
They're out there making money hand over fist, and yet a lot of them are just struggling to be happy. But if you can learn to be content wherever you are right now, then when you do finally become successful you can retain that happiness and it won't be tied to money -- so money can remain just a game for you. It can be something you use to keep score, and then you can use that money to do good things and to help people and to buy the toys that you want. Business is just a fun game, and we all play to win -- and have fun at the same time. Remember that rule, and apply it to your life! If you liked this article and are serious about making more money, please consider letting T.J. Rohleder (a.k.a. "America's Blue Jeans Millionaire") personally help you. Check out his podcasts and coaching programs by going to http://www.tjrohleder.com.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/T.J._Rohleder/1735800
Friday, 26 March 2021
Thursday, 25 March 2021
The Importance Of Being Able To Believe In Yourself
By Nate P Edwards | Submitted On May 22, 2012
Self-belief can be defined as having the ability to believe in yourself. Sounds pretty simple right? Sometimes it can be and when things are going well for us we tend not to consciously be thinking about our self-belief too much. When things are going well we do things almost on auto pilot and we are able to accomplish our goals without too much doubt in our abilities. It is like believing in yourself becomes second nature and everything is happening just the way it should be. However, when things are not going so well in your life it is very easy to lose touch with your self-belief and when you don't believe in yourself, you will lose the ability to take the necessary actions needed to make your life better. THE IMPORTANCE OF BELIEVING IN YOURSELF Being able to believe in yourself is very important to your well-being because having self-belief is what encourages you to achieve your goals.
It is achieving goals that lets you progress in life and achieving goals allows you to have that sense of satisfaction and accomplishment which we all desire. Life goals are very personal and can differ greatly from person to person. Some may have goals of making huge amounts of money but for others this may not be very important at all. One person's goal is not necessarily better than the next persons, it is all about personal choice and preference. Having Self-Belief will help you achieve what you want out of life by giving you the motivation you need to keep pursuing your goals at all costs. Having Self-belief and believing in yourself is all about listening to that inner-voice that tells you that you are capable of accomplishing a particular task. Even when the people around us have their doubts that we may not be capable for whatever reason, self-belief is all about backing yourself 100% regardless of what other people may say or think. LET YOUR HATERS BE YOUR MOTIVATORS The best thing you can do for yourself when people around you are doubting your abilities or they are being negative as to what they think you are able to achieve, is to use this negativity as motivation to achieve your goals. Now this is not as easy as it sounds but if you can teach yourself to turn this negativity into motivation and see it as 'fuel for your fire', you will gain so much more satisfaction and even more self-belief and confidence when you finally do achieve your goals.
It is not that easy to believe in yourself when others around you are being negative because positive reinforcement is one of the main factors we all use to boost our confidence. When people around you believe in you as much as you believe in yourself, you are more likely to be more confident because their support is giving you extra reassurance that you will succeed. However it is much better for you in the long-term if you are able to establish your own self-belief based on what you believe you are capable of. Your own self-belief is far more important and beneficial to your well-being than having to rely on the positive reinforcement from others to validate your own self-worth. 3/23/2021 The Importance Of Being Able To Believe In Yourself https://ezinearticles.com/?The-Importance-Of-Being-Able-To-Believe-In-Yourself&id=7076566 2/2 NEVER STOP BELIEVING IN YOURSELF When things in your life are not going the way you would like or are not happening the way you had envisioned or planned, your self-belief will start to diminish. To regain your self-belief so you can start believing in yourself again and what you are capable of achieving, you must be able to set realistic goals for yourself that you will be able to achieve.
Your self-belief grows with every accomplishment and goal that you achieve and that is why it is important to set goals for yourself that are attainable. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't be ambitious when setting your goals, it just means you should plan your goals in a step by step manner so you are able to benefit from the confidence which is gained when you accomplish each step. If you believe in yourself and stick with your plan, you will eventually reach your final destination and when you do you will have gained the self-belief and confidence that will help you accomplish goals for the rest of your life. Written by Nate Edwards who runs a website called BeconfidentBeHappy.com [http://beconfidentbehappy.com] where you can find useful information and helpful resources that can Improve Your Confidence [http://beconfidentbehappy.com/howto-be-confident/].
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nate_P_Edwards/1312571
Wednesday, 24 March 2021
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life Paperback – 13 Oct. 2016
I was sceptical as to whether a young business woman could really speak to me but having read some reviews from “more mature” ladies thought I’d give it a go. I’m not looking to turn my life around by starting a business and becoming super rich. I don’t want to set the world on fire, I want my little bit of the world to be good place. I sort of feel that with the right mindset you can take what you have, improve it a bit, make life happier for yourself. This is the type of book I want...something to positively help. This isn’t it. World takeover? Buy this book.
Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Monday, 22 March 2021
Personal Growth
By Ranches Lee Hall | Submitted On February 02, 2013
Personal growth is a crucial part of anyone that wishes to get better in their field or in life. Growth is all about getting better. Developing better life strategies to cope with whatever comes your way. You can tell someone that is not well equipped to deal with issues of life. They will easily breakdown or give up when things get challenging. The best teacher people say is experience. It can also be a bad teacher when the student takes it wrongly. This means that life experiences can only be advantageous to us when they serve to lead to personal growth. You can however take the initiative towards this kind of growth. This is a much better approach than waiting for life to give you its lessons. The beauty of these kinds of lessons is that the mind is ready to take them in and deal with them as they come. Once the mind is in this state makes it way for you to internalize and incorporate the skills into your life. The only reason old dogs cannot learn new skills are that the mind set is not programmed to. Personal growth calls for a person to strategically and intentionally make a step towards developing self to become better than they are. It also comes with the ability of one to add value even when they think they are doing well. How do you get about personal growth?
How to develop personal growth Change of attitude One of the biggest steps to personal growth is change of attitude. Personal growth leads to promotions, better people skills and better crisis handling. The former attitude of contentment has to be dealt with. You cannot develop this skill while lingering in a comfort zone of who you are. Many fill up the gaps with reasons like "that's who I am, deal with it". This is one of the biggest hindrances of personal growth. Take time to adjust your mindset and attitude to learning new things and changing old belief systems that only hold you back. Get a mentor or role model Learning is easier caught that taught. Personal growth is easily achieved with a mentor or a good role model. You need someone or people that will challenge you to be all you can be. You are your biggest limitation. People that have done much more and are still growing are the best mentors in whichever field you walk in. A business or organization will take a learner and a student of the art more seriously than a self groomed individual that prides in their own methods of achievement. A role models and mentor is able to push you beyond your limits and make you a better person without reservation. It is one way of gauging your pride level.
Self assessment Take time to evaluate self in every process. The scariest thing in the world is meeting who we really are. People will hide behind experiences and people among many other things. You cannot grow without knowing who you are and what you are all about. This will give you the desire to change and deal with weaknesses that hinder you from personal growth. 3/22/2021 Personal Growth https://ezinearticles.com/?Personal-Growth&id=7491380 2/2 Personal growth is the best favor you can do to yourself. It is a process that takes time to achieve certain goals but when taken diligently yields great results. Ranches Lee Hall Has Been Online Now For Several Years Operating Different Blogs And Online Businesses And Providing Helpful Information, To Many Of His Readers. He Enjoys Songwriting, Reading The Bible, Playing The Keyboard Or Piano. Visit This Website At [http://www.structuredselfdevelopmentlevel1.com]
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ranches_Lee_Hall/1232871 © 2021 EzineArticles All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Friday, 19 March 2021
Thursday, 18 March 2021
Top 5 Success Principles
By Anne Bachrach | Submitted On September 20, 2011
If you think creating a successful business may just be the most challenging goal you've ever taken on, you are probably correct. Building a successful business is not a walk in the park, but it is certainly a realizable and achievable goal. It doesn't always require a lot of money (although that would clearly be an asset) and frankly, it doesn't even require that you have more talent than the "average Joe." However, building a successful business does require a strategic business owner who follows the principles of success to build a castle where there was once only sand.
Below are the Top 5 Success Principles that will teach you how to create a successful business in realistic and achievable steps.
Success Principle #1: Don't waste your time on unnecessary tasks that won't help you build success. Tasks like watching TV, reading a magazine or talking on the phone with friends should all be done after you're done with your goals for the day, not during your workday. Taking part in these activities throughout your workday is called procrastination and it's a nasty self-sabotaging habit that will only keep you from being successful. You only have a limited amount of hours to work each day, make sure that these hours go toward activities that will build success for your business. Focus on your highest pay-off activities that put you in the highest probability position to achieve your goals and apply effective time management principles for even greater success.
Success Principle #2: Put your money into your business. When you're first starting out, it's exciting to turn a substantial profit and you may be tempted to blow the money on non-business related items or events. The money is better served going right back into your business. Your business will never grow if you take most of the profits and use them for personal gain. In order to grow your business, you must constantly invest in it. That's a principle of success, period.
Success Principle #3: Get outside your own limited mindset. Negative Nancy's never build success; do you know why? Because they're too busy focusing on the negative to take action on valuable opportunities. That doesn't mean that you must remain Happy Holly 24/7, but do not let the negative keep you down. If something doesn't go your way, allow yourself just a brief moment to replay the situation and think about what you could have done differently. Once that minute is up - let it go. Learn from it and stay positive. It's important to expand your mindset and train yourself to look for viable and profitable business opportunities in the midst of all the failure. You need to believe that your business can succeed and believe in your own abilities as a skilled professional, even when no one else is willing to.
Success Principle #4: Remember your passion. After the novelty of opening a new business wears off, you'll have to find a way to keep the passion for your work alive. Reconnect with why you started your business in the first place. Keep those triggering thoughts close to your heart and exploit them to propel you into working, smarter and build success for your business. Keep the fire that compelled you start your business in the first place burning bright. 3/15/2021 Top 5 Success Principles https://ezinearticles.com/?Top-5-Success-Principles&id=6574648 2/2
Success Principle #5: Take action, constantly. Many unsuccessful business owners share common traits: they complain, feel sorry for themselves and ultimately give in to failure. While all successful business owners have gotten to where they are today because they kept going - no matter what happened. Every step they took was step closer to achieving their goals and eventually, they experienced success. Don't let anything derail you from your goals. Keep working on improving your business and overcoming failure. Regardless if you're trying to take home $75,000+ profit or want to net $1,000,000 in sales within the next three years, it's attainable; you just have to be diligent and believe in your business. Focus on what you can control - you and your actions and activities. You can build a successful business by following these five success principles.
Many business owners tend to make a situation more complicated than it needs to be; they think achieving success is only attainable for the rich and famous or for those who have been dealt a lucky hand. However, it's been proven many times over that an "average Joe" can transform into a wealthy business owner if they are dedicated to success and learn how to think strategically for the sake of their business. The most important factor when achieving success is having a game plan. Without it you are merely going to be "winging it," and that will make the journey more complicated that it needs to be. Step #1. Start with where you want to be. Write out a list of goals that addresses long-term, big picture kind of goals. Step #2. Next, determine where you are.
Is your current life completely different from your long-term vision or is it on the right path, just not quite there yet? This can be a difficult question, as most cannot "see" where they really are in relation to their goals. Get a life coach and you will have a much better idea of where you are and which direction to head in. Step #3. Now it's decision time. There is a BIG difference between wanting a specific goal and actually committing to doing whatever it takes to accomplish it. Decide right now how much your goals mean to you and if you can stand to continue living life as you currently know it. If your answer is no, the only other option is to commit to making it happen - no matter what. Copyright Anne M. Bachrach. All rights reserved.
Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now and an audio on Effective Time Management. Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle Membership today and receive 10% off on all products and services, in addition to having access to assessments and resources to help you achieve your goals so you can experience a more balanced and successful life ( http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ ). Anne M. Bachrach is known as The Accountability Coach. She has 23 years of experience training and coaching. The objective is to work less, make more money, and have a more balanced life. Anne is the author of the book, Excuses Don't Count; Results Rule!, and Live Life with No Regrets; How the Choices We Make Impact Our Lives. Enjoy a myriad of proven resources that are available to you so you can enjoy the kind of life you truly want.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Anne_Bachrach/150418
Wednesday, 17 March 2021
Awaken The Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Life Paperback – 2 Jan. 2001
This book is fantastic, Tony Robbins is great, lots of exercises for your mind to try out. Lots of reading that will keep you busy. Arrived on time for my holiday, great price, conditions ok. It lasted the holiday.
Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Monday, 15 March 2021
Turning Setbacks to Comeback
By Adebola Oni | Submitted On September 14, 2005
There are so many times that we experience some setbacks in our lives and we feel it is the end of the world. We tend to dwell on those things that we forget to learn from them and move on with our lives. The story below, states clearly what our attitude to setbacks should be. Enjoy it: "I'm always looking for the right words to encourage my football(American) team. at Baylor University where I've been Head Coach for 14 years. I've used everything from praise to provocation to get the best out of my players. But once, the right encouraging words came from a team member. In 1980 we had a very strong team and had won the first seven games of the season.
We were riding high and running a little scared, I think, as the pressure to win increased. Our eight game was against San Jose State, a team supposedly not up to our caliber. In a shocking upset San Jose beat us, 30-22. Suddenly our confidence waned. After our loss I kept hearing people say what might have been, shaking their heads over what we could have done. The team seemed to absorb this negative thinking. In the workouts leading to our next game against the University of Arkansas we couldn't seem to rid ourselves of a lingering defeatist attitude. Then Kyle Woods came to our dressing room. A year before, Kyle had been injured in a workout that left him paralyzed. He was only a sophomore, a defensive back on the second team, when it happened. Now he would be a cripple for life.
This was his first visit to a game in Baylor Stadium since the injury. Kyle was in the dressing room before the game in a wheel chair. After our team prayer, I said a few words and then asked Kyle if he had anything to add. " I sure do," he said. I walked over to his wheel chair and pushed him into the center of the room. Kyle paused for a moment and seemed to look every player in the eye. He said " Here it is: You take a setback and you turn it into a comeback." Then Kyle dropped his hands to his side. he had no dexterity in them, but he managed to lock his thumbs around the wheel chair's arm. he pushed downward on the chair with his hands, lifting his body up.
With one giant lunge, he stood up. There he stood in the dressing room, to emphasize the point he'd just made, that "you can take a setback and turn it into a comeback." I've never heard a greater message nor seen it so dramatically punctuated. 3/15/2021 Turning Setbacks to Comeback https://ezinearticles.com/?Turning-Setbacks-to-Comeback&id=71281 2/2 Then we went out and defeated the University of Arkansas, 42-15, and we went on to become the 1980 South West Conference Champion. The Bible says, "God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2. Tim. 1:7) The Lord want us to achieve. Out of every setback we can find the comeback He has in mind for us. This is to your success. Adebola Oni is the Author of "The Lessons Of Life". So many lives have been touched by his newsletter, Life Lessons Digest. You can have a copy delivered to you every week by visiting his website: NaijaMotivation [http://www.naijamotivation.com] You will NEVER regret doing so as so many articles are waiting to change your life.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Adebola_Oni/10562
Thursday, 11 March 2021
Tips For the Present - Learn From the Past, Plan For the Future
By D. P. Robinson | Submitted On December 15, 2009
Everybody is in a rush. A rush to do this or that. To get up in the morning, to make breakfast, to dress, to go to school, to work, to go to the gym. In fact everybody is in a hurry to do many things which means everyone has an enormous amount of activities all day long. We manage to convince ourselves that everything we do is all important - and yet somehow as the day ends we are exhausted and are left with a vague feeling that we did not accomplish everything we set out to do. The reason for this is quite simple. We live in a society that measures success on the basis of accomplishment - and accomplishment is measured on the basis of how much we do or how much we get.
In turn we have conditioned ourselves to always think of the next move. To accomplish and get more you have to do more, so there is always something else. Another move, another set of actions. This is where the problems start. We focus our thoughts and energy onto the next thing and not on what we are actually supposed to be doing. When we focus on the next step, the next activity or our next action, we forget to concentrate and to live 100% that one thing we are doing in that specific moment in time. Pope John Paul II once said that we should learn from the past, plan for the future, but live the present - or words to that effect. These are words of wisdom that should guide our every moment. There are a few implications here, such as: By learning from the past: you should learn to avoid mistakes and more importantly repeat those things that brought success or triumphant moments. neither dwell nor relive the past. The past is gone - finito, kaput. We must learn to let it go. treasure the good and the bad. Treasure it, not gloat over it or sink with it.
Plan for the future: set your sights high and aim for the sky. apply yesterdays lessons to plan for tomorrow. your plan will map out the road you must follow. Live the present: every journey starts with one step. Today you will take the steps you must on the road you mapped out for the future. each moment, in other words your continuous present, must be lived will full concentration, with full dedication and passion. If you are with someone else, your child for example, your full focused energy and attention should be 100% dedicated to that person in that moment in time. a focused present, strengthened with the lessons of the past and the target for the future will result in less mistakes or negative results. It will always generate an action motivated from a freer perspective.When you start applying this way of life you will find in the beginning that you are set in your ways so change will not be easy. If, however, you persist for a short while, you will find that it gets easier each time. 3/9/2021 Tips For the Present - Learn From the Past, Plan For the Future https://ezinearticles.com/?Tips-For-the-Present---Learn-From-the-Past,-Plan-For-the-Future&id=3431098 2/2 Then you will be surprised to find that everything gets better; not in a magical sense, after all there are no magical formulas, but in a real sense.
1. Your day to day activities that are driven by your dedicated and focused attention to what you are doing as you are doing it, will show greater results. These results will go beyond, and this is the important part, beyond achieving things, to achieving wonderful things in terms of your relationship with others. One of the amazing things about people is that when they feel they are important in your eyes - and this will happen as you live the present when your are with them - they will try to give the best of themselves in return.
2. Your past will begin to be made up of all these "presents" you are living day to day.
3. Your future turns into your present and then your past, and all under that path with a heart you are taking, today. D.P. Robinson enjoys writing about personal development as well other subjects like interior decorating (including different furniture styles) - a combination that has come about as a result of being a father to five, having three dogs, a rabbit and being very happily married - balancing all these makes life interesting. Visit one of his latest websites located at: [http://www.wickerfurnituresets.org] where he provides information and resources wicker furniture and Wicker Furniture Cushions.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/D._P._Robinson/498029 © 2021 EzineArti
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
The Key to Happiness: How to Find Purpose by Unlocking the Secrets of the World's Happiest People Paperback – 7 Mar. 2019
I would seriously urge you to get this book if you want an enjoyable, funny and intelligent read that will offer a different perspective on the key factors that contribute to our happiness daily and long-term. The small tips and suggestions for realistic changes that can be made to our daily lives to help increase happiness is fantastic and makes this book not only a pleasure to read but also a practical guide, that other books aim to do and fail at. I read this book cover to cover, and will definitely be re-reading it again.
Monday, 8 March 2021
How To Improve Self Esteem And Feel Happier In Seven Steps
By Kara M Heissman | Submitted On October 17, 2012
Self esteem is broadly how we feel about ourselves. Self esteem is not something that we inherit from our parents or something that we have the moment we are born. Everybody wants a life filled with success and happiness; but this is often difficult to accomplish, especially for those who have low self-esteem. Good thing there are things we can do to improve our self esteem. But, you can't just improve your self esteem right away, it is a long and often difficult process that needs determination. Below are 7 easy steps to guide you on how to improve self esteem: Step 1. Stop comparing yourself with others. Inasmuch as you are more gifted or gifted than others, there are also others who have more than what you have. If you keep on comparing, you will find yourself feeling inferior very often. Step 2. Have a realistic assessment of life's problems. So you can find appropriate solutions to your problems, you have to evaluate them realistically. For example, traffic and a bad hair day won't become problems if you don't evaluate them as such. Difficulties, problems and obstacles will always be a part of life. So you need to learn to accept the fact that life is and will never be perfect.
If you are able to see things in a realistic perspective, you will be able to face problems and challenges more effectively. Step 3. Be in a social circle of people who makes you feel significant and happy. If you form friendships with people who are pessimistic and controlling, you are likely going to feel bad about yourself most of the time. On the other hand, being in the company of people who listens to you, encourages and accepts you, you are sure to be on your way to a healthier level of self esteem. Step 4. Know which things actually trigger low self-esteem. Take note of what your triggers are and try to avoid them or better yet, learn ways to better cope with them. If your appearance is causing you to feel bad about yourself, then work on improving it--exercise, eat well and dress sharply. Step 5. Stop putting yourself down. If you keep on criticizing and pulling yourself down, you will never develop a healthy level of self esteem. Instead, repeat positive affirmations. Positive affirmations allow you to experience positive and motivating feelings. Whether speaking about how you look, your career or your finances, avoid deprecating yourself, or running yourself down. Remember that you ought to be your number one. Love and appreciate yourself, so others could do so as well! Step 6. Do something! You will not develop high self-esteem if you sit on the sidelines and back away from obstacles. Taking action will make you feel better about yourself, regardless if you succeed or fail.
If you let your fear and anxiety hold you back from taking action, you will end up feeling frustrated, sad and discontented with yourself. 3/8/2021 How To Improve Self Esteem And Feel Happier In Seven Steps https://ezinearticles.com/?How-To-Improve-Self-Esteem-And-Feel-Happier-In-Seven-Steps&id=7337500 2/2 Step 7. Learn to forgive yourself when you don't accomplish all that you set out to. All of us falls short sometimes, but rather than focusing on the negative aspects, learn to adjust your goals so that you have a better chance of meeting them. Almost any negative experience can be turned into a positive experience with the right mindset. Most people do not see just how potentially damaging low self esteem can be. Thankfully, our self esteem is not permanent-- we can always work on improving it for the better. I hope these simple suggestions on how to improve self esteem has helped you in some way. This article is a part of a self improvement [http://contentedlife.org/how-to-improve-self-esteem-5-simple-and-practicaltricks-that-will-help/] blog that is meant to help people from all parts of the globe deal with their problems--people who have no access to a life coach or a counselor. Specifically, in this website you will read about self improvement tips, low self esteem solutions, stress remedies, fitness advice and as well as dating advice. At Contentedlife.org [http://contentedlife.org], we try to be as broad as we can in addressing the most common issues that people are facing in this modern times that we are living in.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kara_M_Heissman/1430185
Thursday, 4 March 2021
How To Become Financially Stable
By Leon K Smith | Submitted On November 18, 2010
Are you trying to live the American dream? If so you need to have goals to become stable. There are many ways to become financially stable. It takes hard work and dedication. One key step is to keep up good credit and don't get yourself into debt. Always pay your bills on time and be consistent with your payments. Creating your own business is also a good way to success.
If you have a plan stick with it and you will be successful. Just give it your all. The first step is to set goals and make plans to fulfill your goals. When you do this you need to come up with goals on how you are going to become stable. After you come up with your goals you need plans to help you complete your goals. Once this is completed you can start accomplishing each goal one by one.
Always remember to never give up. There's always going to be some complication but don't let that bring you down. Just keep trying until you get it. The second step is to build good credit. You can build good credit by paying bills on time. You can also apply for credit cards and pay them off in time. With credit cards you always should pay your payments on time or this will lower your credit score.
When you build good credit you've basically accomplished a big goal. With good credit you can do just about anything. So now you have some good ideas on how to become financially stable, let's make it happen. Just have good faith and good work ethics and success will come. Your feature only depends on you and your actions. Change your life forever and live the American dream.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Leon_K_Smith/825645
Tuesday, 2 March 2021
What to Say When You Talk to Your Self [ Yourself ] Paperback – 2 Oct. 1991 by Shad Helmstetter
Thank you Shad from my 10 year old self and from my 46 year old self! The reminders in this text go far beyond that of what you say to yourself but why, the motivations behind those words, and how to change those motivations into affirmations and precious life gifts to give to yourself every minute of every day.
Monday, 1 March 2021
How to Adopt Wise Spending Habits
By Gavin McDaniels | Submitted On February 08, 2010
It starts out innocently enough. You're bored and sitting on the couch, flipping through the channels for something interesting to watch. A person can only take so many soap operas and talk shows, right? But then you come across a shopping network, and before you know it, you've bought several things with names you can't pronounce and aren't even sure of what they do, just because they look interesting.
Many people just like you suffer from irresponsible spending, which can only lead to financial troubles and added stress that could have been avoided. Before you put your local shoe store's phone number on speed dial, consider adopting wise spending habits. Put together a budget for the various things you tend to spend money on.
Set aside a certain amount for entertainment, for food, and so on. Think about what is important and what you don't need right away. Do you really need that new barbecue grill, or does the old one still function just fine? Are you really going to read that book, or is it just going to sit on the book shelf gathering dust? Is this item essential to making you happy?
If you eat out several times a week, consider cutting down on that to perhaps once or twice a week. Eating at home can save you a lot of money in the long run, and it's a lot more intimate. If you live with children, make them understand that money doesn't grow on trees. If they badly want that bike or video game, make them do chores to earn it or get small jobs like newspaper delivery or lawn cutting. Tell them that certain toys need batteries, and it will be their responsibility to pay for and replace them when need be. Avoid carrying any credit cards. In fact, make it a habit to only have cash on hand, so that there won't be any way to spend money you don't actually have.
And if you don't truly want to buy something with that money, don't do it. Don't feel obligated simply because the item is on sale, or you don't think you've seen it anywhere else. In today's high-tech world it's bound to be out there somewhere else, and for cheaper, too. If you think you can take on these wise spending habits, you'll find yourself quite satisfied and proud.
Your wallet could probably write a thank you letter, too. You know, if it had hands. If you want to know more about budgeting or how to use printable coupons [http://www.ubercoupon.com] to cut your grocery bill in half, head over to Uber Coupon [http://www.ubercoupon.com] where Gavin contributes money saving tips each and every month.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Gavin_McDaniels/537841
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