By Kara M Heissman | Submitted On October 17, 2012
Self esteem is broadly how we feel about ourselves. Self esteem is not something that we inherit from our parents or something that we have the moment we are born. Everybody wants a life filled with success and happiness; but this is often difficult to accomplish, especially for those who have low self-esteem. Good thing there are things we can do to improve our self esteem. But, you can't just improve your self esteem right away, it is a long and often difficult process that needs determination. Below are 7 easy steps to guide you on how to improve self esteem: Step 1. Stop comparing yourself with others. Inasmuch as you are more gifted or gifted than others, there are also others who have more than what you have. If you keep on comparing, you will find yourself feeling inferior very often. Step 2. Have a realistic assessment of life's problems. So you can find appropriate solutions to your problems, you have to evaluate them realistically. For example, traffic and a bad hair day won't become problems if you don't evaluate them as such. Difficulties, problems and obstacles will always be a part of life. So you need to learn to accept the fact that life is and will never be perfect.
If you are able to see things in a realistic perspective, you will be able to face problems and challenges more effectively. Step 3. Be in a social circle of people who makes you feel significant and happy. If you form friendships with people who are pessimistic and controlling, you are likely going to feel bad about yourself most of the time. On the other hand, being in the company of people who listens to you, encourages and accepts you, you are sure to be on your way to a healthier level of self esteem. Step 4. Know which things actually trigger low self-esteem. Take note of what your triggers are and try to avoid them or better yet, learn ways to better cope with them. If your appearance is causing you to feel bad about yourself, then work on improving it--exercise, eat well and dress sharply. Step 5. Stop putting yourself down. If you keep on criticizing and pulling yourself down, you will never develop a healthy level of self esteem. Instead, repeat positive affirmations. Positive affirmations allow you to experience positive and motivating feelings. Whether speaking about how you look, your career or your finances, avoid deprecating yourself, or running yourself down. Remember that you ought to be your number one. Love and appreciate yourself, so others could do so as well! Step 6. Do something! You will not develop high self-esteem if you sit on the sidelines and back away from obstacles. Taking action will make you feel better about yourself, regardless if you succeed or fail.
If you let your fear and anxiety hold you back from taking action, you will end up feeling frustrated, sad and discontented with yourself. 3/8/2021 How To Improve Self Esteem And Feel Happier In Seven Steps 2/2 Step 7. Learn to forgive yourself when you don't accomplish all that you set out to. All of us falls short sometimes, but rather than focusing on the negative aspects, learn to adjust your goals so that you have a better chance of meeting them. Almost any negative experience can be turned into a positive experience with the right mindset. Most people do not see just how potentially damaging low self esteem can be. Thankfully, our self esteem is not permanent-- we can always work on improving it for the better. I hope these simple suggestions on how to improve self esteem has helped you in some way. This article is a part of a self improvement [] blog that is meant to help people from all parts of the globe deal with their problems--people who have no access to a life coach or a counselor. Specifically, in this website you will read about self improvement tips, low self esteem solutions, stress remedies, fitness advice and as well as dating advice. At [], we try to be as broad as we can in addressing the most common issues that people are facing in this modern times that we are living in.
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