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Monday, 22 March 2021

Personal Growth

 By Ranches Lee Hall | Submitted On February 02, 2013

Personal growth is a crucial part of anyone that wishes to get better in their field or in life. Growth is all about getting better. Developing better life strategies to cope with whatever comes your way. You can tell someone that is not well equipped to deal with issues of life. They will easily breakdown or give up when things get challenging. The best teacher people say is experience. It can also be a bad teacher when the student takes it wrongly. This means that life experiences can only be advantageous to us when they serve to lead to personal growth. You can however take the initiative towards this kind of growth. This is a much better approach than waiting for life to give you its lessons. The beauty of these kinds of lessons is that the mind is ready to take them in and deal with them as they come. Once the mind is in this state makes it way for you to internalize and incorporate the skills into your life. The only reason old dogs cannot learn new skills are that the mind set is not programmed to. Personal growth calls for a person to strategically and intentionally make a step towards developing self to become better than they are. It also comes with the ability of one to add value even when they think they are doing well. How do you get about personal growth? 

How to develop personal growth Change of attitude One of the biggest steps to personal growth is change of attitude. Personal growth leads to promotions, better people skills and better crisis handling. The former attitude of contentment has to be dealt with. You cannot develop this skill while lingering in a comfort zone of who you are. Many fill up the gaps with reasons like "that's who I am, deal with it". This is one of the biggest hindrances of personal growth. Take time to adjust your mindset and attitude to learning new things and changing old belief systems that only hold you back. Get a mentor or role model Learning is easier caught that taught. Personal growth is easily achieved with a mentor or a good role model. You need someone or people that will challenge you to be all you can be. You are your biggest limitation. People that have done much more and are still growing are the best mentors in whichever field you walk in. A business or organization will take a learner and a student of the art more seriously than a self groomed individual that prides in their own methods of achievement. A role models and mentor is able to push you beyond your limits and make you a better person without reservation. It is one way of gauging your pride level. 

Self assessment Take time to evaluate self in every process. The scariest thing in the world is meeting who we really are. People will hide behind experiences and people among many other things. You cannot grow without knowing who you are and what you are all about. This will give you the desire to change and deal with weaknesses that hinder you from personal growth. 3/22/2021 Personal Growth 2/2 Personal growth is the best favor you can do to yourself. It is a process that takes time to achieve certain goals but when taken diligently yields great results. Ranches Lee Hall Has Been Online Now For Several Years Operating Different Blogs And Online Businesses And Providing Helpful Information, To Many Of His Readers. He Enjoys Songwriting, Reading The Bible, Playing The Keyboard Or Piano. Visit This Website At [] 

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