Tuesday, 30 November 2021
My 3 Words Today! 30th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words Today! 30th November 2021
Today's words are:
Today I remember the importance of adding feeling
and emotion to your visualization! As you spend
time visualizing what the future you want looks
like- add to that a sense of how you will feel
when you achieve it-then you will create it
Monday, 29 November 2021
My 3 Words Today! 29th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words Today! 29th November 2021
Today's words are:
Learning to be thankful as your default state takes
practice but is so worthwhile- it creates more happy thoughts,
which leads to a grateful heart so that you show up at your best
and put out good vibes to the world!!
Friday, 26 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 26th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 26th November 2021
Today's words are:
Today I remind myself that I can do this and I am making progress, daily, towards that goal!
Thursday, 25 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 25th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 25th November 2021
Today's words are:
It is not important how fast nor slow you go, what is important is that
you take some action each day. It can be first baby step but first make sure
you take some action each and every day.
Wednesday, 24 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 24th November 2021 Today's words are:
Tuesday, 23 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 23rd November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 23rd November 2021
Today's words are:
Neither success or failure are final, neither are permanent celebrate your successes, learn from the failures - both are equally necessary for you to make progress - embrace equally and progress faster!
Monday, 22 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 22nd November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 22nd November 2021
Today's words are:
Know who you are. Know what you enjoy-what you're passionate about, and then follow that path. Align you work, your activity, your bliss around following your life purpose! That is your bliss
Follow it!
Sunday, 21 November 2021
Thursday, 18 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 19th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 19th November 2021
Today's words are:
Remember: Exercise is not for vanity- for that perfect outward body image- exercise is a most vital clement of improving and maintaining our physical and mental wellbeing.
Wednesday, 17 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 18th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 18th November 2021
Today's words are:
Today I remember the importance of social interaction, of taking time to meet and catch up with friends, to share stories and to maintain and strengthen your connection in those relationships.
Tuesday, 16 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 17th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 17th November 2021
Today's words are:
Naysayers are inevitable -use their negativity as feel and as a sign you are on the right path. Allies are as essential part of your journey to success-no-on succeeds alone, your allies are your tribe and cheerleaders.
My 3 Words for Today! 16th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 16th November 2021
Today's words are:
From the book: The Go Giver
I am reminded that we will nor succeed simply by 'selling to people- success come in serving people and in providing value way beyond the price you are asking them to pay.
Sunday, 14 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 15th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 15th November 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded of the value of taking "baby steps"- small but consistent action in the direction of my goals and dreams ensures that I continue to see and make progress!
Thursday, 11 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 12th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 12th November 2021
Today's words are:
The Go-Giver book shows me that the secret to success, and fulfilled life is through giving, and helping people. By providing value to others and showing that genuinely care, you will naturally receive as well.
My 3 Words for Today! 11th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 11th November 2021
Today's words are:
The only constant in life is change- nothing stays the same; people, circumstances and situations change and evolve and our role in life is to continually adopt. (or be left behind)
Wednesday, 10 November 2021
Super-Women: Superhero Therapy for Women Battling Depression, Anxiety and Trauma
Wow this book is so good for anyone who has survived trauma or is living with anxiety and depression. It is a totally unique approach to embracing your journey and tapping into your own inner super- woman. If you have a distorted sense of who you are after years of abuse this book will certainly help you feel empowered and proud of the strength you have. I will certainly be buying this book for all the other superwomen in my life so that they too see how amazing they are. Thank you Janina Scarlet for writing this book I absolutely love it.
My 3 Words for Today! 10th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 10th November 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded that, although we know how important it is to rest and relax, it is also very easy to forget in the busy-ness of life....but, When you do, the benefits of feeling recharged are many!!
Tuesday, 9 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 9th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 9th November 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded of the importance of taking time on to reflect; to recognize the progress you've made, the achievements and the way that you've handled set backs. It's all part of your growth!
Monday, 8 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 8th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 8th November 2021
Today's words are:
Rhonda Byrne reminds me to we The Law of Attraction to create. What I want for my life; top always act with and feel love for people, circumstances and every and to correct with and follow my bliss, to receive all I want in
Friday, 5 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 5th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 5th November 2021
Today's words are:
Today I remember my 3 guiding principles for living a fulfilled and purpose life.
Gratitude-for all I have and
Growth- for all I want to create
Love-is how I show up in the world and attract those things.
Thursday, 4 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 4th November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 4th November 2021
Today's words are:
Your ability to achieve what you want in life depends on your willingness to commit!
Without commitment, you will not succeed, With commitment, life will make things happen for you!
Wednesday, 3 November 2021
Create Magic: A little sprinkle of inspiration Paperback – 12 Nov. 2018
My 3 Words for Today! 3rd November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 3rd November 2021
Allowing yourself to trust your gut allows you to be open to guiding messages that lead you to where you want to go have the courage to lead with your heart, instead of your head and follow your invitation.
Tuesday, 2 November 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 2nd November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 2nd November 2021
Today's words are:
I share my story to help and remind others to know that fulfillment and a life lived with purpose are created through self-identity, self-care and self-development
(and to remind myself too)
Monday, 1 November 2021
One year ago today my life changed FOREVER!
One year ago today my life changed FOREVER!
(and that's no exaggeration!)
And, today is a TRIPLE CELEBRATION !!!
Today is the 1 year anniversary of me leaving behind my corporate career and becoming entirely self-employed!
I had been running my own business alongside my day job for a few years but, on this date last year, I officially no longer had a job!
After spending over 20 years doing employed jobs in the corporate world, to say it felt weird would be a huge understatement.
Over the following few months I found myself experiencing a whole range of emotions - some expected, some entirely unexpected.
The overarching feeling was one of feeling empowered!
I’d been planning for this - dreaming of this - for several years and I’d finally made it my reality!
Has it been easy?
Er, no!
Do I regret it?
Definitely not!
Would I change it?
Absolutely not!!
Was it worth it?
Hell yes!
I won’t lie - it has been a year of highs and lows!
I’ve battled self-doubt, fear and anxiety!
I’ve also had some huge wins and moments of immense pride!
I’ve persevered!
I’ve been determined!
I’ve been patient!
I’ve stuck with it!
I’ve never lost sight of my dream and my vision!
It’s been hard - really tough at times - but I’ve kept going…..
I’m creating the future I want, and that keeps me going, through the highs and the lows!
So, today I’m celebrating!
And, there’s lots to celebrate
Today, 1st November 2021, the anniversary of my becoming entirely self-employed sees me launch 3 major new aspects to my business
To see these become a reality is amazing and I am filled with pride;
Today I launch my very own podcast!
Made, with love, for other mums just like me - my ‘Kickass Coaching For Mums’ podcast is live and available to the world.
This is a platform for my voice and my message - a message I care deeply about.
If you’d like to listen, share it, or support in any other way - you can find the link to listen in the comments.
Today, I launch my Eat. Sleep. Mum. Repeat. Website!
The brand behind my podcast and the place where I share who I am, what I do and why I do it.
Please feel free to take a look - again the link is in the comments.
And, today I start to create my ‘Inspired Mums Movement’!
The first campaign for my Eat. Sleep. Mum. Repeat. Brand and I couldn’t be more excited.
This will see me launching workshops for other mums and women in business who want to learn to empower themselves just as I have done.
There will be more to come on this in the next few months and I’m excited to share it with you.
There are so many people I want to thank who have supported me and encouraged me on my journey so far. Too many to name but I’ll try my best;
Firstly, to Ben, my husband who has never stopped believing in me (and who has kept earning the money to support our family while I was busy working on my dreams). I am so grateful for your belief in me.
To Gareth, my coach for the last 12 months - I simply wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for his incredible help and encouragement. He’s maintained belief in me even when I haven’t.
To Lloyd, my virtual assistant, who has been a rock, helping me build my business in the background and implement all my ideas with me.
To James, my podcast editor and publisher, to whom I am so grateful for your help in making this dream a reality.
To all my podcast guests, for your belief in my message and for sharing my vision for the creation of the podcast.
To all my customers and clients who have put their faith in me and allowed me to support them in their lives and businesses, especially my marketing coaching clients and students.
To all my friends for whom I have been ‘missing in action’ over the last 12-18 months as I focussed on building my dreams. It means a lot to know that you’re still there supporting me even though I haven’t been around much.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! You will never know how much it all means.
2022 promises to be absolutely EPIC as I continue to grow my Eat. Sleep. Mum. Repeat. Brand, share my message and support others through my Inspired Mums Movement and my Marketing Coaching.
With gratitude, always, and immense pride, Karolyn
My 3 Words for Today! 1st November 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 1st November 2021
Today's words are:
Self-belief can be created, no matter whether others have shown a belief in you. Work as creating belief daily-doubt will creep in, and that's on, but you don't have to stay there-actively return to creating belief.
My 3 Words Today! July 1st, 2022 Today's words are:
My 3 Words Today! July 1st, 2022 Today's words are: EVERYTHING IS ENERGY Today I enjoyed a conversation with a lovely lady who i...

This book is awesome. Small yet powerfully loaded . I couldn’t keep it to myself and had to recommend to all my group ladies- almost 45 l...
By Susan Leigh | Submitted On March 27, 2014 For many of us taking good care of our health means being registered with a local family docto...