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Wednesday, 30 June 2021

My 3 Words for Today! 30th June 2021 Today's words are:

  My 3 Words for Today! 30th June 2021     

 Today's words are:




Les Brown reminds me that we must practice to get better and we must get better to get the results we want and that we must also be patient in practicing and striving for the results!

It's Not Over Video Of Les Brown - Motivational Guru just by being himself

The Secret

 Best book you'll ever read. A couple of pages in and I thought what absolute twaddle. I am now living my life by The Secret !!

Get it now!

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

My 3 Words for Today! 29th June 2021 Today's words are:

  My 3 Words for Today! 29th June 2021     

 Today's words are:




Ever day I am learning to , and get better at, trusting the universe has my back, and believe that I am exactly where I need to be, as well as developing the patience to know that I am getting there, one day at a time,


Monday, 28 June 2021

Why Haven't You Achieved Your Goals (And How You Could Achieve Them)

 By Tze Yang Low | Submitted On July 19, 2018

We're now in second half of 2018, and I'm sure that most of us here have set our sights on our new goals for this year. However, for some people, setting goals could prove to be an overwhelming task. Many others set goals and then forget about it until the next year. And then there's some who don't even bother setting any for themselves. I believe that goals are important to our lives; hence, I will first highlight the importance of setting goals. Then, I will share to you some tips which you could use to set effective goals. The Importance of Setting Goals Why is setting goals important? Setting goals is fundamental to one's long-term success because it is like our very own life roadmap. Goals bring us to where we want to be in the future just like how a roadmap brings us from point A to point B. Think about it, if we do not have any goals, chances are we do not know what we want in life. It's like getting lost in the woods, without any direction to follow. SMART Goal System As mentioned earlier, many people set goals for themselves, but how many of these goals are actually realized?

 Many people still have goals which they set 10 years ago! I will share with you how to set goals effectively via the SMART goal system. Why SMART goal? By setting SMART goals, you're actually making your roadmap to your destinations shorter and easier. Setting SMART goals simply means the goals you set must satisfy the following SMART criteria: Specific - Your goal must be as specific as possible. It must not be vague. Here's some questions to guide you to set a specific goal: What do I want to achieve? Why is achieving this goal important for me? Who do I want to become? When do I want to achieve it? Where is the location? 6/28/2021 Why Haven't You Achieved Your Goals (And How You Could Achieve Them) 2/2 Measurable - You must be able to measure the progress of your goal. It has to be quantifiable. For example, if my goal is to be a millionaire, I'll know that I'm halfway there when I have $500,000, and I have achieved my goal when I have $1,000,000. Attainable - The keyword for this component is 'resources'. An attainable goal simply means you can achieve that using the resources (time, money, energy) that you have which allow you to stay committed to achieving this goal. Realistic - Try to set a goal which is neither too challenging nor too easy. 

It has to make you feel excited and challenged at the same time. It is good to set challenging goals for yourself, but if it's too a challenging goal, you might be discouraged and give up after some time. Likewise, a very easy goal might make you lose interest, and you don't feel much fulfilled achieving that goal. A simple tip to do this is to break down your primary goal into smaller milestones. Achieving these milestones is not as overwhelming as having to achieve the big goal in one shot. Once you achieve one milestone, you will feel more motivated and fired up to achieve the next milestones. Timely - Many people set wonderful goals for themselves, but they often miss this out - the time component. It is important to set a time frame or deadline for your goal. I cannot stress enough the importance of setting a time frame for each of your goals.

 Without a time frame, there is no sense of urgency and you might delay your efforts to achieve that goal. "Oh, I'll do it later. Next week. Next month." Some people even forget about it! This is why many people still dream of the same thing for the past 10 years! The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step Take Massive Action That's the SMART system for you. Now is the time to take some action. Start by identifying the goals and then write it down in a big piece of paper, and place it at somewhere near to you so you could read it all the time. Remember, nothing gets done unless you take action, because the bridge between dreams and reality is ACTION!! This article is also available at To learn how to set effective goals and increase your cashflow, go to Article Source: 


My 3 Words for Today! 28th June 2021 Today's words are:

  My 3 Words for Today! 28th June 2021   

   Today's words are:




The common theme that under one's any success I learn about is that no-one becomes successful on their own. They surround themselves with a team, who are engaged with the same core values, collaborate and collectively move to their next level.

Friday, 25 June 2021

My 3 Words for Today! 25th June 2021 Today's words are:

  My 3 Words for Today! 25th June 2021   

   Today's words are:




Yesterday provide a great and timely reminder about the importance of defining my core values, both personal and professional, and using them each day as a guide to my decisions, actions, behaviors and direction.

How The Comfort Zone Is RUINING Your Life! | Gabby Bernstein

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Training Your Focus - Enhance Your Reality

 By Dragos Roua | Submitted On October 09, 2009

How is your focus? Do you find it easy to concentrate for longer chunks of time or are you easily distracted? Do you enjoy doing the same thing at the same focus level over and over again, or are you easily bored? I used to think that focus is a function of pleasure: I can concentrate on this because I like it. I do some stuff better than other because I like it. While loving what you do can keep your concentration high, at least in the beginning, maintaining a constant, high focus is not a function of pleasure at all. It's a function of will. Focus can be trained. It can be enhanced, it can be shaped the way you want. It can serve you well, if you treat it well. In today's post I'll share some of my observations regarding focus and how one can work this tool the same way you work your muscles in your daily workout. Detach From Pleasure To like something is a great "do" igniter. It really puts you on the road. Starting something you don't like is usually slower and less energizing. But after the initial thrill, even if you do like what you're doing, keeping yourself in the flow requires a lot of effort. Your focus will start to weaken.

 The best way to ensure a constant flow of focus is to detach from pleasure. To treat every single task emotionally equal. Might sounds "robotish" and totally not fun, but in fact it's just a way to trick your focus into a better approaching method. If you're constantly doing only things you like, your focus will develop a sort of addiction. It will unconsciously start looking for nice stuff, and will ignore difficult, or boring things. It will not discard it and put it aside for later, the boring stuff will simply disappear from the radar. You'll end up as a hedonistic prisoner of "only nice stuff, please". Detaching from pleasure doesn't mean you will refrain from enjoying what you're doing. Detaching from pleasure means you'll start doing things regardless of their niceness level. You'll just do them. Detaching from pleasure means you're also detaching from boredom. If you can observe yourself doing stuff, pleasure and boredom are just choices. You're doing that thing anyway, so you can chose how you feel about it. Assess Results Whenever you keep your focus on something for longer chunks, take your time to assess results every once in a while. Take your time to see how were you at the beginning of the task and how are you now. Especially in difficult tasks, assessing results is a great focus enhancer. It does this by progress showing. If you're caught in solving a longer problem, you might forget where you started. You start circling and stumbling. You get caught in a pattern of "I'm getting nowhere with this" and your focus will start weaken. The hedonistic part of you will ask for something nice to hang on, and you'll step away form the problem and go grab a cookie, for instance. 6/21/2021 Training Your Focus - Enhance Your Reality 2/3 If after the cookie your focus will be higher, it would be great, but your focus is usually thinner. You didn't assess any results, you just tried to escape a difficult task. 

Your focus will want again to the cookie. Assessing results is easy, is a matter of saying: "I started this journey 15 minutes ago, and I'm doing ok, regardless of the fact I've done only one single step. I'm ok. I'm on it.". Your focus will be forced to stay there until you solve the problem. You assessed your position, you acknowledged the fact that you're making progress. This works regardless of the focus time span. You can assess results of a 15 minutes cooking session, or of a 5 years goal. Maintaining your focus is equally important in both. One More Second I took this habit from my fitness session. Whenever I do pushups or abs, I establish some goal, let's say 50 abs. When I'm close to 49, I stretch myself out and go over 50, usually 51, or 52. I do the this all the time. The goal is clear but I always try to stay in there for one more second. I also did this in business. Whenever I was close to finish a project, I did something extra, a feature or an addition of some kind. It was not in the specs from the beginning but I felt the need to put it there. Staying "one more second" in a project, in a workout, or in a relationship is a fantastic focus enhancer. I always know that I can do more abs after that second and I always know that my project will be a success, after that last feature. I am in there, I know it, I stay focused. "One more second" is also good for assessing wrong paths. Even if you feel it's wrong, take one more second to assess that and let your focus decide. If it's a bad relationship, stay one more second in it and make sure it's really bad for you. Next time, your focus will warn you from the beginning, and you won't have to go through tough times again. Balance Your Senses Your focus is channeling the reality by using your senses. Each person have a specific distribution of these senses in their focus. Some are visual, some are functioning well by really touching stuff, some are reacting better to voices. Your senses are the gates and your focus is the gate opener. Focus likes diversity. If you're a visual guy, try using some sounds in the next working session. Put some music on, tap the table from time to time. If you're doing something related to sounds (you're a musician for instance, or working on a movie soundtrack) try to balance this by using some new lights around you. Change your seat, light a candle. It will instantly make you focus better. Your focus will always appreciate a new balance in your senses. It's not about boredom, we talked about that already.

 What you're doing is sending a complementary signal that will make your focus trying to recompose the big picture. And that will keep it on the current task. Your Focus Is Your Reality Ok, I cheated a bit. I started with all those tips about focus enhancement and kept the focus definition aside. And I did this for a reason. I strongly believe that your focus is in fact your reality. You cannot experience something outside your focus. Everything you do is driven by focus, it's like a handle to keep and master your environment. It's the only way you actively experience your life: whenever you're not focused, you're drifting away, whenever you're focused you're sailing. Let's make a short experiment now. Take a look at the wall in front of you. Yes, like right now. Take a look, I said, don't cheat. :-) After several seconds come back here and read on. Where was your focus while you looked at the wall? Outside this blog post, of course, what a silly question. But where was the blog post during this period? You'll answer that it was there, right in front of you, waiting for your to get back. It was in your mind. But I will say this blog post was completely outside your reality. 

You might have think it was there, but it was on a virtual space and time. Your real space and time was filled with the wall. You were focused on the wall, and the wall took precedence of everything else in your life, including your thoughts. You might have think you were thinking at the post, but instead you were focused on the wall. Everything in your life works like this. You might think you're doing something, but your real focus is somewhere else. You think you're happy, but instead of real happiness, your focus is in useless, shallow thoughts. You give to your thinking mind the benefit of reality, instead to give this to your focus. You might spend your entire life thinking you're doing just fine, but your focus will be on a wall. You'll be in fact experiencing a wall, not a happy life. 6/21/2021 Training Your Focus - Enhance Your Reality 3/3 This is why training your focus is far more than a productivity technique. At a certain level, focus mastering is a magical endeavor, is an esoteric, almost secret art. The one who masters his focus will master his own world. Are you with me here? Or are your drifting away? I am a citizen of the world, known by the name Dragos Roua. I'm on a never-ending trip in which I discover, experience, share, seek and create many wonderful worlds. You wanna join me? Learn how I completely changed my thoughts and created my own millionaire mindset.

 Article Source: © 2021 EzineArticles 

The Greatest Salesman in the World Scrolls 1 to 10

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

My 3 Words for Today! 24th June 2021 Today's words are:

  My 3 Words for Today! 24th June 2021 

     Today's words are:




Today I remind myself that I will make time each day to visualise where I am going-to 'see' myself already there-and, in doing so, manifest those achievement into my life and make my vision a reality.

My 3 Words for Today! 23rd June 2021 Today's words are:

  My 3 Words for Today! 23rd June 2021 

     Today's words are:




Today I remind myself that the only constant is change and so I will trust, in myself and the universe, that I am exactly where I need to be right now as my own personal journey.

4 Stages to Greatness: Self-Awareness Is the Key to Help You Audible Logo Audible Audiobook – Original recording

 This is a great book.

Get it now!

Dreams - The Recipe For Making Them Reality | Dave Blanchard | Og Mandino

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

My 3 Words for Today! 22nd June 2021 Today's words are:

  My 3 Words for Today! 22nd June 2021    

  Today's words are:




How will I make some that I will continue to make time in my diary to invest in my future, So I can give time and thought to my vision for it, and keep in touch with, and as a track for, achieving the life of my dreams.


Monday, 21 June 2021

How to Gain Real, Permanent Confidence in Just Five Minutes Using Easy NLP Techniques

By Pete Casale | Submitted On April 19, 2010

Confidence is one of those things that can help in every aspect of your life, and can be gained or strengthed quite easily using NLP. Confidence gained by way of NLP is just as powerful as confidence gained through experience. Once this is understood, and you master the ability to gain confidence through NLP, it becomes a snowballing juggernaut of positivity. Confidence is a relatively simple psychological tool that provides great power, so why is it so hard for most people to achieve? In my opinion, most of the blame can be put on the fact that all humans spend the first dozen years of their life actively attacking the confidence of all around them. Some people stop this in their teens, others do this their whole lives. This is because of the flawed human instinct that you can gain confidence yourself by destroying the confidence of others. Luckily, this particular flaw we can turn around to work for us. How confidence works Confidence works as a self-fueling cycle, either for the positive or for the negative. That is why once your confidence is damaged, it can be difficult to send it back on the right path. For graphic diagrams on the brain's processing of confidence, please see the full article on our site (link is at the bottom of this page)

 How to gain confidence using NLP Here is a script I've written that can show you how to gain confidence using NLP. You can adapt this script to suit your own purpose. Step one - Do not hold confidence in awe! If you hold the notion of confidence in awe or fear, you are telling yourself that it is a powerful thing that will be difficult to get. Confidence is just a tiny little emotional loop happening in your brain's limbic system. That is all confidence is! Believe it or not, you have complete power over your confidence right now and at all times. Step two - Picture confidence as a golden aura around you Imagine a very, extremely confident person who is doing something very confident, such as talking to some strangers at a party. Watch his body language, gestures, language patterns and facial expressions. Picture the confidence as a golden aura around him. Step three - Feel how it is to be 100% confident in a known setting Place that same aura around yourself, and enjoy that same confident feeling. Harness it. While you are doing this, you must set an NLP Anchor - I suggest pressing your left thumbnail into your left index finger in a pulsing motion. Picture yourself in a setting during which you would feel confident - such as doing something you've very good at, perhaps a hobby or recreational activity. Step four - Feel how it is to be 100% confident in an unknown setting Take the feeling of confidence and keep it flowing as you put yourself in a new, imaginary setting. 

Picture yourself in a scene which you would normally not be very confident, such as talking to a large group or to strangers at a party. Continue to imagine you have the golden confident aura around yourself. 6/21/2021 How to Gain Real, Permanent Confidence in Just Five Minutes Using Easy NLP Techniques,-Permanent-Confidence-in-Just-Five-Minutes-Using-Easy-NLP-Techniques&id=4133903 2/2 Step five - Take a snapshot of yourself in the confident world What you've just done is imagined yourself being yourself and feeling very confident. You now have a memory of yourself in a very confident state. Even though it is imagined, your unconscious mind cannot tell the difference between an imagined memory and a real memory. Reinforce this, and the anchor. Step six - Use the anchor Now go use it! Use your anchor and let all the feelings of confidence come flooding in. If it isn't working very well, then go back to step one and repeat everything. Once you get the hang of this, you'll truly understand that confidence is a tiny little loop in your mind that you can switch on at will. The logic is undeniable: 

1. By feeling more confident, you appear more confident 

2. By appearing more confident, people react to you in a positive way

 3. When people react to you in a positive way, it reinforces your confidence 

4. (Go to step 1) For a more detailed version of this article, including graphic diagrams, see Pete Casale is the writer and founder of - a free website guide to NLP and how it can significantly improve your life. Pete spends his time scientifically explaining the NLP techniques that work and debunking the others.

 Article Source: 

My 3 Words for Today! 21st June 2021 Today's words are:


 My 3 Words for Today! 21st June 2021   

   Today's words are:




How will I craft my evening routine to help me switch off from the day and bring calm to my mind and body, to create the right state or a restful night's sleep.

You Can't Innovate The Market Without Listening to it First | GaryVee Au...

Friday, 18 June 2021

My 3 Words for Today! 18th June 2021 Today's words are:

  My 3 Words for Today! 18th June 2021 

    Today's words are:




How will I introduce moments of calm into my day, where I allow myself to just be still and to become mindful of how I'm thinking and feeling so I can actively change that if necessary.

Full Episode: “Intuition, Power and Grace” (Ep. 303) | SuperSoul Sunday ...

Thursday, 17 June 2021

The Rich Gets Richer

By Azizi Ali | Submitted On May 29, 2012

We all heard the saying. "Is it true? Do the rich actually get richer?" Yes, of course! I'm here to confirm that it's true. What you have long heard and believed is indeed true - the rich gets richer. And if you don't believe it, I have this to say - some things are true whether you believe it or not! And deep down inside, a lot of people resent the fact. They resent it because they believed that the rich are hoarding all the wealth. They believed that the rich are taking it all and grabbing everything in sight, leaving peanuts for the rest. Wrong track! The rich are not hoarding the wealth. Even if they wanted to (which they are certainly not), they could not. This is because new wealth is being created every day. Furthermore, there's plenty for everyone. Money is one commodity that this world will never run short of. So you can take as much as you want because there's plenty left for other people. As to why the rich gets richer, the answers are obvious. Firstly, they know what to do to become rich. 

They know what actions to take, what words to say, who to hire, etc., etc. In other words, they have the formula of becoming rich. This helps tremendously. If you know the recipe for anything, then your job immediately become a lot easier! Next, they spend their time and effort to work the rich formula. They just concentrate on the formula and don't waste time doing other things. This makes sense of course. If you want to become rich, why waste time doing things that does not build wealth or make you rich? Thirdly, the rich believe in themselves. They know they are good money managers. They have proven themselves worthy to manage money, even lots of money. So they have no problems to take on the challenge of handling even more money. And although they may not have all the answers, they know that they have what it takes to overcome any problems that arise. Next, they pay people for their time and effort. Whenever they require a service, they hire experts; often time the best in the field.

 This means that the rich gets quality work, which promotes more money to come in their front door. Lastly but certainly not least, the rich are paid for the result and not for their time. As time is limited, the rich hates to be paid for their time. So they changed the rule - they get paid for the result that they bring. Because they are good at what they do, they bring great results which translate into lots and lots of money into their bank account! 6/14/2021 The Rich Gets Richer 2/2 Poor people on the other hand are missing practically all of the above. Firstly, they do not have the rich formula. They don't know what to do to build wealth. As a result, they run around in circles trying to discover the formula. While a few eventually discover the formula, most will remain in the rat race for the rest of their lives. Next, and related to the above, the poor spend too much time and effort on unproductive things. 

They want to become rich but they are doing things that will not make them rich. For example, watching too much TV has never made anyone rich. The poor also concentrate on the negatives. Every time there is an opportunity to make money, the poor will first look at the negatives. "Too risky." "I do not have enough capital." "It's too difficult." "It takes too long." Finally, the poor wants to be paid based on their time and effort. An honest day pay for an honest day work kind-of-thing. The problem with getting paid for your time is that your income will be limited as your time is limited. There is a cap or a ceiling to your income. And that gets in the way of becoming rich. So yes, the rich gets richer. That much is true. However, the sentence is not complete. The poor can also become rich - if they are willing to do what it takes to become rich. There's plenty for everyone. All they need to do reach out and take their share. Azizi Ali is Malaysia's premier writer, speaker and coach on money matters. He is a Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) and holds an MBA from University of Bath, UK. Log on to to find out more about Azizi and how he can help you lead happier prosperous lives. 

Article Source: 

My 3 Words for Today! 17th June 2021 Today's words are:

  My 3 Words for Today! 17th June 2021 

    Today's words are:




I am making the time to stop and focus on my body, in all it's wonder, to develop a fuller appreciation for it's form, it's power and it's all around awesomeness. This appreciation helps me more into my heart space!🤎

How to be a miracle worker: Gabrielle Bernstein at TEDxFiDiWomen

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

My 3 Words for Today! 16th June 2021 Today's words are:

  My 3 Words for Today! 16th June 2021 

    Today's words are:




I am taking the opportunity of the light morning's during the summer months to get outside in nature to get time for myself, create headspace and give myself time to think.

Here I find the answers I want.

The SECRET to Manifesting, Success & Building Relationships | DeVon Fran...

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

What to Say When You Talk to Your Self [ Yourself ] Paperback – 2 Oct. 1991

 Astounding information. I have given this book to a dozen friends. It is truly life changing. Read and learn and get better at whatever you want.

Get it now!

My 3 Words for Today! 15th June 2021 Today's words are:

  My 3 Words for Today! 15th June 2021 

    Today's words are:




Inspired by Tony Robbins' UPW!

How will I continue to take inspiration from others, to maintain clarity about my message so that I continue as path to fulfill my purpose. 

How I got out of $800k of debt | What the Mel Episode 10 | Mel Robbins

Monday, 14 June 2021

Rich Mind Rich Man, Poor Mind Poor Man

 By Jay Onwukwe | Submitted On December 30, 2009

"Finally brethren,... whatsoever things are true,... honest,... just,... pure,... lovely,... of good report,... think on these things." Philippians 4:8. The real difference between the rich and the poor is their MINDS. Your mental and emotional disposition affects all facets of your life including your health, wealth and happiness. A positive mental attitude goes a long way in helping you reach great financial altitudes. This is because a positive mental approach to life frees your mind from destructive negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, anger, regret, self-pity, revenge, hatred, envy, and greed. Whenever you entertain any of these negative emotions, you waste a lot of mental and emotional energy which is better channelled towards the attainment of worthy and desirable goals. Negative thoughts and emotions must not be allowed any space, no matter how small, in your mind. 

For speedy progress on the path to wealth and success, your thoughts, your feelings, your words, your actions and reactions must all be positive, always. Positive mental attitude suffuses your consciousness with positive emotions such as love, peace, harmony, happiness, gratitude, prosperity and positive expectation. When positive mental attitude becomes your way of life, you easily and naturally exude a genuinely infectious self-confidence, with a warm and pleasing personality that makes being with you a desirable experience. And when influential people desire your company, the doors of opportunity become wide open for you. When you live in positive mental attitude, you naturally develop that positive approach to life that successful people are known for: you think positive, dress positive, talk positive, and act positive. You walk tall, chest out and face up. You live in perpetual positive expectancy and you achieve great results. Instead of dwelling on thoughts of lack and poverty, fill your mind with thoughts of abundance and prosperity. Instead of sickness and poor health, think wholeness and vitality. Instead of defeat and failure, think success and accomplishment. Instead of impossibility, think possibility. Begin right now to live in positive mental attitude. Instead of being pessimistic, be optimistic and confident. Instead of worry and uncertainty, fill your mind with hope and positive expectations. Replace the emotion of fear and the mentality of self-doubt with a burning desire and absolute faith in your ability to succeed. 

A basic difference between the rich and the poor, between the successful and the unsuccessful, between the lucky and the unlucky, is their mindset or mental attitude. Our mental attitude determines how we react to situations and opportunities that come our way. Generally, the rich habitually manifest rich mental attitude while the poor habitually manifest poor mental attitude, even though most of the time, unconsciously. 6/14/2021 Rich Mind Rich Man, Poor Mind Poor Man,-Poor-Mind-Poor-Man&id=3483347 2/3 To illustrate, imagine two human Minds. A rich Mind and a poor Mind. Both standing side by side on the roadside as a glittering brand new car zooms past. They both gaze at the car in admiration and watch it disappear round the bend corner. The poor Mind depressingly shrugs his shoulders, shakes his head from side to side and whispers to himself: "I can't have that", "I can't afford that", "Such is not for me". His poor mindset and line of thought automatically foreclose any search for options and possibilities from within; effectively shutting down the mental, spiritual and emotional capabilities of his Mind to generate solutions to his desires, problems and needs. On the other hand, the rich Mind gets positively excited, moves his head up and down, and thoughtfully whispers to himself: "I'll certainly go for that!" "How can I afford that?" "How can I achieve that?" His rich mindset and possibility attitude automatically stimulate and activate the mental processes required to generate ideas and examine possibilities for achieving his goals; thus effectively mobilising all his mental, spiritual and emotional energies towards the successful realization of set goals, targets and objectives. 

With that background illustration, let us now take a quick tour to explore the differences between the workings of the rich Mind and the workings of the poor Mind. The rich mind thinks possibilities. The poor mind thinks impossibilities. The rich mind asks, "How can it be done?" The poor mind believes, "It can't be done." The rich mind asks, "How can I get that?" The poor mind intones, "You can't have that!" The rich mind asks, "What do I have that I can use?" The poor mind declares, "I don't have what it takes!" The rich mind sees the beautiful rose flowers amongst the thorns. The poor mind sees dangerous rose thorns amongst the flowers. The rich mind looks out from the prison window and sees the stars. The poor mind looks out from the prison window and sees the mud. The rich mind sees opportunities everywhere and goes after them. The poor mind sees risks everywhere and runs away from them. The poor mind sees Goliath and thinks: He's so big I can't kill him. The rich mind sees Goliath and thinks: He's so big I can't miss him! What the poor mind sees as an obstacle, The rich mind sees as a stepping-stone. The rich mind sees half glass of water as half full, and is joyful. The poor mind sees half glass of water as half empty, and is sad. Rich minds make the best out of the way things turn out. Poor minds make excuses out of the way things turn out. Rich minds give results. Poor minds give reasons. The rich mind thinks prosperity and abundance. The poor mind thinks lack and limitations. The rich mind gives freely with confidence, fully aware of his eternal link to unlimited supply. The poor mind gives hesitantly, lest he be left with less than enough for himself. Rich minds know life is fun and must be lived to the fullest. Poor minds believe life is hard and full of difficulties. Poor minds think poverty is a virtue! Rich minds know poverty is a curse! 

Rich minds passionately WANT money, and do something about it. Poor minds only WISH they had money, but do nothing about it. Rich minds have purpose. Poor minds have wishes. Poor minds revere money, and make it their master. Rich minds value money, but make it their slave. Poor minds work for money. Rich minds send money to work. Poor minds wait to get lucky. Rich minds work to get lucky. While rich minds focus on creating additional sources of income to meet their growing needs and wants, poor minds focus on surviving through continual self-denial and cutting back on their needs and wants. 6/14/2021 Rich Mind Rich Man, Poor Mind Poor Man,-Poor-Mind-Poor-Man&id=3483347 3/3 In conclusion, there is a positive and a negative perspective to every situation in life. When faced with exactly the same situation, some of us see more of the positive side while some of us see more of the negative side. Some of us are generally optimistic about life while some are generally pessimistic about life. This is because of our predominant mental attitude: Rich Mind or Poor Mind. And that determines our actions and reactions. What we perceive of any situation is a function of our mindset or attitude to life and living, which has been developed over the long period since childhood. It is an inside thing. Our outer world is only a reflection of our inner world. So, what is your mental attitude? What colour is your mindset? 

Is it positive or negative, optimistic or pessimistic, rich or poor? Whatever it is, just know that Your Mind is your World, and you can take control of it right now, to create a new earthly destiny of your choice! A positive mental attitude is a powerful habit-force that propels you towards your goals in life. By the law of mental causation in action, you must attract into your life the ideas, people, and resources necessary to bring to fruition your most dominant thoughts, whether they be good or bad, positive or negative, rich or poor. You must therefore cultivate positive thought patterns that produce desirable results in your life experiences. You can achieve this by developing a positive mental attitude. Never allow any negative emotions such as fear, anger, anxiety, lack, greed, hatred, jealousy and revenge to occupy any space in your mind. 

The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your Life! Your mental attitude determines your earthly experience. Yes, your attitude determines your altitude. Rich thoughts, rich Life: poor thoughts, poor Life. As you live your life in positive mental attitude, as you habitually project rich and positive thought-forms into the universe, you inevitably attract similar thought currents back to yourself; and you now see your world from an exciting new perspective that puts you firmly in control on the path to a happier, healthier and richer you. An excerpt from the book: The WEALTH SECRETS You Must Know BEFORE40 by Jay Onwukwe. Why not begin your journey to Wealth$Wisdom and all the Powers that come with it, right Now! Get-RICH-Secrets! Jay Onwukwe is author "The WEALTH SECRETS You Must Know Before40" available at Amazon. 

Article Source: © 2021 EzineArticles All Rights Reserved Worldwide

The Path To FINANCIAL FREEDOM - Gary Vaynerchuk | Motivational Talk

My 3 Words for Today! 14th June 2021 Today's words are:

 My 3 Words for Today! 14th June 2021 

    Today's words are:




Live with curiosity life is full of unlimited possibilities but you must be open and receptive to them.

Friday, 11 June 2021


My 3 Words for Today! 11th June 2021 Today's words are:


 My 3 Words for Today! 11th June 2021 

    Today's words are:




When you commit, there are only two outcomes;

- Results what you achieved

- Reasons excuses why you didn't achieve.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Embrace Change to Succeed

 By Alain Burrese | Submitted On July 22, 2010

You must be prepared for change, or you will not succeed. You must not only be prepared for change, but you must embrace it. Change is inevitable. Everything is in a constant flux of change: technology, economies, businesses, our personal lives and everything else you can think of. You can either choose to accept and go with it, reaping benefits from it; or you can resist it and potentially be drug down, passed up, or swept away by it. Spencer Johnson, M.D. wrote a simple parable that revealed truths regarding change with his book "Who Moved My Cheese?" The book became a #1 International Bestseller with more than 10 million copies in print, illustrating the importance dealing with change is to people. The story involves characters faced with unexpected change and how they deal with it. It is a story about change that takes place in a maze, where four characters, two mice and two little people look for cheese. Cheese is a metaphor representing what people want in life, and the maze represents where you spend time looking for what you want. One of the characters deals with the change successfully and writes what he learned on the maze walls. These simple truths from "Who Moved My Cheese" will help you deal with and adapt to change

• Change Happens 

• Anticipate Change

 • Monitor Change 

• Adapt to Change Quickly

 • Change

 • Enjoy Change

 • Be Ready to Quickly Change Again and Again 

If a business is not changing, it will not keep up and be successful. In today's times, more than ever, change is not only inevitable but necessary. You must be able to roll with the punches. Or, like a Drill Sergeant I had in the army used to say, "I can roll left, I can roll right, or I can low crawl right up the middle." The person who can adjust to change quickly will be more successful. Leaders cannot afford to resist change. In fact, true leaders are the ones initiating change. Those that resist will not make it to the pinnacle of their organization, let alone success. Some people never change, and they pay a price for it. They get passed by for promotions, eaten up by competitors, and then feel like victims while blaming others. When the market changes, you must update your corporate vision and identify the changes that will get you ahead, or keep you there if you hold that position. 6/7/2021 Embrace Change to Succeed 2/2 One of the difficult questions a leader or manager must ask is, "at what point in change and growth does management have to change its characteristics, its structure, its behavior?" Leaders are faced with preparing for change so they are ready, without overloading the organization with functions and complexities it does not require and cannot afford. The answers are not easy.

 The reason so many people resist change is because adapting can be difficult. The keys, as written on the walls in "Who Moved My Cheese," consist of realizing change happens, preparing and anticipating it, adapting to change quickly, changing as needed and enjoying change rather than resisting it. And of course, being ready to quickly change again and again. Change can lead you to a new and better place, even when you are afraid of it initially. Most of us can look back at a significant change in our life that we dreaded or we were afraid of. At the time, we may have thought nothing could be worse: We would never get through it. Now, looking back, we realize without the change we would have missed out on many wonderful opportunities that developed and can not even imagine what life would have been like without the change. Do not fear change, and do not hide from it. It is inevitable, so embrace it, create it, make things better. Do not settle for the status quo. Make things happen for positive change and growth. Invent a new and improved way. 

Change is progress, and in business change can mean big dollars. For certain, dealing with change is necessary for any success, so embrace it! Alain Burrese, J.D. is a performance and personal development expert who teaches how to live, take action, and get things done through the Warrior's Edge. Alain combines his military, martial art, and Asian experiences with his business, law, and conflict resolution education into a powerful way of living with balance, honor, and integrity. He teaches how to use the Warrior's Edge to Take Action and Achieve Remarkable Results. Alain is the author of Hard-Won Wisdom From The School Of Hard Knocks, the DVDs Hapkido Hoshinsul, Streetfighting Essentials, Hapkido Cane, the Lock On Joint Locking series, and numerous articles and reviews. You can read more articles and reviews and see clips of his DVDs as well as much more at and Article Source: 

4 Secrets for Improving Self-Confidence

 By Phillip Ramphisa | Submitted On April 29, 2016

This article shares 4 secrets to improving self-confidence. Most people tend to focus on specific areas when they try to improve self-confidence such as improving the way that they speak or give presentations in business meetings. This is important but it is not the priority to focus on when trying to improve self-confidence. Below I break down the 4 secrets to self-confidence. 

1. Improve your emotional fitness and mental state Self-confidence is about emotional fitness. Most of what we experience around the area of self-confidence gets influenced more by emotions. Just think about what you go through when you feel that you have poor self-confidence. Most likely you feel anxious, doubtful, fearful and uncertain. At times you might even feel like you will embarrass yourself in a public place or a meeting. It is not always that we are not skillful, able or talented. Most of the time it is our feelings that get in a way and cause us to be fearful. Feelings of uncertainty and inadequacy are also associated with low self-confidence. Fear of Rejection, failure, embarrassment. All of these things are influenced by our emotions and mental state than anything else. It is not uncommon to have someone who is capable being afraid to do something due to fear of failure, rejection and embarrassment. The journey to becoming self-confident therefore starts with improving your emotional fitness and conditioning yourself to have a mind that supports you instead of a mindset that works against you. When you feel that you have poor self-confidence it is very tempting to focus on the specific area where you want to improve self-confidence such as speaking or your ability to present in meetings. This is essential but it is more of the end than the beginning. To really improve self-confidence you need to first improve your emotional fitness and mental strength before focusing on the specific area that you want to improve. Doing this sets you up more for success than if you improve your skill set without dealing with inner issues. Improving emotional fitness and your mindset before improving your specific skill set will help you create more lasting change. Let me give you an example of how what I am talking about right now works using marathon runners as an example. An amateur runner cut corners when it comes to stretching. He or she might feel like it is a waste of time spending 15 minutes stretching and warming up before the run and get tempted get started with the exercise or marathon right away. This in the short-term might look like a good decision because 15 minutes of stretching and warm up is saved as running starts immediately. It is a grave mistake when considering the long-term perspective because the amateur runner might get injured from not stretching and suffer a long prolonged period without exercising and competing due to injury. Professional runners know that stretching and warm-up before the marathon is as important as the marathon itself and therefore spend time before running to stretch and warm up, knowing it will benefit them. Improving self-confidence sometimes works the same way. Before trying to improve self-confidence on the specific area of your life whether this is about singing or cooking or speaking well you need to spend time improving your emotional fitness 5/31/2021 4 Secrets for Improving Self-Confidence 2/2 and mindset. Because self-confidence is more about emotional strength and mindset. When you take care of your emotional fitness a priority, your journey to improve self-confidence becomes much more easier. From doing this you will gain the same benefit that the long distance runner gets from spending 15 minutes stretching before he starts running. You will be able to create lasting change in your life. What is even more exciting is that we the right level of emotional fitness you will be able to bounce back should you make mistakes or something crushes your ego as you are trying to improve your self-confidence. One person said that self-confidence is not about walking into the room and have everybody get excited to see you. It is about walking into the room knowing that if nobody accepts you or if you make a mistake and embarrass yourself you will be OK and have the ability to get up and dust yourself up without being too miserable. To get to this level of self-confidence takes emotional fitness. So first focus on emotional fitness to improve your self-confidence.

 2. Improve mastery Even though emotional fitness is the first priority to improve self-confidence, I would like you to note that no one is confident doing something that they feel they are not skillful in doing. You might feel comfortable speaking in public and maybe enjoy it, when you get asked to sing and dance in public a different story might unravel. Unless you are extremely multi-talented you might feel timid, nervous and hesitant. This is because doing one specific thing well does not make one a master in everything. It is important to practice and improve your mastery level to improve self-confidence. After you have conditioned yourself emotionally and mentally identify what it is that you would like to do well and improve your selfconfidence doing. Maybe you would like to feel less anxious in social situations or to speak. Whatever it is that you want to improve your self-confidence on, identify it and spend time mastering the skills to develop it. This will help you improve your self-confidence. As you learn and try to improve you might take some time to master the skills that you want to improve well. If you have developed the right emotional strength and mental strength you will find yourself recovering well after setbacks and getting encouraged until you improve your self-confidence.

 3. Improve self-esteem When trying to improve self-confidence, having low self-esteem can sometimes work against your efforts. No matter how good you become at doing something if you do not accept yourself and see yourself in a positive light you might always find ways to criticize yourself and second guess yourself. Having a healthy self-esteem is therefore extremely important for improving self-confidence. Improving your self-esteem will help you easily develop self-confidence in the specific areas of your life and be able to enjoy any success that you create as the result of improved self-confidence. 

4. Train your self-confidence Self-confidence is like a muscle. The more you teach yourself to be self-confident in challenging situations, the more you get better. Self-confident people aren't vastly different from anyone else. They have just learn to manage their feelings in the face of pressure or adversity. One of the best ways to improve self-confidence is to act despite fear and anxiety. The best way to learn to act despite fear and anxiety is to act despite fear and anxiety. Doing this will train your self-confidence. One person said that those that are successful do experience fear, they just learn to act despite fear. Whatever it is that you fear begin practicing conquering it. If you have social anxiety and are afraid to meet people in social situations playfully start meeting people and push yourself to act despite your anxiety. If you fear speaking up during meetings start pushing yourself and say a few words in the next meeting that you have. Feel the anxiety as it tries to stop you but act anyway. Many people who face challenging situations and pressure including athletes, sky divers and even entrepreneurs learn to act despite anxiety. Do the same thing that they do in your life, it will help you. Remember, you have all that it takes within you to succeed. To live to your true potential, you need to believe in yourself and your abilities. Most people overlook self-confidence when trying to succeed. They are not even aware of how poor self-confidence affects them on a subconscious level. Poor selfconfidence has the potential to cause pain and failure. I would like to encourage you to move to a place of higher selfconfidence in your life. Visit my website and learn how to move to an area of higher self-confidence

 Article Source: 


My 3 Words for Today! 10th June 2021 Today's words are:


 My 3 Words for Today! 10th June 2021 

    Today's words are:




There is no such thing as TRY

You either DO or you 


Wednesday, 9 June 2021

This ONE SECRET Will Let You Manifest ABUNDANCE TODAY! | Gabby Bernstein

My 3 Words for Today! 9th June 2021 Today's words are:


 My 3 Words for Today! 9th June 2021 

    Today's words are:




The lesson from Les Brown

The key to self-fulfillment is to be goal-oriented so that you work towards whatever success looks like to you

and help or teach our children to be goal-oriented too.

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (and Your Children Will Be Glad That You Did): THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER Paperback – 31 Dec. 2020 by Philippa Perry (Author)

 I thought this book was superb but more than that, after about ten minutes I felt it was already changing my behaviour! My friend who recommended it said the same.

Perry lays out her methods and thoughts very gently, with lots of good examples from real life, little case studies; but it’s the insights which really help. Looking at WHY we lose our rag about certain trigger bits of parenting - going back to our own childhoods and looking at why - OH MY GOD. Brilliant.

Why You NEED TO STOP Being A PEOPLE PLEASER Today! | Terry Cole & Gabby ...

My 3 Words for Today! 8th June 2021 Today's words are:


 My 3 Words for Today! 8th June 2021 

    Today's words are:




Les Brown- 4 steps to greatness

Choose - results, nor reasons why nor

Choose-achievements, nor excuses

Choose- Solutions, nor blame

Monday, 7 June 2021

Change Is Good: I'll Go First!

 By Lisa Montanaro | Submitted On June 13, 2012

The only constant thing in our lives is change. However, few people like -- much less love -- changing. There are many famous quotes about change, all conveying the same general message: that change is inevitable and scary, but good. Any time we make a change in life, whether we initiated that change or it was forced upon us, we have a choice to make: to embrace it, or fight it. But what about the process that's involved in making that choice? The change process can be extremely difficult so here are some ideas to help you through it. Change is not only common in our lives, it is an overriding theme in nature. Witness the seasons, tides, sun setting and rising, life cycle of plants, etc. Heck, our own aging process is proof positive of constant change. But change is not easy to manage. For starters, the hyper pace of life these days doesn't leave much time for us to process change anymore. However, the biggest factors that make us resist change are self-imposed. We spend a lot of time "thinking" about upcoming or imminent changes, but not actively planning or managing them. We also suffer from complacency as we get caught up in our "same old" routines and structures. We sometimes do this because of the fear of the unknown. Yet other times, we resist change because of a lack of trust or low confidence as to whether we will be able to effectively manage the change. I have had several major transitions so far in my life. One was my career transition of leaving the practice of law to become an entrepreneur. I've also moved 4 times in the last 15 years. And I am about to embark on yet another major change as my husband and I relocate clear across the country from New York to California, which will include the expansion of my business and furthering of his education and career. Thinking back to all of the major transitions I have gone through, for each one, I had mixed feelings, which can be characterized as bittersweet. On one hand, I was excited about what was on the horizon and eager to explore the new adventure, but on the other hand, I was fearful and anxious about walking away from what I was leaving. Invariably, with every change or transition, huge opportunities, successes and unexpected blessings awaited me as soon as I embraced the change. The process that I experienced while deciding to embrace the change is a psychological one and is the typical path that people take when embarking on a change of any kind. You've probably heard of the stages of grief that are experienced when we suffer the loss of a loved one. And while that is an extreme example of change, it does serve as a powerful lesson for dealing with change of all kinds. First, you experience shock, accompanied by denial. This is when you feel like a victim, experience change as something happening to you and out of your control. Second, you experience fear; most people internalize this emotion. Generally, this stage is when a person will be withdrawn and quiet as they go through the fear of the unknown in their mind. In the next 6/7/2021 Change Is Good: I'll Go First!!&id=7118841 2/2 stage, people often externalize their emotions and express anger and frustration, accompanied by strong resistance and bargaining. The last stage is acceptance. Ah... this is when you accept the change and are at peace with it. This is also when good change managers move into action mode. Take a step back and scrutinize your relationship to change. Here are some tips to help guide you. 

Plan for the Change 

Preparing and planning for change in a proactive manner is the most critical step to change management. Focus on what you are doing in an honest manner. Each person's specific change management issues are unique. Take into consideration your strengths and weaknesses, personality style, and preferences.

 Stay Positive 

Change often starts with a new beginning, but it also includes an ending - with letting go of old attitudes and behaviors. Transition is a difficult process for anyone, but some people deal with it better than others. Focus on what you could gain, instead of what you could lose. Think of the transition as running towards something (the new change) as opposed to running away from something (the thing you are leaving behind or changing from). Rewards may await you on the other side.

 Let Go 

Make room for change in your work and life. Don't hold on so tightly to what is safe that you strangle your openness and willingness to change. Stop holding onto the illusion that just because something is familiar, it is good. Indeed, change could lead to something better! Are you one step ahead of change, or at least keeping up with it? Remember, change is inevitable. You may as well invite it in for a visit and make friends with it! Lisa Montanaro is a Productivity Consultant, Success Coach, Business Strategist, Speaker and Author who helps people live successful and passionate lives, and enjoy productive and profitable businesses. To receive her free Toolkit, Achieve Powerhouse Success with Purpose, Passion & Productivity, visit Lisa is the author of several books, including DECIDE to be Organized: An Empowering Process for Change. Through her work, Lisa helps people deal with the issues that block personal and professional change and growth. To explore how Lisa can help you be purposeful, passionate and productive, contact Lisa at (530) 564-4181 or by e-mail at 

Article Source: © 2021 EzineArticles All Rights Reserved Worldwid

These 3 Steps DESTROY NEGATIVITY & Unlock Your POSITIVE ENERGY! | Gabby ...

My 3 Words for Today! 7th June 2021 Today's words are:


 My 3 Words for Today! 7th June 2021 

    Today's words are:




Les Brown- The 4 steps to greatness.

The first step is self-awareness we must know who and where we are. Then we must actively work as self-approval, to believe that we deserve to achieve and can release the greatness within us.

Friday, 4 June 2021

What if I don't have dreams? | #WHATtheMEL Episode 7

My 3 Words for Today! 4th June 2021 Today's words are:

   My 3 Words for Today! 4th June 2021 

    Today's words are:




Today I learned about the importance of connecting with the energy of trust; that I am exactly where I nedd to be, and to value my worth, instead of letting others de-value my worth.

Thursday, 3 June 2021

My 3 Words for Today! 3rd June 2021 Today's words are:

   My 3 Words for Today! 3rd June 2021     

Today's words are:




How will I continue to work on replacing self-doubt with self-belief so that I focus on what I want to achieve, not on what I think I lack, in order to keep moving towards and into my greatness.

Recharge Your Mind | 30 Minutes of Wisdom for the 2021 | Mel Robbins

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff: Simple ways to Keep the Little Things from Overtaking Your Life: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life Paperback – 5 Feb. 1998 by Richard Carlson

 Super speedy delivery, great condition.

Good easy read with lots of make sense tips for being a happier person and not dwelling on trivial silly things. Would also recommend the book called...stop thinking start living... by the same author. I am reading these due to massive anxiety and panic attacks, they have defiantly helping to put things into a bit more perspective.

If You're Not Doing Even ONE of the 5 Things in This Video You're Hurtin...

Focus on The WORK! Stop Wasting Time on Dumb Things - Gary Vaynerchuk | ...

My 3 Words for Today! 2nd June 2021 Today's words are:

   My 3 Words for Today! 2nd June 2021    

 Today's words are:




How will I remind myself that having courage in nor the absence of fear, but of acting in spite of that fear, and that being fearless doesn't mean an absence of fear but also in actively choosing to be "fearless"" (have less fear!)

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

How To Not Give a F*ck What Others Think and Still Be Nice About It | Ra...

My 3 Words for Today! 1st June 2021 Today's words are:

   My 3 Words for Today! 1st June 2021   

  Today's words are:




Learning from Mel Robbins:

Give yourself what you need by telling yourself what you need to heard that quiet that inner bully by talking back to them(and giving them a name); and use the power of possible thinking to be your own cheerleader.

My 3 Words Today! July 1st, 2022 Today's words are:

 My 3 Words Today! July 1st, 2022        Today's words are: EVERYTHING IS ENERGY Today I enjoyed a conversation with a lovely lady who i...