By Dr. Robert Henry Schwenk | Submitted On December 13, 2011
At the beginning, you must understand that you can change your mind. You can literally rewire your mind so that what you want is readily apparent to you. When you realize that you can change your mind, then you can change your life. Pete had made an appointment to meet with me a week before. He arrived in his usual disheveled manner. Pete was a very organized guy except when it came to his appearance. To look at him it would seem that he never had a clue. But when you got to know him, you discovered he was a sharp as a tack. We exchanged the usual pleasantries. Then I asked, "What's up, Pete?" "Um, I want to feel happy, Dr. Bob. But I can't," he said. As gently as I could I said, "What do you mean, you can't?" "The more I try, the worse it seems to get." If you looked at Pete's tousled appearance you might assume that he was stating the obvious. He looked as if he could not organize a table setting, let alone organize his mind. Don't get me wrong here. Pete was an amazing person other than the state of his clothing. The importance of dressing neatly just wasn't important to him. "But Pete, you are so very organized in almost everything else you do.
You are a successful business man, here in the local economy. From what everyone can see, your family is healthy and happy." Pete said, "All that is true, Dr. Bob. But appearances can be deceiving. Yes, my business goes very well. Added two more employees just last week. Family life is well. Oldest girl graduates from high school this coming June. But I cannot get my mind to accept these and also to let me be happy." There it was - the clue. Pete had just said he could not get his mind to accept and let him be happy. Something was blocking his way to happiness. "What's it like when you try to meditate and make connection with The All There Is?" I asked. 1/31/2021 What Does Your Mind Culture Say About Your Meaning and Happiness? 2/2 "I have a good connection with the Cosmic Consciousness, I think. But almost immediately after a meditation session, I begin to hear ideas in my mind. The ideas, before you ask," he said with a smile, "say to me that I don't deserve happiness." This kind of problem is much more common than you might think. Many people have great difficulty in allowing themselves to be happy. "All right, let's find out where you acquired this blockage to happiness. Where do you think these ideas against happiness come from?" I asked. "I have thought about that," said Pete. "I can remember my grandmother, who lived with us all the time I was growing up, until my junior year in high school, when she went to a nursing home, saying over and over again, no one deserves happiness. She would say you have to earn happiness." "And you feel that you haven't done enough to have earned happiness?" I asked Pete. "No. I can never seem to convince myself that I have earned it yet." "Well, there you have it. Your brain is literally wired with that idea your grandmother gave you. And no one in the family ever argued with her about it. Did they?" "No, they didn't. What are you getting at, Dr. Bob?" "Just this. Happiness is not earned. It is a given.
When you make deep and lasting connection with The Source of All There Is, you find total acceptance. In that total acceptance is meaning and happiness. "But your grandmother taught you that you have to earn happiness. What you have, in effect, is a brain-culture that you were always fighting against. Never winning. The culture said that you have to earn happiness. You believed it. You believe it still." "How do I get out of that mind-culture?" Pete asked. "First, you become aware of it. You just have. Then, second, you work over time to change the culture of your mind. You rewire, through repetition, your mind. "How long will it take? I don't know. I know it is different for each person. I know also that it can be done. You believe it can be done and it will be. Your mind will change." "How do I rewire my mind?" "Affirmation after affirmation. Like - Happiness is a given by The Source of All There Is. Or, I deserve happiness because The Source of All There Is has given it to me. Or something else that you devise." "That simple, Dr. Bob?" "Yes, that simple. But the effort may take a while. You have to commit to it." Pete said, "I want to be happy.
I want my mind-culture to change. I'll work at it." We made an appointment for six months later, with the idea that if he needed it, Pete could, of course, come visit with me at any appointed time. Six months later Pete was visibly changed. No, he was still his disheveled self. But his face had changed. He declared he had a different mind-culture now. If you are not as happy as you wish to be, look inside to see if there is some culture of belief or attitude that keeps you from being as happy as you wish to be. If so, change it. You can do it. Start now. I invite you better understand how much you deserve by buying my book You Deserve To... But it now. Kindle Version: Article Source:
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