Thursday, 25 February 2021
The Secrets of Success Apply to Any Goal, Pursuit, Or Dream
By Matthew Toone | Submitted On January 16, 2010
Before applying the secrets of success, one must understand what they are. This article is not focused on actually outlining and explaining in detail what the secrets of success are - its purpose is to demonstrate how they are applicable to any of our goals, pursuits, and dreams in life. Below I have listed the secrets of success: - Put God & Family First - Desire Success - Dream Big, Think Big, & Think Differently - Believe in Yourself & Believe Your Dreams Are Possible - Eliminate the Voices of Fear & Doubt... Continually - Completely Commit & Be Totally Determined - Establish an Organized Plan & Goals - Take Action Now & Work Hard - Learn From & Get Up After Failures - Persist Always & Never Quit These principles are the requirements, attributes, and actions necessary in order to accomplish success in life.
They apply to any situation, and to every individual! However, learning about and understanding these secrets is relatively simple; the difficulty is implementing them. And yet, when they are understood and applied, they literally are the formula to accomplish any of our goals, pursuits, or dreams. Below I have listed several goals, situations, and pursuits from various categories and areas of life that are applicable to everyone. As you will see, your potential and success in any endeavor is determined by you alone. The realization of your 2/21/2021 The Secrets of Success Apply to Any Goal, Pursuit, Or Dream,-Pursuit,-Or-Dream&id=3589026 2/3 goals is not solely determined by circumstance or location, ability or knowledge, money or family heritage, others, or even race or gender. The secrets of success are attributes and actions that can be learned and implemented by everyone and are applicable to any goal or pursuit; thus, you literally can become and accomplish anything in life - it is up to you!
1) Eat Healthy & Exercise: How much longer will we as a culture continue to believe that the latest diet, surgery, gym membership, or pill is the solution to our poor nutritional choices and lack of exercise routine? Eating healthy and exercising regularly is and always has been the answer, and all the other fake substitutes are no more then a temporary solution to a lazy habit. The reality is that the secrets of success are actually the formula for losing weight and staying in shape. For example, if one truly desires to lose weight and believes it is possible (and believes in themselves), they will commit and do whatever action and effort necessary to accomplish their goal. Will it be hard? Of course. But the committed individual doesn't set a goal and stick to it for a week, they stick to it forever! Will fear, doubts, criticisms, and possible failures occur? Always. But the individual who persists and does not quit in their daily healthy eating habits and exercising routine - whether it takes two months or two years - they will succeed!
2) Career Growth: Advancement within a job, company, or career is based much more upon the secrets of success than it is the traditional route our culture commonly and mistakenly believes. For example, how often have you personally been guilty of thinking that your potential and advancement is determined by networking or connections, the perfect opportunity at the right time, a better prepared resume, unethical practices in order to get recognized, becoming 'buds' with the boss, advanced degrees or certificates earned, or even years on the job? Each of these certainly is important and has its place (excluding the unethical practices); however, what people often fail to realize is that these situations are secondary to one's desire, belief, and work ethic.
3) Academic Pursuits: First of all, never fall victim to the fallacy that your GPA, major or emphasis studied, standardized test scores, name of the institution attended, or even the degrees you earned (or did not earn) somehow dictate or determine your potential. If the accomplishment of any goal is based upon these foundational principles that entail the secrets of success, then certainly developing the ability to read, write, study, memorize, retain, present, test well, and intellectually and academically excel must be based upon the same foundational success principles.
4) Spiritual Development: Do not ignorantly assume that these principles apply only to matters of physical or temporal conditions. In order to develop character, pray effectively, worship meaningfully, endure faithfully, and progress spiritually - we absolutely must apply these same principles. Scripturally, belief is faith, action is works, and persistence is enduring to the end.
5) Entrepreneurial Ventures: Often what holds people back from taking risks is not necessarily fear - it is the excuse that they do not have the time, knowledge, or money to pursue their goal or dream. Anybody who is truly desirous for and committed to accomplishing their goal will make time, obtain the necessary knowledge, and will realize that acquiring wealth does not always require having money initially. Successful entrepreneurs are not born with increased talent or brains, they succeed because they are willing to take risks, they learn from and persist after failures, the overcome the voices of fear and doubt in their mind, they take daily action and they never quit.
6) Social Abilities: If these principles apply to anything, then why would they not apply to even the development and improvement of our social abilities? Thus, the ability to make friends can be developed, the fear of public speaking can be overcome, relationships that have been ruined can be fixed, a lack of self esteem can be improved, feeling comfortable in social settings can be learned, interacting with and approaching others can be done confidently, and a deficiency in verbal and non-verbal communication skills can be mastered. Will developing these abilities be hard? Extremely. Will it take time to learn, improve, and change? Of course. Is it possible? Absolutely!
7) Quitting Addictions & Habits: Are you addicted to drugs, alcohol, pornography, tobacco, video games, etc? Do you have any bad habits that you are desirous to be rid of, or even trying to break currently? Don't get me wrong, the various addiction recovery groups, cigarette patches, community programs, and self-help books are extremely helpful; but by themselves, they can not produce the necessary change unless they are combined with an individual's strong desire, belief that it is possible, faith in oneself, daily action, overcoming doubts, and persisting and never quitting until the goal has been accomplished.
8) Financial Management & Wealth Accumulation: Decide now to forever rid yourself of excuses. Your poor financial situation is not the result of family upbringing, lack of education, high interest rates, dishonest brokers or companies, or inability to access funds. Most likely it is the result of terrible budgeting, an inability to save, a lack of discipline to go without, poor judgment in determining needs vs. wants, and a lack of effort to change your situation. In addition, your financial future is not determined by an accountant, 401(k) account, the stock market, rich uncle, wise broker, or success on the job. You determine and create your potential - and wealth! The ability to develop financial discipline is more important than budgets or accounting software. Your potential to become wealthy is based upon desire, belief, and work ethic - not an industry, company, or position. Your own drive and initiative is of far greater value than the advice given by a greedy broker. Your financial situation and future is created and determined by you, and is enhanced by applying the very secrets of success! 2/21/2021 The Secrets of Success Apply to Any Goal, Pursuit, Or Dream,-Pursuit,-Or-Dream&id=3589026 3/3
9) Overcoming Challenges: Hospitals are filled, pharmacies are stocked, bookstores are loaded, clinics are full, stores are overflowing, and websites are abundant with information and products that supposedly have the solution to every problem we encounter in life. Whether it is dealing with depression, sickness or injury, disability, lack of self-esteem, marriage or relationship problems, loneliness, minority set-backs, financial hardships, or even stress - the solution always seems to be in some new product, pill, book, program, doctor's advice, or latest research. Don't get me wrong, each of these institutions and sources provide tremendous value and certainly have their place; but they fail to educate and provide their consumers with the necessary knowledge, attributes, and actions required to overcome any of the aforementioned challenges we all face. The ability to control one's thoughts is just as important as the pill used to cure depression. The ability to think big is far more liberating and empowering to one with a disability than any wheelchair or crutch. Dealing with stress or a lack of self-esteem requires belief and consistent action - much more than popping a pill. And the list could go on and on. Is it not obvious that the secrets of success apply even to the ability to deal with and overcome the challenges of life?
Above are listed only 9 examples of the hundreds of situations, pursuits, and goals we each face and have in our lives. The reality is that the secrets of success apply to any situation and pursuit in life - whether it is breaking the chains of poverty, to becoming a professional athlete, to developing a talent, to learning how to sing or play an instrument, to dealing with death or difficulties - these foundational elements that form the secrets of success are the necessary attributes and actions required to accomplish any of our goals, pursuits, challenges, and dreams in life. And they apply to everyone, to every situation, and to every goal! Matt is the founder of [] - a website focused on inspiring people to achieve their goals and dreams, live up to their full potential, and learn the secrets for success in anything. As a successful entrepreneur, Matt recently accomplished one of his dreams - to write a book! His book is entitled: "Great Games! 175 Games & Activities for Families, Groups, & Children." To view the book and learn more, visit: []
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Tuesday, 23 February 2021
Monday, 22 February 2021
Organizing a Persuasive Talk Using a Five Part Formula
By Carl Huffman | Submitted On March 09, 2011
We learned in Speech 101 that a talk has three parts; an opening, body, and close. Specifically; "tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, and tell them what you told them." In order for a speech to be truly effective you need these three and two more. Part one of our five-part formula is the opening statement. This is not the customary "Good morning I'm here to..." but rather it needs to be a "grabber," something that alerts the audience that they need to sit up and take notice. An audience will decide whether to listen or not in the first thirty seconds of your opening, so you need to say something to get their attention right away. There are a few options to accomplish this affect. You can start with a startling statistic, or a picture - either real or imaginary, or a dramatic question.
The dramatic question is one of the easiest to use. To do this, review your talk and decide what is the most important benefit to your audience, then turn that into a question. Now that you have their attention, the second step is the introduction - Tell them what you are going to tell them." This is a necessary step so your audience will know just how you are going to deliver what you just promised them in your opening statement. If you fail to "tell them," they will be wondering and not listening. An audience is most attentive when they know just where the talk is going. Part three is the body- "Tell them." Here there are a few rules that need to be followed in order for a talk to be effective and get the desired results. First, observe parsimony - less is more this means only five main points and no more in the body. The audience will not try to remember any more than that, and any more will be overwhelming.
Pick the five best points for the particular group then consider how much support is needed to be convincing. Again, less is more here so consider statistics, testimonials, or the best alternative is examples. We have passed on our knowledge from generation to generation by using stories, so using examples or stories is most convincing. If you can show your audience your premise is true by a success story, then it will become real for them. The key here is in the detail and it needs to be from your own experience or one you have personal knowledge of the event. To be effective, the example or story needs to come from the heart not just the mouth. Now the next critical area is the placement of the points in your body. There are two schools of thought here; one, lead with your best point, and second save your best point until the last for a climatic close.
The current wisdom is always lead with your best point. After all, you have just given them a dramatic promise in your "grabber opening," so you need to give your best point to keep up the momentum, then take each point in succession. If you support each point with sufficient detail, and point out the benefits, then they will "stand on their own." This also gives a logical flow to the talk which is easy for them to follow. Now comes part four; namely "telling them what you told them." There is no surprise here just the straight forward approach is all that is needed. The purpose here is for retention. To accomplish this merely state each of your points but do it by paraphrasing not just verbatim. Finally, part five is the critical end to your talk. This is what they will remember the most so it needs to be the crescendo and leave your audience with a positive feeling.
This will be your action close telling your audience what they must do to get the benefits you have promised them in the body of the talk. The best way to accomplish this is to answer the question you raised in your grabber opening. Your closing statement should be as dramatic as your opening showing your enthusiasm for your plan or premise. One final note here; do not close with a "thank you," as this can be a distraction and appear as condescending. Instead you want to be exuberant and excited about your talk and a good action close will achieve that. The logic of the "five-part formula" in preparing a speech, cannot be understated. If you follow this plan, you will find your audience to be more receptive and you will get the desired results. For more insight into this topic you can reach Carl at 2/21/2021 Organizing a Persuasive Talk Using a Five Part Formula 2/2
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Sunday, 21 February 2021
Thursday, 18 February 2021
Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Be A Warrior Not A Worrier
By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales | Submitted On January 07, 2021
Be a warrior by awakening with the undoubtable conviction that you are completely prepared to traverse whatever is tossed at you. Gesture unquestionably to yourself. Try to conquer difficulties and never allow them to break you. Tomorrow is the point at which you'll set your best speculation in motion. So you need to have complete rest today. Flourish at the opportunity to begin once more. Perceive that being thumped back a couple of steps is the opportunity to modify more. Do better. Re-discover your fervor and the enthusiasm. Question every possibility. Question everything. Why it didn't that work?
How you can improve? Discover the ways by which you can progress. Get everyone excited and join them for the reason. Rouse them to up their own games. Convey nobody. Fortify your most vulnerable connections and cut your misfortunes. Disregard the news. Disregard assessment and judgment. Focus on being positive. When you are a worrier what may occur, you become anxious. You project negativity onto the future, erroneously accepting that whatever is turning out badly now will be around until the end of time. Be a worrier by securing everything, tight, and trusting that this all will blow over. Stress such a huge amount over doing some unacceptable thing that rather you don't do anything.
Stress that a more promising time to come doesn't lie ahead and acknowledge that things are dreadful and most likely consistently will be. Similarly, when you are a worrier, you lose all feeling of worth, or underestimate what you do. Settle for what is most convenient option and persuade yourself that you're fortunate to have anything. Allow your concern to prompt an outlook of shortage, where you are persuaded there will never be sufficient to go around. Your musings shape your activities and your mentality. In the event that you wind up trapped in concern based pointless idea designs, wake up before they shape your current second and your future presence. Life is loaded up with little stressors that can cut us down. These come in all shapes and sizes, going from work and school to loved ones, however they can be totally anything. At times, the pressure comes at us from all points at the same time, which begins to get somewhat overpowering.
A lot of worries comes from things that are so out of control, it's truly not worth investing a lot of energy considering them. Focusing before a prospective employee meet-up bodes well since you need to rehearse and get ready, however investing energy pushing a short time later is an exercise in futility. Think positive and realize that what will be will be. Rather than stressing, think about the expected results. Some of the time what's in your mind is more awful than the truth. Not landing that position or getting your heartbroken can seem like the apocalypse, however contemplating the potential results will help them feel more reasonable. However, the world continues turning, and there are various roads to investigate. 2/15/2021 Be A Warrior Not A Worrier 2/2 Permitting the negatives and the stressors to burn-through you is an unacceptable quality of life. You become a worrier instead of a warrior.
Getting a grit on whatever you're experiencing will prompt you a more joyful and more profitable life, since you allowed yourself to focus on the positives. So, being a warrior makes you more confident and fearless. Whatever happens, you always have the option to manage it. Remember, a warrior wins, a worrier grovels. We need to have more confidence to conquer whatever life toss at us.
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Tuesday, 16 February 2021
Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway: How to Turn Your Fear and Indecision into Confidence and Action Paperback – 4 Jan. 2007
Quite simply, one of the best books on ‘self help’ you can buy, and I’m trying not to exaggerate. If you have ever felt dependent on someone else for your happiness - a hole in your life by their loss, in death or through walking away - have wondered why you feel a certain negative way, don’t understand how some people are more ‘whole’ in their life than you are in yours, how people are more confident than others, how people get more done than others, how people are intrinsically more joyful than others despite their condition - and I reckon I’m appealing to a lot of need to read this book. This explores and teaches in a highly practical way, the truths of life and of motivation, of how to use yourself to your own advantage and how by changing your mindset you can change your entire world and make it precisely how you want. This needs to be read by all.
Monday, 15 February 2021
Sunday, 14 February 2021
Let Your Past Make You Better Not Bitter
By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales | Submitted On January 07, 2021
The issue with bitterness is that it keeps you as a prisoner. It controls you, how you see the world and people around you. It denies you the capacity to trust and it denies you the occasion to encounter profound closeness with others. Bitterness keeps you self-centered, rather than affection-centered. Harping on your past, clutching it however not managing it, stuffing it down somewhere inside, that is the thing that prompts harshness. We as a whole have a set of experiences. A few of us have seen a difficult history, and a few of us have seen the correct history. Nonetheless, we should emerge from before.
The best thing that you can do is to embrace the here and now. It is the most ideal approach to create your future. Through numerous occurrences of settling on some unacceptable choice and learning the most difficult way possible, I've discovered that occasionally in those agonizing circumstances it's simpler to acknowledge what is. Nobody can change the past, regardless of the amount you scorn a person or thing; that disdain can't transform anything.
Nonetheless, your disposition about the future can permit you to acknowledge the past. So there is something I'd prefer to state to the ones from an earlier time. Life is short, too short to ever be passing up conceivable outcomes. Life is likewise sweet. Appreciate the inspiration that the world brings; disdain and cynicism simply lead to obscurity. We can comprehend that your past hurts but never allow it to the point of making you bitter. Yet, don't let your set of experiences to assume responsibility for your current life. Or something bad might happen, there is a likelihood that it will demolish your future. But when you realize that your past is worth learning for, you become better.
However, in the event that you grieve over your past, nobody can assist you with getting the ideal accomplishment throughout everyday life. Indeed, one thing you can do is to make your past the apparatus of your prosperity. Attempt to gain from your mistakes and apply your experience to develop your future. What's more, in the event that you can't do that, the best thing is to fail to remember your past and start new. Finally, don't let individuals' mistakes characterize how you see them and don't allow them to burn-through you.
Everyone has their devils, and everybody is simply looking for somebody whose evil presences play well with their own. Your previous experience shouldn't be the reason why you are bitter. You ought not give that significance to your past ingests all the energy from you; rather, use it to grow. Along these lines, attempt to utilize you experience to make you a better version of yourself. 2/15/2021 Let Your Past Make You Better Not Bitter 2/2
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Thursday, 11 February 2021
Wednesday, 10 February 2021
Personal Development and Secret Success - Tips to Self Growth
By Rad Gonzalez | Submitted On August 02, 2010
Pondering over live's challenges, stumbling blocks and which path to take to a better lifestyle, albeit, better health, relationships, finances, and/or state of mind holds many of us back from reaching our dreams and goals. The problem lays in many different factors that are driven by our personal circumstances in life. But, who ever said life was going to be fair and easy? The great thing is that we have choices in life that one can implement to change our lives for the better. Personal development and the secret of success have been practiced by many great achievers of history. Fortunately, we have been left with an abundance of tips on self development to help kickstart personal growth and push you to new levels of achievement and fulfillment. If you're someone who's interested in personal development and personal growth, you're probably always in search of effective strategies for stimulating growth. You're probably also looking for strategies which will ensure your personal improvement and help you achieve results beyond your imagination. I've studied personal achievement for many years and have found many tips that have helped me personally achieve success.
There are many beneficial "How to Success" resources, but my efforts have led me to provide the following tips as a way of giving back and help you achieve greater success in life. Daily Journaling Writing and documenting what is in your heart and mind is by far one of the best strategies to get what is in the subconscious to a physical written format. The great achievers of history, as you'll find were almost all avid writers (ex. Napoleon Hill). Keeping a daily journal helps you to clarify your thoughts and develop a sense of self-awareness which will give you the ability to reinvent yourself on a moment's notice and help you to develop unshakable self-confidence. Meditation Meditation is one of the most important methods used to help in many areas of your life. Meditation is the most effective means of reducing stress and clearing your mind from "junk thoughts" which lead to worry and anxiety. Think about this for a moment - how many times have you had to make an important decision and find yourself stuck with indecision. You have to chuckle at this - but this feeling is like having a whole family up in your head telling you what to do and what not to do... Daily meditation has many benefits to help with this problem of helping you come to clear and concise decisions. In addition, it also helps to slow your heart rate and regulate your digestion among dozens of other health benefits. It also makes your sleep more restful and helps your body to recover faster. Basically, the practice of meditation is the one thing which can make the other self improvement tips effective.
Expecting to Win You must be prepared for success. People who achieve great things in life aren't normally anymore intelligent or capable than the average person. I have been taught that these individuals do one thing different which many intelligent people have a hard time doing: they expect to win, even before they know how they're going to do it. 2/8/2021 Personal Development and Secret Success - Tips to Self Growth 2/2 Boldness and perseverance are keys to success. Having expectations doesn't require knowledge of how those expectations will be, and if you start from a foundation of bold expectancy, the rest is just a matter of perseverance. So please, never ever give up on yourself!!! Writing Goals and Plans of Actions The habit of writing down clear and specific goals and plans of action for achieving those goals is a must if you want to accomplish anything in life. This is because writing down your goals clarifies them and begins building an expectation in your mind. Also, having written plans gives you a specific set of actions to take each day to achieve your goals. Look at your goals everyday. Write them out everyday for reinforcement purposes. You must get into this practice as it will do wonders for you. Be Well Rounded The process of personal development must be holistic in nature. Every single area of your life affects every other area either directly or indirectly. If your relationships are out of order, it's going to affect your health and your financial life.
If your health is out of order it's going to effect your personal growth and make it more difficult for you to find the energy to achieve any of your goals. So no matter what you're trying to achieve, being well-rounded is the key to living a balanced life and for building the physical stamina, the emotional fortitude, the financial security and the social support system required in order to achieve great things. Positive Affirmations Positive affirmations have the power to change your inner dialogue which can literally change your personality, your character, your actions and your life. For best results, write one positive affirmation for each of the key areas of your life (health, relationships, finances and career) and make a commitment to rehearsing them out loud on a daily basis. This can be done in the shower, the car, the kitchen...anytime possible. Teach to Learn This is the most important of any of the personal improvement tips provided above. Teaching and guiding other people on the principles of personal growth and secret success, the clearer your understanding will be of them and the more effective you'll be able to make them in your own life.
Developing these simple skills is easy and can be implemented right now. So, turn off the TV, set yourself up with some "me time" and begin by writing a short paragraph about each of these simple self improvement tips. Write each one as if you were teaching the principles to someone else and your understanding of them will deepen. Much success! Thank you for reading this article and hope that it is of value to you. For further tips on free personal development and free e-books please go to: [] Tips and resources on home business please visit me at: [] To your success, Rad Gonzalez
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Tuesday, 9 February 2021
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse Hardcover – 10 Oct. 2019 by Charlie Mackesy (Author)
This is a beautiful book It was bought for me as an anniversary gift and I have read it today.. It is such a gentle book but with words that moved me so much. It is not a 'clever' book filled with trendy babble but filled with as a reviewer said kindness, love and friendship. I have felt quite fragile lately and this book filled me with hope.
Monday, 8 February 2021
Sunday, 7 February 2021
Mindset: A Summary
By Nancy Maina | Submitted On June 26, 2018
Dr. Carol S. Dweck was challenged by her student to write a book on the results of years of their research study. Dr. Carol S. Dweck rose to the occasion and has written this book, "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, and How we can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential" in the hope that it will help the ordinary human being understand that life is what you make it and not what was dealt to you at birth. She has written in simple language giving examples of ordinary real people like herself and her students, artists like Picasso, sportsmen like Michael Jordan, the basketball player and John McEnroe the tennis player, Marina Semyonova the great Russian dance instructor and CEOs of different companies to name a few. In the third paragraph of her introduction she writes, "... you'll learn how a simple belief about yourself... guides a large part of your life... In fact it permeates every part of your life... " Thus she draws the reader into the book, making the reader one of her real life examples as the reader finds himself or herself in these examples. Dr. Dweck introduces the two types of mindsets, the fixed mindset and the growth mindset in the first section of the book. She writes how she learned from ten year old kids that failure could be turned into a gift if you had the right mindset. By giving them hard puzzles to work on, the kids cultivated their intellectual skills through effort and did not give up.
These kids became her role models in her pursuit of whether human qualities are things that can be cultivated or are things curved in stone. Each person has a unique genetic endowment but experience, training, and personal effort take them the rest of the way. Dr. Dweck's twenty years of research has shown that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. She writes that, if you believe that your qualities and traits are curved in stone and cannot be changed then you have a fixed mindset. And if you believe that cherished qualities and traits can be developed and cultivated then you have a growth mindset. Fixed mindset people believe that an individual's intelligence, quality and traits are a fixed quantity which cannot be increased. If they are doing well in school then they are smarter than the others who are not doing well. If they do well in sports then they have talent dealt them at birth. They spend time to prove that they are better in the qualities dealt to them just to prove they were dealt a healthy dose and that they are not deficient. If something doesn't work for fixed mindset people they always blame it on something else. Growth mindset people work hard to do better always. They do not sit back and see their accomplishments as the final goal. In their minds there is always room for improvement. They have no time to sit and see themselves as the best or better than others. They have no time to sit and think that they have a special talent. They are busy thinking of how they can make it better and what changes they can make if something expected did not go right. To them if something doesn't go right it's not failure it is a challenge to find out ways to make it happen. In the second section of the book, Dr.Dweck, takes us through her research journey of fixed mindset and a journey of growth mindset through several sets of eyes. Showing how these two mindsets make or break people in their daily lives. In 2/8/2021 Mindset: A Summary 2/3 individual sports she gives an example of John McEnroe fixed mindset in tennis. He was a brilliant player who believed on talent not effort and working hard.
When he didn't win he blamed it on something else. Like when he blamed the system for not liking the game any more. He would not take responsibility. Micheal Jordan on the other hand has a growth mindset. If he missed a goal he would go and practice for several hours trying to figure out why he missed it In team sport the author gives an example of Couch John Wooden who was tactically and strategically average but went on to win ten national championships. Coach Wooden a growth mindset, tells us he was good at getting players to fill roles as part of a team. He cared about the feelings of the players. Fixed mindset like Coach Bobby Knight picked players for talent. He was an excellent coach but used the dictator approach to win. The winning were short lived and broke individuals' characters in the process. In corporate companies the author uses General Electric CEO, Jack Welch, as the fixed mindset who managed to humble himself to a growth mindset and as he grew in his mindset the company grew at the same time. Lee Iacocca whose fixed mind set is good to bring the company up to the top in a hurry but then you need to get rid of him before he breaks it. Ford motor company did just that and Lee Iacocca was not happy. Fixed mindsets leaders are more concerned with being heroes and put their ego before the welfare of the company. The author gives example of Enron as a company that broke in the hands fixed mindset high echelon smart people. Enron employed smart people with talent and paid the maximum price of closing the company. Enron is a good example of groupthink where executives get carried away with their brilliance and superiority and make catastrophic decisions. In love, these two mindsets can make or break a relationship. In her research, Dr. Dweck, found out that fixed mindsets feel judged and labeled by rejection in a break up.
They also chose revenge as a means to get at the person who hurt them. Growth mindsets chose to forgive, learn from it and move on. The author gives Hilary Clinton as an example who forgave her husband and went to canceling in order to save her relationship. Time and effort is needed to cultivate the emotional skills that are needed to keep a relationship. Dr. Dweck, ends this third section with the influence that parents', teachers' and coaches' mindsets have on children that are under their care. In her research she found out that children interpret the caregivers words of support and encouragement in a fixed mindset approach. This sets them up for failure. For example, "... You learned that so quickly! You are so smart... " is interpreted as "... If I don't learn something quickly, I'm not smart... " She explains that parents, teachers and coaches should refrain from giving praise that judges their intelligence or talent but praise them for the work that they put in. She goes on to say parents, teachers, and coaches need to give equal time and attention to the children regardless of their initial skills. The children will in turn give all and blossom. The author points out, "... As parents, teachers, and coaches we are entrusted with peoples' lives. They are our responsibility and our legacy... " In the fourth section of the book, Dr. Dweck, embarks on the most gratifying part of her work, watching people change. People are not conscious or aware of their beliefs. Dr Aaron Beck, a psychiatrist, discovered that he could teach them how to work with and change these beliefs. And cognitive therapy, one of the most effective therapies ever developed, was born. Dr Dweck, used workshops to probe the way people of fixed mindsets dealt with information they were receiving. She found that they put a strong evaluation on each piece of information. Something good led to a very strong positive label and something bad led to a very strong negative label. People with growth mindset are also constantly monitoring what's going on, but their internal monologue is not about judging themselves or others.
They are sensitive to positive and negative information, but they are attuned to it's implications for learning and constructive action. Dr. Dweck also had workshop for students. The workshops require a large staff to deliver the material. So the workshop material was put on interactive computer modules. The teachers guide their classes through the modules, and called it Braintology. These mindset workshops put students in charge of their brain. It is interesting to note how a simple characteristic like a mindset affects decision making in a wide spectrum of the population. A student in kindergarten, a CEO in billion dollar company, a surgeon at work in a hospital, a sportsman at practice and on the court, a chef at a high end hotel, selection of dance students and a sport team. College students drop classes or drop out of school due to having a fixed mindset. A growth mindset helps you learn to deal with anger, and deal with stereotypes in racial and gender discrimination. It's quite fascinating. Nancy Maina: Founder and Publisher of Ballroom Dancing Lovers weekly newsletter My Professor asked the students to write what they learned from this book. I would like to mention that these are my opinions of excerpts from the book. I share this summary y because this book changed the way I make decisions. Read more about about what you can do with a positive mindset here... Visit my website and see what the ballroom dancing community is bragging about.
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Thursday, 4 February 2021
Wednesday, 3 February 2021
What Does Your Mind Culture Say About Your Meaning and Happiness?
By Dr. Robert Henry Schwenk | Submitted On December 13, 2011
At the beginning, you must understand that you can change your mind. You can literally rewire your mind so that what you want is readily apparent to you. When you realize that you can change your mind, then you can change your life. Pete had made an appointment to meet with me a week before. He arrived in his usual disheveled manner. Pete was a very organized guy except when it came to his appearance. To look at him it would seem that he never had a clue. But when you got to know him, you discovered he was a sharp as a tack. We exchanged the usual pleasantries. Then I asked, "What's up, Pete?" "Um, I want to feel happy, Dr. Bob. But I can't," he said. As gently as I could I said, "What do you mean, you can't?" "The more I try, the worse it seems to get." If you looked at Pete's tousled appearance you might assume that he was stating the obvious. He looked as if he could not organize a table setting, let alone organize his mind. Don't get me wrong here. Pete was an amazing person other than the state of his clothing. The importance of dressing neatly just wasn't important to him. "But Pete, you are so very organized in almost everything else you do.
You are a successful business man, here in the local economy. From what everyone can see, your family is healthy and happy." Pete said, "All that is true, Dr. Bob. But appearances can be deceiving. Yes, my business goes very well. Added two more employees just last week. Family life is well. Oldest girl graduates from high school this coming June. But I cannot get my mind to accept these and also to let me be happy." There it was - the clue. Pete had just said he could not get his mind to accept and let him be happy. Something was blocking his way to happiness. "What's it like when you try to meditate and make connection with The All There Is?" I asked. 1/31/2021 What Does Your Mind Culture Say About Your Meaning and Happiness? 2/2 "I have a good connection with the Cosmic Consciousness, I think. But almost immediately after a meditation session, I begin to hear ideas in my mind. The ideas, before you ask," he said with a smile, "say to me that I don't deserve happiness." This kind of problem is much more common than you might think. Many people have great difficulty in allowing themselves to be happy. "All right, let's find out where you acquired this blockage to happiness. Where do you think these ideas against happiness come from?" I asked. "I have thought about that," said Pete. "I can remember my grandmother, who lived with us all the time I was growing up, until my junior year in high school, when she went to a nursing home, saying over and over again, no one deserves happiness. She would say you have to earn happiness." "And you feel that you haven't done enough to have earned happiness?" I asked Pete. "No. I can never seem to convince myself that I have earned it yet." "Well, there you have it. Your brain is literally wired with that idea your grandmother gave you. And no one in the family ever argued with her about it. Did they?" "No, they didn't. What are you getting at, Dr. Bob?" "Just this. Happiness is not earned. It is a given.
When you make deep and lasting connection with The Source of All There Is, you find total acceptance. In that total acceptance is meaning and happiness. "But your grandmother taught you that you have to earn happiness. What you have, in effect, is a brain-culture that you were always fighting against. Never winning. The culture said that you have to earn happiness. You believed it. You believe it still." "How do I get out of that mind-culture?" Pete asked. "First, you become aware of it. You just have. Then, second, you work over time to change the culture of your mind. You rewire, through repetition, your mind. "How long will it take? I don't know. I know it is different for each person. I know also that it can be done. You believe it can be done and it will be. Your mind will change." "How do I rewire my mind?" "Affirmation after affirmation. Like - Happiness is a given by The Source of All There Is. Or, I deserve happiness because The Source of All There Is has given it to me. Or something else that you devise." "That simple, Dr. Bob?" "Yes, that simple. But the effort may take a while. You have to commit to it." Pete said, "I want to be happy.
I want my mind-culture to change. I'll work at it." We made an appointment for six months later, with the idea that if he needed it, Pete could, of course, come visit with me at any appointed time. Six months later Pete was visibly changed. No, he was still his disheveled self. But his face had changed. He declared he had a different mind-culture now. If you are not as happy as you wish to be, look inside to see if there is some culture of belief or attitude that keeps you from being as happy as you wish to be. If so, change it. You can do it. Start now. I invite you better understand how much you deserve by buying my book You Deserve To... But it now. Kindle Version: Article Source:
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