By Nancy Harnell | Submitted On August 07, 2015
Most people believe that the secret to success if just chance... crossing the right bridge at the right time... But what if there were some "magic pill" to make you hugely successful... something that the "1%ers" never tell you about? Contrary to popular belief, the secret to success is actually much easier than you'd think... Did you ever notice how some millionaires will lose everything they have, but then get right back to their millionaire status within just a few short years? Most of us are baffled by this; we think just getting there ONCE is magnificent enough... but twice? The thing is, these people have the "millionaire mindset", or to put it in plain terms, they have a millionaire "money blueprint". We all have a money blueprint... some very high, and some very low. For example, how do you think Donald Trump would feel if his net worth was "only" one million dollars? Well, he'd feel BROKE, right? And someone else who wins a million dollars on the lottery feels like they have all the money in the world! That's because their "money blueprint" is really stuck on having on a few hundred bucks in savings - or even nothing at all. Now, let's take both of the above scenarios and see how they handle it. While Donald would immediately start investing and multiplying his money, the lucky poor guy would spend wildly until he had nothing left. Ask yourself, "What is my money blueprint?"
It's easy to get the answer to this question - just check your bank account. So does this mean that your secret to success is totally out of reach if your money blueprint is broke? This could well be the case, if you don't get to the bottom of WHY your money blueprint sucks. For example, what attitudes towards money were you raised with? If you're a woman, perhaps you were told time and time again to go to Daddy for your allowance, because Mommy gets all her money from Daddy. So your mind is now engrained with "good women aren't supposed to make money". Conversely, if you were encouraged to get into business for yourself by mowing lawns or delivering newspapers, then you might have learned early on that leveraging your business by depending on others to help you can work to your advantage. But rest assured, you're not really doomed altogether if your money blueprint is too low. It is possible to change your attitude towards money.secret to success 1/31/2021 Secret to Success: The Surprising Truth 2/3 Ask yourself, "If someone dropped a million dollars in my lap tomorrow, what would I do?" If you can't answer that question, don't worry. Most people can't. And that's because we have a hard time wrapping our brain around the possibility in the first place. And herein lays the problem.
Many of us were brought up with the idea that money is the root of all evil. And, granted, there are some evil people with money. But there are also some really generous people with money whose mission is to change the world. For example, Bill & Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet not only give away heaps of money to charitable causes, but they're forming the biggest billionaire club in history. They've created a giving pledge website, encouraging other billionaires to contribute to needy causes. Instead of thinking that money is the root of all evil, try focusing on what you could do that's good with the money you have. It's also important to note here that having all the money you need in life is really only a small portion of the pursuit of happiness. This is why it's essential to not focus so much on getting money, but instead focus on what you can do with it once you have it. And, while changing your money blueprint isn't literally a "magic pill", it does seem to work like magic when you use the force behind the law of attraction to get what you want. If you don't have everything you want out of life yet, let's dive into three important aspects to help you achieve that successful mindset, through the use of the law of attraction... First, you need to have a clear intention of what you want. secret to success"Don't ever let someone tell you that you can't do something.
Not even me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people can't do something themselves, they're gonna tell you that you can't do it. You want something, go get it. Period."... Will Smith If you don't know what you want, then you'll never get there. This is the first thing and the most important aspect of creating the mindset that heads you for success. It is the first secret of success. Second, you need to "do things in a certain way"... Did you ever notice that some people are poor as skunks and others rich and successful beyond belief - and they both work in the same field? I've known some insurance agents, for example, who never could make a living at what they do, while others go on to possess their own agency with several people working for them! What's the difference? They "do things in a certain way". Ask yourself, "Why do I want to make this sale?" If your answer is to get the money you need for rent, that's not the direction for success. While paying the rent is important, we need to learn to put our focus on others. "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." John Quincy Adams The more you put your focus on what you can do to help others, the more of what you really need will be headed your way. And, since having enough money is only a fraction of success, the real secret of success happens when you can feel truly fulfilled for your accomplishments.
Helping others get what they want is a big piece of the puzzle here. It's your attitude towards what you're working for that makes the difference between those who succeed and those who don't. And last, remain in constant gratitude for every good thing... "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you are called in one body; and be you thankful"... Colossians 3:15 Everyone loves those who fill their hearts and minds with gratitude. It's not only recommended in the good book to continually feel grateful for what we have, it's put there to help YOU. How do you react when someone thanks you for your service? You want to do more, right? And so it is for every living thing. The more gratefully we fix our minds on the Supreme when good things come to us, the more good things we will receive. The thing that nobody tells you about the real secret to success... and if they did you might not even believe it... 1/31/2021 Secret to Success: The Surprising Truth 3/3 It's actually the growth towards your goal that becomes the "magic pill". It's not becoming "hugely successful" that's so rewarding. If a magic genie were to pop you into stardom in the blink of an eye, you wouldn't be able to handle it. You'd be lost, confused, fearful, right? And, regardless of the money, those fearful thoughts would drain all that success away, leaving you with nothing. It's in knowing that WE CAUSED our own success that is the real reward. And that's why successful people never stop growing and learning, because the true "magic pill" is in the journey itself. Your "magic pill" awaits you... Visit our page [] and learn more about how we can help you achieve true success in your endeavors... discover the secret of success! Discover more secrets of success by listening to inspiring audios [] on a daily basis.
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