Thursday, 30 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 30th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 30th September 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded that the best way to learn is to teach what you've learned to others and the best way to grow is to do this as a continual cycle-to repeat the process!
Wednesday, 29 September 2021
Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action Paperback – 6 Oct. 2011
My 3 Words for Today! 29th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 29th September 2021
Today's words are:
The creation process is:
Imagine= visualise it
Feel=magnetize through love
Receive=harness through the Law of Attraction
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 28th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 28th September 2021
Today's words are:
Live today! Not Yesterday, nor tomorrow-just today!
Today is a gift, that's why it's called the Present.
Monday, 27 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 27th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 27th September 2021
Today's words are:
Today, after a few days of holiday time, I recognise that my "time off" from working as my mindset is very impactful as it allow the doubts, the fears and the uncertainty to keep back in.
Friday, 24 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 24th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 24th September 2021
Today's words are:
How will I make sure I continue to protect my mindset and mental well being, by guarding my thoughts and my mind to defend it against fear and doubt!?
Thursday, 23 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 23rd September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 23rd September 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded that I can trust my ability to organise and plan my tasks and priorities so that they are done as time, to schedule, and that this brings ,e reassurance and confidence.
Wednesday, 22 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 22nd September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 22nd September 2021
Today's words are:
Today, how will I remind myself that laughter is the key that unlocks creativity-that laughter and joy create new life- and to find laughter and joy is all I do to keep my creativity flowing.
Tuesday, 21 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 21st September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 21st September 2021
Today's words are:
Today I take time to feel grateful for my incredible physical body, my quick and intelligent mind and my infinite SOUL!
Together they make me absolutely, uniquely ME
Monday, 20 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 20th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 20th September 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded that visualising what I want allows the universe to wok on delivering that outcome to me and, as long as I trust and stay true to the vision, I will receive it.
Friday, 17 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 17th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 17th September 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded to keep passed on the present- to be in the moment, and enjoy what's happening right now- here is where life in happening! Now is the only place to be!
Thursday, 16 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 16th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 16th September 2021
Today's words are:
Grant me the courage to change the things I can; the serenity to accept the things I cant; and the wisdom to know the difference.
Wednesday, 15 September 2021
The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea Paperback – 29 Oct. 2015
This book is awesome.
Small yet powerfully loaded.I couldn’t keep it to myself and had to recommend to all my group ladies- almost 45 ladies have bought it.
Timely delivery by amazon
A book you would read over and over
Thank you amazon.
My 3 Words for Today! 15th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 15th September 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded that whole time for headspace is important to allow you to think, it's more important to make time for heartspace- to connect with what you truly wait and receive the inspiration for achieving it!
Tuesday, 14 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 14th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 14th September 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded that there is never an ideal true to start or do something!
now is always the right time to do something
*Just decide and start!
Monday, 13 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 13th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 13th September 2021
Today's words are:
Today, I recognize that actively practising gratitude is self-filling that it connects you to your intuition from which you receive inspiration-which in turns gives you even more to be grateful for!
Friday, 10 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 10th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 10th September 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded that there is a light side and a shadow side to every circumstances and even, thought and feeling-both are necessary! The key is to learn to recognize both and look for and learn the lesson with each!
Thursday, 9 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 9th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 9th September 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded that opportunity is all around and that through a combination of luck-being in the right place and the right time- and faith- belief it is there for me-I am grasping those opportunities-and even creating them.
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 8th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 8th September 2021
Today's words are:
Your belief is the most powerful tool you have-create self-belief by telling yourself
- I can do anything
- I have the ability
- I have the resources
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 7th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 7th September 2021
Today's words are:
Today, I am grateful for the connections I am making and the relationships that I am developing- which in turn are leading to referrals which help me create even more connections.
Monday, 6 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 6th September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 6th September 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded to always start my day by giving love for the people, circumstances, health, wealth and opportunities in my life and to give love for all the good things that are going to happen in the day ahead.
Friday, 3 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 3rd September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 3rd September 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am grateful for my brain - to think - and my heart - to feel - and my wisdom for knowing and helping me to balance between them so that I live in both head space and heartspace.
Thursday, 2 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 2nd September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 2nd September 2021
Today's words are:
Today, as I enjoy my morning walk. I am reminded that we can create our own vitality, we can define our healthy and create it and so line vibrantly and feel alive!
Wednesday, 1 September 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 1st September 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 1st September 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded to treat myself, just as I treat everyone else, with the kindness and compassion, and recognize that some days will feel easier than others- and when they feel tough, I should be patient with myself.
Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement Paperback – 2 Jan. 2001
Tony Robbins rocks! I wished I had bought this book ten years ago. It is brilliant. The psychology is awesome. On my second reading of it and probably a third. Such a great read.
My 3 Words Today! July 1st, 2022 Today's words are:
My 3 Words Today! July 1st, 2022 Today's words are: EVERYTHING IS ENERGY Today I enjoyed a conversation with a lovely lady who i...

This book is awesome. Small yet powerfully loaded . I couldn’t keep it to myself and had to recommend to all my group ladies- almost 45 l...
By Susan Leigh | Submitted On March 27, 2014 For many of us taking good care of our health means being registered with a local family docto...