Tuesday, 31 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 31th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 31th August 2021
Today's words are:
Today I make time to be grateful for and appreciate the wonder of my physical body, as well as my incredible mind and ultimately for increasingly connected to my soul, understanding my purpose and being aligned with it!
Monday, 30 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 30th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 30th August 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded that we are never a finished 'product; that we are always growing, that today we have evolved from who we were yesterday and to embrace the fact we are always developing ourselves.
Friday, 27 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 27th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 27th August 2021
Today's words are:
How will I remember that the abundance or lack of money in our life is linked to the feeling are associate with it and, to attract money, we must learn to feel truly grateful wherever we pay or receive money.
Thursday, 26 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 26th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 26th August 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded that by working as being connected to self I can, and do, 'trust my gut' and that I can have huge faith in the power of my own intuition to do what is right for myself and my business.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 25th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 25th August 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded that my daily gratitude begins with being grateful that I woke up this morning, that I am alive and that today I choose what to do with, and how I want to design my life!
Tuesday, 24 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 24th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 24th August 2021
Today's words are:
My body
Today I take time to reflect as how incredible my body is to have created and sustained life. I reflect with pride and a huge sense of achievement and wonder at this miracle in my life!
Monday, 23 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 23rd August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 23rd August 2021
Today's words are:
How will I remember that, when my inner critic, the voice in my head, is talking to me, I should nor believe it now instead get curious about what's telling me and ask to it to help me, Not as I was a a friend to help me.
Friday, 20 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 20th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 20th August 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded of how core values continue to show themselves in my daily life, in my actions and my thoughts. And I remember that even if they aren't always front of mind, they are always there, guiding me.
Thursday, 19 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 19th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 19th August 2021
Today's words are:
At the heart of everything I've learned is the concept of "The Compound Effect"- for Eat Sleep Mum Repeat, this translates as "Baby Steps"- Small but continued effort in the right direction, until things become natural and effortless.
Wednesday, 18 August 2021
How to be a Complete and Utter Failure in Life, Work and Everything: 44 1/2 steps to lasting underachievement (2nd Edition) Paperback – 14 Jun. 2007
My 3 Words for Today! 18th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 18th August 2021
Today's words are:
Today I took a big step and chose to put myself out there in the most real and raw way, by shaving myself in a vulnerable state and in doing so allowed myself to be the real me!
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 17th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 17th August 2021
Today's words are:
How will I make sure that, in moments of doubt, or fear, or overwhelm, I remember to take a step back and breathe,,, and to remember to be patient with myself and my progress, whilst still persevering!
Monday, 16 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 16th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 16th August 2021
Today's words are:
Today, I am reminded to take the time to take care of my physical, mental and emotional health by working on my physical body as well my mindset and heart self.
Friday, 13 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 13th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 13th August 2021
Today's words are:
When we take time to know and value our worth, then we more into a state of knowing we deserve. Once we know we deserve then we can receive and ultimately then invite what we want into our lives.
Thursday, 12 August 2021
The Secret to Success Is That There Is No Secret to Success
By Daniel Murphy | Submitted On December 10, 2010
Most of us grow up believing that the rich and successful must have some secret formula which gives them an edge. There must be some secret "they" know that we do not. Authors and information sellers make small fortunes every year selling these "secrets" of success. Here is the truth: there is no secret to success.
Why do people say there is a secret to success?
Marketers like to refer to information about success as a secret because it catches people's attention. Everyone wants to know the secret, whatever it might be. And people sure want to know the secret to success. A good example of that was the video and book published a few years back called The Secret. Of course nothing in that book or video was truly a secret. It was all content that had been published in books in general circulation in the past. However by marketing this information as a secret they drew great attention to themselves and increased sales of the materials. There is another reason people want to believe in a secret to success. We all want to believe we are reasonably capable and intelligent people. As such we certainly ought to be successful unless of course there is a secret that they are not telling us. That seems to be the only way they can be successful and we are not.
The Study of Success
Many have wondered, as have I, what makes some people successful and others not. Some of these people have engaged in a serious study over a long period and compiled lists of the common characteristics of successful people. The American father of this kind of literature was Benjamin Franklin who published such characteristics in his Poor Richard's Almanac. In the 19th Century a number of authors including Horatio Alger, Wallace D. Wattles, Orison Swett Marden and Napoleon Hill wrote on this subject. Hill probably was best known for this lifetime study of the subject and his many books on it. In the 20th century a number of new authors tackled the subject including Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, and Dr. Stephen Covey. Covey wrote his doctorate on the subject and studied a large body of literature on it. He later published these findings in his best seller, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
Clues, not Secrets
8/9/2021 The Secret to Success Is That There Is No Secret to Success 2/2 What all these researchers and writers found was that success leaves clues. If you study what successful people do, and equally importantly, what they do not do, you will learn what make success. There are two excellent ways to learn what makes people successful. First, do what all the success writers have done, study successful people directly. Observe them and learn from them. Many successful people are happy to share their success "secrets" with others and even mentor you. A second way is to read about successful people. The more you read about the many ways that successful people have attained success the more you will learn about these clues to success. Of course it is not enough to simply learn what makes success happen. You must apply what you learn in a disciplined and continuous manner. While this seems relatively simple it is not easy. It involves continuous self discipline, something that most people are not fond of doing. Success comes from careful planning, disciplined application of what you know, and adjusting your plans in light of what you learn through experience, a willingness to take calculated risks, a willingness to work very hard and to be very persistent. These are the chief characteristics of successful people. You will learn additional ones by studying the successful, but you will not find any secrets - because there are no secrets. Daniel R. Murphy writes on personal development, leadership skills, time management and how you can build wealth and financial independence. Would you like to learn how others have excelled in business and in life? For a free success ebook, free newsletter, and much information which can help make you successful and financially independent visit Begin your self-education today learning how others have become more and create true wealth. Do it today! Article Source:
My 3 Words for Today! 12th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 12th August 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded to take time to get back to my primitive self- to remember what natural is and to be raw so I can shed any external personal and reconnect to myself.
Wednesday, 11 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 11th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 11th August 2021
Today's words are:
Today I remind myself to take time out to consider the ideas that are in my head, to formulate those into something actionable and then plan how and when I will act as them.
Tuesday, 10 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 10th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 10th August 2021
Today's words are:
A conversation yesterday with a business connection opened as opportunity to create my mastermind. A group of like-minded people working in synergy and collaboration to more their businesses forward and create new opportunities.
Monday, 9 August 2021
How to Be Successful in Your Life Easily?
By Tamalkrishna Chandra | Submitted On January 24, 2011
Being successful in life does not mean bringing only improvement in your life quality, but it also makes you very happy with your life. May be, this is a reason, everybody wants to be successful in life. But is it really clear to everybody what actually brings success in life? Do you know how to be successful in your life? You may be able to answer my question. Because you know what to say. Truthfully speaking everyone in this entire world has a clear idea how to be successful in life. The problem is that most of them actually don't even try. They would give you many excuses of not even trying for being successful in life. Just like success doesn't come overnight, being successful is never possible with a mindset like this. By the way, you should also be clear about what success means for your life.
You must also be clear about the importance of being successful in your life. Because when you would give importance to success, you would actually try for being successful in your life. If you don't give it much importance, it is never possible for you to be successful. This is the only reason why some people can make it possible for them and others can not.So if you ask me for suggesting you some ways to become successful, it is actually not possible. It is not possible until you understand the importance of success in life. Different people have different ways to live their life.
Different people have different ways to think about improvement of life. So the way to be successful is different for everyone in this world. Truthfully speaking, those who may be called successful in life are actually successful in their own unique ways. If you think carefully, you would understand that all of them are different from one another. They are similar only in the wish as all of them wanted to be successful. So if you think of being successful, you must not copy the way others have been successful in their life. According to me, you must have a better understanding of yourself, your knowledge and your uniqueness. Everybody in this world is different. So you are also different in your own ways. Try to recognize this difference. Try to find out where you are unique and what you can do that others can not do. If you know yourself well, it will not be hard to find out your unique qualities. This is what will ultimately help you become successful in your life. Life is a long journey.
In this long journey, you may fail hundreds of times. But it should never create a mindset of not being successful. You should never be afraid of failure. You must always remember that failure is the piller of success. Failing for hundreds of times teaches you hundreds of reasons of not being successful. It actually helps you to understand the importance of being successful in life. So the best way to be successful is to know yourself well. Remember,knowing your uniqueness actually brings you success. Trying to copy others will teach you lots of things. But the actual success only comes from your own talent. My words may sound weird for some people, but not for those who has proper knowledge of life.
Becoming successful does'nt mean being a great politician or a minister. Even solving a small problem of your life can give you some feelings of success. It is also being successful in a way. Remember, being successful does not mean being a great personality or having a great life. You are truly successful in life if you are fully satisfied with whatever life you live. Tamalkrishna is the owner of The Ultimate Life Guide []. Living your life is always easy with Tamal. Check out his blog to solve many common problems of your life. Article Source:
My 3 Words for Today! 9th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 9th August 2021
Today's words are:
The consistency chain reminds us that 80% won't be able to do what the 20% of high achievers do and so, the key to success for the 80% is simply to decide as one task that will move you forward, start doing it daily and keep going 'Don't break the chain.
My 3 Words for Today! 2nd August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 2nd August 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded to be grateful fot all the things my body does for me so that I may fully experience the world around me, my eyes to see, my ears to hear and my nose to smell. I am alive!
Friday, 6 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 6th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 6th August 2021
Today's words are:
Clarissa Pinhola Estes reminds us that we are wild and natural at heart, that we should return to, and trust, our instincts and learn to run free again!
Thursday, 5 August 2021
Good Health to Us All
By James Hunaban | Submitted On November 07, 2006
The key to good health is a nutrient-rich diet that promotes well-being and reduces the chance of diseases. The cornerstone of good health is good food. Fine health is something we take for granted when we have it and strive for when we haven't. Being healthy is something we all should cherish. Another important component of health is regular exercise and a positive mental attitude. Staying healthy is a fusion of mind and body. Keeping our bodies in a good state is something we should pay close attention to. Health is one of the essentials for a happy life. Making positive choices in your diet every day promotes good nutrition and fine health and may reduce your risk of some types of cancer.
Use the Nutrition Facts Label on packaged foods to make a healthy choice. Good nutritive knowledge and proper nutrition is vital for good health. At the very basic level, nutrition is important for normal growth and development, and for maintaining a healthy body. Nutrition is the cornerstone of good health. By forming a base of good nutrition you may reduce your risk of certain chronic diseases. Good nutrition means a daily consumption of foods in appropriate amounts. You know how important exercise is, right. Experts suggest children need at least an hour of daily exercise and a healthy diet. Did you realize that less than 15% of all kids get enough good exercise each day? Exercise is a vital component for staying healthy, especially as you age.
Regular exercise and healthy eating are fundamental to good health - so is choosing the right physician. Vigorous exercise involves minimal health risks for individuals in fine health or those following a doctor's advice. One example of the benefits of exercise is an aerobic workout which has long been shown to reduce the incidence of low back pain. Exercise is also a great stress reducer, and can enhance self-confidence. There is no longer any doubt about whether or not exercise is beneficial for health and well being. I believe that information is the key to understanding, especially when it comes to your health. Good information is at the heart of good health care.
I believe obtaining the right information is one of the best tools for good health. To sum up, the great news is that a healthy mind and body is fairly easy to achieve. Your health is your responsibility; you should learn to take care of yourself. Often being healthy is not an accident but the result of a proper lifestyle. The blessing of good health is the greatest of all gifts. Students must realize that the secret to long life and good health is one's own personal lifestyle. Keeping yourself healthy is a lifetime journey. A healthy mind and body is one of the secrets of a happy life. James Hunaban is the owner of [] - a website dedicated to all things health related.
Article Source:
My 3 Words for Today! 5th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 5th August 2021
Today's words are:
Today I remind myself that, when things feel a little subdued, a little less shiny and my dreams feel far away, the best I can do is good enough-and , just remember- it is possible, if I just keep going, one day at a time.
Wednesday, 4 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 4th August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 4th August 2021
Today's words are:
The $ Agreements prayer reminds me that we all have the fire of creation inside of us, that this fire is love and light-that this love and light is to be shared with the world and it will be returned to us in great quantity.
Good Vibes, Good Life (Gift Edition): How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness
I’m tired of picking up books that tell you to simply think positive, love yourself and be a good person without actually telling you how to become those things. Finally, we have a book that guides you while being packed with honest and insightful perspectives. It started of setting a very powerful scene and I like that Vex uses his own personal stories. I then found the content to be intriguing but once I got to the middle of the book, that’s what changed it for me. That’s when the author truly shows his wisdom. This book is going to change the world because it’s already changing mine.
Tuesday, 3 August 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 3rd August 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 3rd August 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am grateful, again, for all the amazing ways that my body allows me to experience the world around me; my skin to touch my tongue to taste and my mind to think and understand!
I am alive!!
Monday, 2 August 2021
Tips to Support Good Health
By Susan Leigh | Submitted On March 27, 2014
For many of us taking good care of our health means being registered with a local family doctor, a caring general practitioner as well as having access to quality specialist care if required. We may pay into private health care insurance schemes or be registered through our employment so that we can avail ourselves of speedier treatment should an emergency situation occur. It's good to observe that many of us are becoming increasingly involved in the level and quality of care we receive from our healthcare professionals. We ask more questions, demand more answers, want to know what we are being prescribed, how long will we need to take it, are there any known side effects, what is the longterm prognosis, do we need this procedure, are there other options?
Access to online information has added to the level of interest over the last few years, sometimes contributing valuable knowledge, other times fuelling health anxiety about symptoms and diagnosis. The good effect is that many of us are looking to take more personal responsibility for our health and wellbeing. We look to support our ongoing health and invest emotionally, mentally and physically in ways to take better care of ourselves and support good health. - Ways to support good physical health are often readily available in a plethora of magazines and the media. Eating a healthy balanced diet, minimising the consumption of processed food, alcohol, sugar and fat are seen as a common sense decision by many people. Exercise is good for better physical health and is also an excellent way to de-stress, manage weight and can include a fun social element if it involves team games like football and rounders or a brisk walk with family and friends. - Stress is often regarded as harmful and bad for our health but some stress can be a good for us.
It keeps us on our toes, takes us out of our comfort zone and often enables us to achieve more than we originally anticipated in a crisis or pressure situation. Sustained stress impacts negatively on mental and physical health and is recognised as a major factor in high levels of sick leave and absenteeism. Learning to recognise your own warning signals of being overstressed can provide valuable insight and enable you to introduce effective ways to manage stress more effectively. Your personal warning signs may include loss of concentration, irritability, poor quality of sleep, lack of appetite, headaches. Once these symptoms are recognised as stress alerts you can support better health by taking a break, going for a walk, having some quality food, taking time for hypnotherapy. Find your best ways to support good health, take control and allow your stress levels to subside.
- Work, for many people, is an area of unremitting, sustained stress. Deadlines, excessive volume, urgent demands, the pressure of competition can impact on the quality of other areas of life by devouring your time, energy and good humour. Identify the key areas of pressure, your problem areas and consider ways to effectively manage those concerns. Do you need to delegate, prioritize or schedule your time more efficiently, are you lacking in knowledge or skills where you'd benefit 8/2/2021 Tips to Support Good Health 2/2 from additional training or would it be helpful to build relationships with other businesses so you can share and support each other, thus offering a better, more comprehensive service to mutual customers and clients. - An important contributor to good health is feeling balanced, at peace and satisfied, where you successfully accommodate the different and diverse areas of your life. A positive mindset benefits your mental health and raises your spirits, bringing joy and allowing you to maintain an optimistic outlook. This balance may be achieved through a combination of undertaking charitable good works, sharing fun time with family or friends, having personal time to pursue your own hobbies and interests, feeling a sense of pride in the efforts you've made to succeed in your career development and business, doing something special with your personal goals, maintaining successful personal relationships. Maintaining a positive outlook occurs as you become increasingly aware of your thought patterns and intercept those that are negative or unhelpful.
It involves supporting a good, realistic outlook on life, where you deal with things you can change and enlist help in areas that you can't. Hypnotherapy can help to change unhelpful habit patterns, negative thinking and selfdoubt, thus enabling a more constructive mindset, behaviour and attitude to become the norm. Susan Leigh is a Counsellor and Hypnotherapist who works with stressed individuals to promote confidence and self belief, with couples experiencing relationship difficulties to improve communications and understanding and with business clients to support the health and motivation levels of individuals and teams. For more articles, information or to make contact please visit Article Source:
My 3 Words Today! July 1st, 2022 Today's words are:
My 3 Words Today! July 1st, 2022 Today's words are: EVERYTHING IS ENERGY Today I enjoyed a conversation with a lovely lady who i...

This book is awesome. Small yet powerfully loaded . I couldn’t keep it to myself and had to recommend to all my group ladies- almost 45 l...
By Susan Leigh | Submitted On March 27, 2014 For many of us taking good care of our health means being registered with a local family docto...