Friday, 30 July 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 30thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 30thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
The book; The 4 Agreements asks: will you be a victim of life, as will you be a judge of yourself and others OR will you choose to be a warrior and fight to be yourself, to be happy and to be fine?!
Thursday, 29 July 2021
How to Develop a Good Attitude
By Lynn Bradley | Submitted On September 01, 2010
How to develop a good attitude is a question many out of a job in this recession are asking themselves. Knowing the "how" is easier than following through with the "do." When you are as low as you can go, the only way you can go is up. A negative attitude would only make things worse. Being positive is the only option you have, if you want to improve yourself. Everyone has positive and negative thoughts in their head. We have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of everything we do, so both types of thoughts play an important role. Optimistic thoughts look at the bright side and negative ones look at the dark side. They each have valid points. If you go with the positive, you have a good chance of winning. If you stay with the negative, you will not even try. There are times when the dangers are greater than the chances of succeeding. In such cases you should listen to the negative.
In most instances, however, you are better off to stay positive. Negative thoughts warn of the dangers, but if you let them run wild, you will seldom try anything. They are often unrealistic, Attitude has a lot to do with faith in your ability, in God, and in the American dream. Christians usually have a positive attitude because God has promised to make things turn out right for those who obey him. You develop the right attitude by getting in touch with your feelings. Gut feelings play an important role. Learning what has worked for you in the past is important to consider. How to develop a good attitude is on the mind of everyone who is starting to college or a new position at work. You do not know what to expect. Having a passion for what, you are doing will give you an edge. If you are in the field that you love your attitude should be positive. You cannot go wrong to go with being cautiously optimistic. Expect difficulty,but success. You develop a good attitude by staying positive, but paying attention to the warning s of your negative thoughts. Learn to see the positive in the negative by developing plans to overcome the dangers. Make sure that your positive plans are free from flaws.
Build your self esteem with every success, and celebrate it. Get all the advice you can from those experienced in your field. 7/26/2021 How to Develop a Good Attitude 2/2 How do you turn your pessimistic attitude positive? You have to begin believing in yourself in small steps. Set small easily reached goals. Celebrate when you reach each one and set a bigger one. Make every reached goal a big deal and joyous occasion. Bask in your success! Build your self esteem and good attitude with each one. You will begin feeling better about yourself and becoming more optimistic. The best way to deal with your fears and negative thoughts is to have a strong faith in God. Jesus taught us to not be afraid and not to worry.
Do what you can to prepare for the dangers you face, and dismiss them from your mind. The Lord has brought you through your calamities before and he is not about to stop now. Put your trust in him. He is more able to deal with your troubles than you. Develop a positive attitude by remembering that the one who cannot fail is in charge of your destiny. If you are unfamiliar with the Bible and desire to know more about how to be acceptable to God, you need the book, "Climbing the Heavenly Stairs." It will show you the steps necessary to be obedient to him and look forward to a home in heaven. Learn more and order at:
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My 3 Words for Today! 29thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 29thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
I am making time each day to create both headspace to quiet the noise and declutter, and heart space to allow myself to reconnect to what I truly want and be sure I am in harmony with that.
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 28thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 28thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
Today, I am reminded that I don't need to have all the answers, or have the whole journey mapped as:
I simply need to know why I want to do it, take the next step and trust that the how will reveal itself.
Tuesday, 27 July 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 27thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 27thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
In remembering to have more fun and be playful, I am taking the opportunity to let out my inner child by sometimes choosing to skip or hop or jump, instead of just walking or jumping.
Monday, 26 July 2021
A Good Attitude Always Wins
By Sonni Carr | Submitted On July 15, 2008
Did you know a person with a good attitude always wins? Everybody wants to win. The problem is, not everybody can win; somebody has to be the loser. For example, two equally qualified people can apply for the same job, but only one will get it. More than likely the one who has the best attitude will get it. Even if their good attitude is phony, they will still win. There are people every day who pretend to have a good attitude. I know this is true because I've done it, haven't you? There will be times when this is necessary and it's not always a bad thing. I believe it's better to have a genuinely good attitude, but I also believe you can fake it till you make it. What's does fake it till you make it mean? Well, for me it means, I will do anything I need to do to get a desired result. Naturally, this takes a little work since I'm not good at being phony, but many times it has resulted in a good attitude that is 'real'. What little bit of work I had to do to put a smile on my face, was and is worth it. Maybe you don't feel that way, you may say, I can't do that. Yes you can, if the stakes are high enough. For instance, take a single mother with three kids who needs her job. Should she risk losing her job just so she can act out her bad attitude? Now, let's take a look at some things that can help you keep a good attitude:
1. Stay balanced: Enough sleep, exercise, good diet, family time, social life, etc.
2. Don't neglect your spirit, meditation, prayer.
3. Hang out with people who have a good attitude.
4. Stay away from negativity, it's contagious.
5. Be grateful, don't complain
These are a good start, and as you think of more, add them to your list. As stated previously, a genuinely good attitude is best. However, there will be times when you may have to fake it and that's Ok. To fake a good attitude is better than acting out on a bad attitude any day. Besides, there's a good chance a phony attitude might just turn into the real thing. Furthermore, a bad attitude will never be anything but bad, and of course, a good attitude always wins. by Sonni Carr []
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My 3 Words for Today! 26thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 26thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
Today, I remembered to enjoy my music with my whole body and, instead of just listen to it, to actually play and have fun as I listened, by dancing and singing and feeling the beat.
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life Paperback
I picked up this book without too many expectations. Being in the situation where I am currently deciding on whether to quit my job for a career break or keep myself in the corporate world in the hopes of a promotion soon, I was in a highly anxious state.
When I started to read this book though, it almost immediately calmed me down. Jen is so good at outlining how change has a habit of calling the “big snooze” aka “BS” to action and trying to pull us back into our comfort zone by any means possible (I.e. making you insanely freak out before taking action).
Friday, 23 July 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 23rdJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 23rdJuly 2021
Today's words are:
How can I make the time in my day to introduce visualisation to my routine and so practice using the law of Attraction to bring the things I want into our life.
Thursday, 22 July 2021
Smart Work Vs Hard Work
By Samuel Jameson II | Submitted On June 22, 2011
So which is better between smart work vs hard work? Let's see what each really means and which one you want to apply to your life.
Hard work:
Anybody can work hard. When someone says they're always busy because they "work hard", what does that really mean? Is that really a good thing? Or is it something people say to impress others? If you're working and selling your life to a job each week and barely getting by on the bills, something is wrong here. There's a statistic that says the average person is only 3 months away from total bankruptcy. You can work hard all you want, but if you trade time for dollars, you are constantly in danger. You can lose your job, lose your home, and lose your medicare. If you only work hard and not smart, you can't multiply your efforts.
Each of us only gets 24 hours a day, whether you're Bill Gates or Joe Schmo. No matter how hard you work at your job, you only get paid by how many hours you put in. To make more money, you have to work more hours. Otherwise, you have to go back to college and get a degree and pray you get a pay raise. After all is said and done, there still is a limit to how much you can earn.
Smart work:
Working smart can make a whole lot of difference on your lifestyle, net worth, and income. People who learn to work smart, seem to be more confident, innovative, and wealthy. One of the greatest examples of working smart is Ray Kroc. He is the founder of McDonald's and the father of franchising concept.
He knew if he could open multiple restaurants around town and have others own them, he could take a small percentage of each restaurant's revenue in turn for using his McDonald's brand name. So let's say he only gets $100 from each McDonald's a day. There are more than 30,000 McDonald's. That would be over $3,000,000 a day! That's working smart. That's what online business owners do to make money. Basically you can compound your efforts and have income-generating websites work hard for you. Whether it be blogs with ads, or affiliate marketing websites, if you own a bunch, you're going to make a lot of money.
Smart work & Hard work:
This is the best combination by far! If you work hard at working smart, you're going to be extremely successful at whatever you do! Period. Note: If you are looking for an honest and ethical way to generate a full-time income from home, click here []. For free education, free free training, and a free income generating website visit [] today.
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My 3 Words for Today! 22ndJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 22ndJuly 2021
Today's words are:
Today I reminded that you are only as old as you let yourself feel. Age is just a number and I can choose to feel young always( today I chose to sleep instead of fun)
Wednesday, 21 July 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 21thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 21thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
Today I recognise the Colour Purple as my symbol of love and how it appears in my life to remind me of all I love and all I have to be grateful for!
Tuesday, 20 July 2021
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Everyone should read this book, it is very educational however the style in what it was written is a little bit out of date because the book was written in 1936. It gives you really good tips that you can use in your private life and in your work life as well.
My 3 Words for Today! 20thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 20thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
Today, Rhonda byrne reminds me that we always have a choice when it come to how we respond to what happens around us and therefore that we have a choice about how we think and feel at any given time.
Monday, 19 July 2021
Why Do We Need Discipline?
By Mohan Thulasingam | Submitted On February 25, 2015
Discipline refers to 'Orderliness, System and Code of behavior.' We can notice the discipline in our surrounding nature also. Animals and plants have discipline. Birds fly in flocks. Bees and Ants work as a team. The upper part of a plant grows towards the sunlight while the underground roots spread searching for water and nutrition. Discipline is also a Science as it has a systematic approach for anything.
That's why we have various, but related curricula classified as one group as a Discipline. Humanities, Natural Science, Political science, etc., are some disciplines to mention. Lack of discipline among the soldiers led to the fall of great kingdoms.
Absence of practice made many champions taste the defeat. The casual approach of students brings low marks in the exams. For want of maintenance, an important trip got canceled due to the breakdown of the car. Any sports body considers the participants' discipline as more crucial than their achievements. In the recent past, Olympics authority stripped the gold medals of the winners for the sole reason they violated the discipline codes set by the authority. Even an office has a disciplinary authority to teach the erring staff behave properly, or face punitive actions. Though the discipline is difficult to practice initially, the benefits derived are more. It saves energy, resources and time.
For instance, traffic rules represent the discipline for safe and happy travel by all including the pedestrians. Any violation of them affect several people directly or otherwise. Discipline is always misunderstood as 'strictness' or 'rules.' Actually it refers to a system or set of basic principles for our life. Self-discipline makes a saint. Adherence to such discipline always is the toughest in life.
Making others follow such discipline becomes the most difficult. All great people of the world have one object in common though their approach might have differed. That is discipline only. A person with such discipline is the noblest of all. Here, the discipline primarily comprises the following traits.
1) practice of honesty.
2) exercise of patience and tolerance.
3) readiness to sacrifice.
4) compassion for others.
5) unbiased approach.
6) humbleness, and
7) simplicity
Individuals with above qualities lived, and live among us. They are few and far between. They are praised as saviours and revered as Gods. Honorary degrees and awards are conferred by many universities and colleges on such personalities though they had no formal education. So discipline leads to the focus and uniformity in the approach. It enables us accomplish the goals chosen by us. People having discipline with good purpose are respected by all. George Washington said, "Nothing can be more hurtful to the service, than the neglect of discipline." Discipline decides our fate.
Self-discipline instills confidence and determination in a person, whilst Team discipline results in cohesion and happiness. It brings fame and names to its followers. In fact, the value of discipline is highlighted and exposed to the world. Get more such useful tips for happy life at
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My 3 Words for Today! 19thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 19thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
Today I learned that as inner voice, as inner critic is NOT us, it is just a part of our ego that needs to be heard, and that by returning is self and being curios about what that voice is saying, we can make it our friend instead of as foe.
Friday, 16 July 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 16thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 16thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
I am often reminded that much of what we are presented with each day in the different opinion and perspectives of others-thin is not truth or fact. If we want truth, we must go in search of fact and make up our own mind!
Thursday, 15 July 2021
Parenting Styles - Which Are You?
By Courtney Rodrigue Hubscher | Submitted On January 28, 2014
What is Your Parenting Style?
In our respective roles as counselors for both children and parents in private practice, we have found that a parent's style of parenting strongly contributes to their child's well-being, resiliency and over-all behavior. A style of parenting that provides love and support coupled with discipline and structure has been shown to be a reliable indicator of raising children that are happy and confident. In addition, we have found that a parent's approach to discipline, level of warmth and nurturing, communication, level of control over the children, and the parent's expectations with respect to maturity level are contributing factors in their child's behavior and functioning. In a series of studies conducted in the 1960s, clinical and developmental psychologist, Diana Baumrind, identified the four basic parental behavior components of responsiveness, unresponsiveness, demanding and undemanding, which she combined to create three principal parenting styles. Maccoby & Martin later identified a fourth parenting style, which is distinguished by neglectful or uninvolved parenting. In our private practice, we commonly see parents who parent using these four primary parenting styles. We ask you to ask yourself: "Which parenting style are you?"
The authoritarian parent imposes many rules and expects the child to obey without question. Misconduct is not condoned and punishment is frequently used to reinforce rules and manage the child's behavior. The authoritarian parent has high expectations and requires the child to live up to high standards. The authoritarian parent exhibits the parental behavior components of little warmth and high control. A child being raised by an authoritarian parent may appear to be very well behaved, however, this may not actually be the case, as studies have found that children raised by authoritarian parents may only be less inclined to admit their transgressions and misconduct to authority figures. Our child counselor has repeatedly found that children raised by authoritarian parents had more difficulties feeling socially accepted by their peers, were less resourceful, had lower self esteem and were less self-reliant. One can therefore assume that even though the child may appear to be well-behaved on the surface, he may be troubled on a deeper, emotional level.
The permissive parent makes very few demands on the child, imposes few rules and permits the child to regulate his own activities. Following externally defined standards of behavior is not mandated and expectations are low for a child raised by a permissive parent. The permissive parenting style is nonpunitive and extremely accepting; the child is often treated as an equal. Components of caring and warmth coupled with low control make up parental behavior. A child being raised by a permissive parent has likely been indulged and is typically irresponsible and has poor selfdiscipline. Our child counselor has found that behaviorally inhibited children who were being raised by permissive parents.
The authoritative parent has clear expectations of behavior and conduct. The child's activities are directed in a reasonable, logical manner that allows for verbal give-and-take and reasonable discussions. When necessary, the authoritative parent exerts firm control, but this is accomplished through healthy communication, not in a rigid, disciplinarian manner. The parent encourages the child's autonomy and recognizes the child's own interests. The authoritative parenting style is rational and affirmative and combines the parental behavior components of control with warmth and responsiveness. We have found that a child being raised by authoritative parents will likely be well adjusted. We can assume that he does well in school, that he is self-reliant and responsible and that he has a friendly, open disposition. This is the ideal parenting style because it is well-balanced.
The neglectful or uninvolved parent meets the child's physical requirements but is otherwise disengaged, disconnected and emotionally distant. The unresponsive, neglectful parent places few demands on the child and exhibits very little warmth and responsiveness. A child being raised by a neglectful parent typically fares worse than children raised by parents who parent with the other three parenting styles. Typically children raised by these types of parents will function poorly in nearly all aspects of life; interestingly most juvenile offenders have been raised by uninvolved or neglectful parents. In addition, a child raised by a neglectful parent will likely have poor cognition, social and emotional skills and may struggle to form healthy attachments later in life. Counselors for both parents and children in our private practice have found that parental responsiveness as well as parental demandingness are integral factors of good child-rearing. Clear, appropriate demands and expectations balanced with warm emotional responsiveness as well as an awareness of the child's autonomy, are considered to be reliable predictors of wellbeing, achievement, competence, resiliency and self-reliance in most children. Warm emotional responsiveness along with clear, age-appropriate expectations help to form a balanced platform for successful child-rearing. For these reasons, authoritative parenting offers the leadership and guiding principles children need. When parents provide achievable benchmarks with support, fair consequences for misbehaviors, and instructive guidance with clear expectations, children thrive and are more likely to internalize the behaviors their parent's desire. Parent Counseling in Orlando
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My 3 Words for Today! 15thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 15thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
Today I am reminded to make time to return to self to create mindfulness through a few minutes of meditation to connect with my true though and feelings and receive messages from my intuition (trust my gut)
Wednesday, 14 July 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 14thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 14thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
Today I take the time to start the day by just being still. To allow calm; for thoughts to flow; to feel grateful for what I have and to find quiet in my body and my mind....and I will do this daily.
The Power Hardcover – 17 Aug. 2010 by Rhonda Byrne (Author)
Tuesday, 13 July 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 13thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
Monday, 12 July 2021
Parent Coaching (Part III) - What is Parent Coaching?
By Nancy Sander | Submitted On August 05, 2010
A painted picture will emerge that will identify the differences, benefits, and features inherent in or natural to the Parent Coaching process. Coaching differs from mentoring in that the coach is often out of, or retired from his or her career, while the mentor's career is still active. Coaching and mentoring can be either paid or volunteer service. Some of the features are benefits and vice-versa. This is the practice and application of guiding parents to effective and efficient parenting methods and skills, so that the parents can create their own successful parenting plan and family life. Parenting, after all, can be a daunting task. Primarily parent coaching is literally a process by which a person (the coach) helps identify parenting strengths and weaknesses. This coach supports the strengths, and suggests or directs the parent towards parenting solutions. RAH, RAH... Sis... Boom... Bah! Exactly.
The parent-coach is a cross between a cheerleader and a tough football coach. Not unlike a football coach, the coach is teaching a younger generation based on his or her career and life experiences. How will Parent Coaching Help Parents Change the Unwanted Behaviors in their Children? Parenting success occurs through encouragement, motivation, training through direction, and teaching through education. The parent-coach guides the parents to success towards the parents' own single definite end goal. A parent-coach serves families, is dedicated to making a difference, and seeks to accomplish the goals of the parents through understanding the family relationships. Practicing the communication skills learned, parents will be well on their way to finding parenting solutions. Parent coaching is the everyday achievement of parenting goals, and an empowerment model of support. It uses challenges, goal setting, and encouraging the parents to accept accountability for decisions and actions.
Parent coaches, as the name implies, are there to serve the parents, to be a support, a mentor, and a clarifier. Either one or both parents can be supported with this process. For instance, the parent-coach will perhaps deal with stress, help the family to communicate more effectively, or to solve discipline problems. Through this process, parents will discover how to set goals, to be accountable for the actions and decisions, and to accomplish a set communication strategy. In many family situations, parents usually have a specific issue. An example might be helping a child study better, or solve a particular discipline problem. Parent coaching connects with the strengths, the style of relating to the world, the temperaments, and the skills of the parents.
As necessary, the parents will be presented with specific methodology, template tools, and a system that follows the parents' goals and style. What are the Characteristics of the Professional Parent Coaching Process? 7/12/2021 Parent Coaching (Part III) - What is Parent Coaching? 2/2 Being a parenting guide requires experience and wisdom, the ability to share effectively this knowledge and wisdom, and the techniques to be completely understood. In addition, this parenting guide will have the ability to approach people without being inflammatory, and have the ability to empower and encourage them. A good parent-coach will give parents the chance to learn, on their own, by making a few mistakes. These positive attributes of the parenting coach are often gained through having given seminars and workshops. As you might suspect, 'parent coaching' finds is roots in executive coaching and life coaching. As I understand it, executive coaching started about 20 years ago. How time flies. Life coaching has branched into several smaller groups that are more specialized. Life coaching started about 10 years ago.
Besides parenting coaching, life coaching includes health coaching, wellness coaching, sickness coaching, and reading coaching to name just a few. Typically, the parent-coach loves to learn, enjoys self-study, has a willingness to help, enjoys family systems, and is selfdisciplined. Some other skills are phenomenal listening, teaching, giving directions, giving answers, and being straightforward. At times, the parent-coach employs a push pull model of coaching. Sometimes the parents are pulled along to the conclusion of a goal, or pushed towards the parenting solution. This flexible coach uses these concepts as necessary. Have I Answered Your Questions? • What is Parent Coaching? • How will Parent Coaching help solve the difficulties associated with changing the unwanted behaviors in children? • What are the Characteristics of the Professional Parent-Coach?
Some people, parents, are struggling with becoming successful parents. There are behaviors that these parents want to eliminate from their children. Some parents want to be better parents or perhaps perfect parents. They do not know where to turn. On the other hand, maybe a parent wants to find more effective and efficient methods to parent their children in this busy and chaotic world in which both parents are working outside the home. Discover two more ideas for becoming the successful parent that you know you are with Parenting 101 Success []. The support of parent coaching can ease stress and create the potential for you to solve any issue ultimately by yourself. Click here to find out how you will benefit from Parent Coaching [].
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My 3 Words for Today! 12thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 12thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
Today I was asked the question,
"Are you driving your own bus?''
As a great metaphor for making you think that about what you're spending
your time doing and where its taking you! Make sure you are driving your own bus to where you want to go!
Friday, 9 July 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 9thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 9thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
Today I received a welcome and timely reminder that who I am around matters! Positive association lifts you up whereas negative association keeps you stuck.
Thursday, 8 July 2021
Success, How Do You Define It?
By Bob Mason | Submitted On September 16, 2011
What is success? In a seminar I recently attended, the leader divided us into groups and asked us to tell each other how we define success. That seemed simple enough to me until I actually had to start talking. I quickly realized two important points: there's no easy way to define success and we all have a different idea of what it is. In the weeks since then, I've reflected on the question, trying to find a more coherent answer than I did when put on the spot. I realized that there are really three different types of success; short term, long-term, and life-time. Short-term success is what you feel when you finish a project, or win a contest. This sort of success can be gratifying, providing a temporary feeling of pleasure. But, it doesn't last. Long-term success is the feeling that comes from a successful career or achieving a goal that was difficult and required time and hard work.
These successes come much less often but leave a more enduring feeling. Life-time success is different as a much longer period of time is involved. It also involves more than one particular area. For instance, it's common in some fields, especially the arts, to present a Life Time Achievement Award. But is that really lifetime success? These awards usually concentrate on a single area of the recipient's life, which doesn't really capture this concept. Success over such a long period has to involve more than just achievement in a single area, even if such accomplishment covers a life time. That's the foundation of this concept of success. Success is, quite simply, that which we think it is. Each person's definition of success is tempered by their own vision and values.
Accomplishing something that doesn't relate to your vision, or that contradicts your personal values will not feel much like success. In fact, it may even seem more like failure. If we set or adopt specific goals, and then achieve them, we feel successful. Such short-term success will most likely whet our appetite for more long-term success and if we continue to strive to accomplish those short-and long-term successes across a broad spectrum, we'll realize life-time success. And that's what's most important; success which comes from a lifelong devotion to a clear vision and a well-defined set of values. 7/5/2021 Success, How Do You Define It?,-How-Do-You-Define-It?&id=6566135 2/2 My grandfather was a well-respected, accomplished scientist. He spent the majority of his life as a biochemist at the Mayo Clinic. He had many successes in many areas, learning to walk again after a bout with polio in his teens, a marriage of over 60 years, and of course a successful career. His crowning professional achievement was his work leading to the discovery of cortisone.
I was walking through the hallways of the Mayo campus with him one day, long after he had retired, and was amazed at the number of people who stopped him to say hello. When I was introduced, they would invariably make it a point to tell me what a great person my grandfather was. He was a humble man and I believe he found all those accolades a little embarrassing, but they left a lasting impression on me. What I saw that day was true life-time success. As leaders we must understand, for ourselves, and our followers, that life-time success does not result from only the job, but from a well-rounded approach to life that involves many short- and long-term successes of different types. How do you define success? Bob Mason is a speaker, trainer, and author of "Bridging the Generations: A Leader's Guide to the Complex MultiGenerational, 21st Century Workplace" and "Planning to Excel: Strategic Planning That Works." After 30 years of leadership experience he founded RLM Planning and Leadership to transform leadership by developing great leaders. Bob works with organizations that want to excel by training managers to lead and creating great strategic plans to keep leaders focused. See what he can do for you at Article Source:
My 3 Words for Today! 8thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 8thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
I am reminded that, in striving to achieve progress in any area, consistency is key, and that measurement is necessary to hold myself accountable and show me that I am getting results.
Wednesday, 7 July 2021
By Rhonda Byrne - Hero
My 3 Words for Today! 7thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 7thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
Live your today! not yesterday, as tomorrow! be in today, don't let your tomorrow occupy your today. Be here now!
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 6thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 6thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
The creation process is always at work, the three steps of the process are; Imagine, feel, receive in order to create what you desire in your life, you must harness the power of creation by positive focus on the things you desire.
Monday, 5 July 2021
Learning to Be Thankful For the Success in Your Life
By Michael G A Brown | Submitted On September 29, 2011
Is thankfulness one of the greatest things in life? You could notice that parents would tend to give more to a more grateful child. The fact is most people only require the words thank you in exchange for good deeds and services they have given. The words thank you could be considered to have great positive energy. If you consider the way you feel when someone is truly grateful for good act's you have rendered to them. So should you be grateful for the success you achieve? And does saying thank you create positive energy in your life?
What is Success?
The first thing that we should look at is what is success, and what does success mean to you? In fact before you can be successful you need to clearly define what success means to you. Success can mean different things to different people, so each person has to decide what success means for them. For some success might mean having a very healthy body and the time to exercise on a regular basis. For another person success could be having a net worth of 1 million dollars. Success may be considered studying a course and passing exams with very high grades, But it is still you who will need to decide the thing that success means to you
Success could be happening everyday
You could find that every day you are experiencing success. Success could be in things considered small or things that are considered great. So is there such a thing as a success attitude? We could say that success can be found in every moment of your day, and if this is the case does the feeling of success have a positive effect on your mind and body. Think about a time that you won a race or one an event, think about how you felt. May be you felt a feeling of great elation, in-fact that feeling could have produce endorphins in your body leading to a feeling of well-being. It could be the fact that a good feeling may be producing chemicals in your body that allows you to be in good health? So it could be good to think of small and large successes every day
The Power of feeling Successful
The idea that you can find success in all areas of your life and every moment could be very useful. If you have the power to produce the feeling of success at will, might be a good ability to have. If we consider that the feeling of success could produce the healthy effects for your body, then it could be useful to find things to be successful for. Also if being grateful for success brings powerful and great effects in your body then finding successes to be thankful for could be very useful. So you could also find that you could have a richer and more rewarding life. You could find that you are living a life that is full of more joy.
Success in the Mind
Could the whole idea of success be a mind related activity, and if this is the case is it possible to train the mind to feel success in all things that you do. Also if the idea of being grateful for success creates positive effects in the body and mind, then it could be a could idea to learn methods to develop success and gratitude thoughts at will. Indeed the mind could be considered very powerful, and you may indeed find that you have more mental abilities than you think. Could you generate greater joy by creating success and gratitude of success everyday? Well maybe you could start to think of things that you have been successful at and show gratitude and see how you feel. It has been said that it takes 30 days to develop a new habit, so perhaps this could be a habit that you could develop. What do you think - Thoughts to Make You Think - MGA Brown is the Author of "Thoughts To Make You Think" and "Thoughts to Make You Wonder". To find out more, and see how you can benefit go to Article Source:
My 3 Words for Today! 5thJuly 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 5thJuly 2021
Today's words are:
Today, I am grateful for the opportunity to do something new. To push myself into something I haven't done before and to have a new experience from which I can learn and grow to a new level.
Friday, 2 July 2021
My 3 Words for Today! 2nd July 2021 Today's words are:
My 3 Words for Today! 2nd July 2021
Today's words are:
Today my perseverance was rewarded. After moths of trying being disappointed, trying different approaches and developing myself and my work, I reached a big goal in my business.
The Lesson= NEVER QUIT
Thursday, 1 July 2021
Goals and Desires
By Weldon Smith | Submitted On January 17, 2011
Goals are essential to leadership. That's true. True leadership means choosing a worthy destination by way of a correct direction, and then going. Leadership does not allow for staying in place, and to arrive at a place worth being requires goals. Leadership is essential to goals. That also is true. Many-perhaps most-goals are not attained or accomplished. Most people hate setting goals. Many people think setting goals doesn't work. The fact is, it doesn't work-without leadership. It is a loathsome activity-without leadership. It is mostly a waste of time-without leadership. Most people approach goal setting as a left-brained, logical thing. Goal setting is really a right-brained, emotional thing, at least to start. It begins with wanting something. Most goals are short-lived failures because they pertain to something the person setting the supposed goal doesn't really want. If you don't really want something, you won't do what it takes to get it. And you can't have anything without doing what it takes to get it. A person may think he should lose weight, thus, he should stop eating ice cream, cookies, and candy. So he sets a goal to stop eating fattening food. He may study the matter and feel that he can lose 10 pounds a month, and in seven months he will be down 70 pounds. But on the third day the grocery store has a sale on ice cream and that is the end of that goal.
What happened? He didn't really want to lose weight enough to do what it takes to accomplish it. He really wanted to keep eating ice cream. Alas, we humans do what we really want to do. We may think we want to be healthier, thinner, richer, friendlier, funnier. But unless we are willing to change, we will stay the same. That was a brilliant statement wasn't it? But it's true. You can't stay the same and be different. People set "goals" based on what other people want for them, or what society demands they be or do, or because there are things that seem like the right things to do. Goals don't work until the person wants the result for himself. It is popular to say and think that if a goal is not written down, it is only a wish, or it will never be accomplished. Teachers and speakers say this as if it were a fact. The truth is that a goal is a goal. If you have a goal in your brain-and it is a goal to get something you really want-it's a goal. There is nothing magical about writing it down. If it's not a goal, it's not a goal, even if it is written down. If you have a goal engraved in stone and gold-leafed, but you don't really want to accomplish it, it 6/28/2021 Goals and Desires 2/2 is not a goal because a goal is only a goal if it will help you get something you really want.
Otherwise it is a waste of time, and real goals are never wastes of time. To be a smart aleck for just a moment, if a goal has to be written in order to be a goal, then an illiterate person cannot set a goal to become literate because he can't write it down. Okay, enough of that. But I will say this: If you can't write down your goal if you want to, then very likely it isn't a goal. A goal has to clearly state what will happen and by when. And I will also say that I do recommend writing down goals. A person should have enough goals that he doesn't want to try to keep track of them all in his head. Jim Rohn, who was very wise and very rich, suggested having lifestyle goals and financial goals and giving goals and many other kinds of goals from the near future to ten years out. We should all know where we want to be in ten years, and how we're going to get there, or in ten years we will probably be about where we are today. Ten years is a long time, and things change much faster than that. In good goal setting it is permissible to tweak and change goals. In two years we may want to change where we want to be in ten years, but we should be in a better place in two years because we had set ten-year goals. Once a person decides what he really wants and is sure he will do what it takes to get what he wants, then legitimate goal setting can begin. A goal is simply part of an action plan. A goal is exercising leadership. The action plan is what it takes to get what you really want, and to go where you really should be. You're willing to change something toward having a different result at some future, intelligently-arrived-at time. I want to insert here Dave Ramsey's famous saying. "Live like no one else, so that later you can live like no one else." He says that in regards to money, meaning that if you will be intelligent with money now, later you will have so much of it you will be more comfortable and secure and giving than most other people. It works with any goal. Work hard at your goals now so that you will be that much better somewhere down the road. And with continual goal setting, you're constantly investing in yourself and your life for the rest of your life, to have an exceptional life.
We figure out what we have to do to get what we want or to arrive where we want to be. As we set off to achieve those things, we understand better what we want or where we should be, and what is necessary to get there in the best way. Goals do have to be measurable. We have to be able to count in some way what we're doing. If we can't tell how well we're doing as we go along, we'll get lost. We'll give up. If we can't tell what good our activities are doing, we won't waste the time. We can set a goal only for what we can control. A boss cannot set a goal for an employee. He can threaten the employee if the employee doesn't do certain things by certain times, but that is not a goal. That is an assignment or a poor delegation. A salesman cannot set a good and legitimate goal for how much of his company's product he will sell because he cannot force anyone to buy what he is selling. He knows from experience that if he does certain things, he will probably sell approximately so-much of his company's products in so-much time, with so-much effort. But he cannot control others' wants, the economy, or whether a different company or product will enter the market and blow him out of the water. A salesman may decide he wants to sell a certain amount of product and be paid a certain amount for doing so. Now it's time to set goals about what he'll do, how much he will do, and by when, to try to get it to happen. As leaders, we must set goals. We must work hard to leave behind things that don't work and move toward things that do work. Weldon Smith is the author of the book True Leadership and False Counterfeits, which explains what True Leadership is, and why any other idea of what Leadership is does not work. Furthermore, Leaders are not only those who have followers. Every success in every aspect of life is the result of practicing Leadership. Please visit the website at to subscribe to the free newsletter or to read the book.
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My 3 Words for Today! 1st July 2021 Today's words are:
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