Friday, 30 April 2021
Thursday, 29 April 2021
Action Steps to Create Abundance
By Christine LeClaire | Submitted On June 21, 2015
Are You Working For Or Against Yourself? It has been my observation that creating abundance in one's life is intimately tied to one's self-esteem. If an individual suffers from low self-esteem, abundance suffers in direct proportion. In other words, abundance may be fleeting; it comes and goes, but is rarely sustainable. While on the other hand, a high self-esteem exponentially raises the odds of one's ability to create sustainable abundance. Now, the idea of abundance is not a fixed definition, but rather a deeply subjective meaning unique to each individual. Abundance for some may be based on material wealth, while for others abundance may mean a healthy body. Each of us has our own unique perspective on abundance, based upon our personal priorities in life, and the totality of our experience.
However, I would venture to guess that for the majority, there is only one attribute that is exalted to the pinnacle of abundance. I am interested in entertaining the concept that abundance can occur in equal measures across multiple domains of our lives - material, health, love, family, fun, talent, knowledge, etc. Abundance is not a hierarchal structure in my mind, but more akin to a flat organization, where success is attained through equal contribution by numerous individuals, or in the case of the example, numerous elements comprising our lives. It is evident that how we as a population have framed our understanding around abundance, leads to self-defeating behaviors. How often have you come across a friend, family member, or colleague that has mastered one area of life and has achieved great abundance, but other parts of their life are falling apart? Do we honestly believe that this individual relishes the idea of failing, and is content with the imbalance? Or is it simply that we as a population have grown comfortable with the assumption that abundance is a singular attribute? I suggest that the idea of abundance needs to be perceived from a different vantage point, where the achievement of abundance occurs on multivariate points.
Provide yourself with permission to enjoy ALL that life has to offer, and can be delivered to you on an infinite scale, rather than a finite scale. Then, and only then, will your life rise to the occasion and seek ways to deliver abundance to you in all areas of your life. Now, I wholeheartedly admit, easier said than done; as not only your mind, but also your body and heart must believe that complete abundance is achievable. If it is simply your cerebral impulses indoctrinating your body and heart to believe through internal dialogue, or some type of mantra, then you are creating a forced process. Rather the approach should be fluid and easy, resulting in all internal knowledge centers to simply recognize the information as a fact. Recipe To Create Abundance In Your Life
1) Don't allow fear to control your life - understand fear is a modern day emotion we assign to situations that are unknown to us. I ask, why should a new endeavor be fear based? Would it not make more sense to perceive newness as a fun opportunity to explore you even further? 4/26/2021 Action Steps to Create Abundance
2/2 2) Stay focused on what you DO want in life - commit to positive outcomes and focus your mind's eye on those objectives. Do not succumb to focusing your objectives on the premise of lack, as you will inadvertently be sabotaging your outcome.
3) Act as if abundance has already arrived in your life - There is a physical aspect to materializing abundance. It is important to take small action steps that in time will establish incremental change in your life. Now, I am not suggesting securing material abundance by incurring credit card debt. Rather, I am suggesting becoming an expert in all topics of finance, talking to individuals who are abundant in the areas of life you wish to be, and create dialogue around how they achieved this outcome. Through a due diligence process, you will be drawing in that which you seek.
4) Be authentically you - develop a life of transparency where you are presenting to the outside world your true self. If you have a separate self in the workplace, from your home life, your internal knowledge centers will be unable to differentiate where the true you lies within the continuum you have created; resulting in a dysfunctional abundance process.
5) Thoughts and words need to be positive - Your perspective on life will need to move toward a belief system based on optimism, rather than pessimism.
6) Appreciate the small joys of life - create an attitude of gratitude, where small everyday occurrences are regarded as blessings. You begin to appreciate not only the broad strokes of life, but also the smaller, often overlooked gifts we receive on a daily basis
7) Have an open heart - on a fundamental level you need to love yourself, and have a belief that you deserve an abundant life. In addition, your heart - your emotion center - cannot be encumbered by a shield of armor. The mere premise of protecting yourself from negative outcomes entertains a way of living that runs counter to your ultimate objective.
8) No one is exempt from abundance - abundance can be achieved by all individuals, what is often not spoken about abundance, is that it requires commitment, effort/work, daily practice, support mechanisms, and a belief that the outcome is achievable. The theory of abundance is not simply words spoken, then as an individual, you simply sit back and wait. No, the reality is that abundance is an active process requiring nourishment to become a sustainable life experience.
9) Let go of how abundance will appear in your life - be open to all manifested abundance you create, rather than rigid targets. Creating abundance is a skill that you hone like any other skill. Therefore, be open to how the abundance arrives in your life in the early stages, as you simply want to confirm that abundance is taking hold in your life. Then over time, you can refine your abundance skill to more targeted outcomes, once you are comfortable with your personal formula for creating abundance.
10) Abundance is not a win/lose proposition - In order for you to be abundant, another must go without, is a pattern of logic that self-sabotages abundance. Abundance thrives in a world of win/win propositions, where all of humanity can participate in a state of having. Christine LeClaire is a business professional focused on leadership, transforming organizations, and peak performance. She has attained a mastery over achieving goals, learning new skills quickly, and formalizing the dots between vision and reality. She holds an MBA in International Business, and has studied cutting-edge methodologies on Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School.
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Wednesday, 28 April 2021
The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts Paperback – 20 Feb. 2015 by Gary Chapman (Author)
Get this book if you have any inclination to help your relationships along - be it with your partner, your kids or your friends.
It made me understand better the things that were working reasonably well already and pin pointed the things that needed some attention. Encourage the important people in your life to read it too and life might take on a brighter look.Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Monday, 26 April 2021
Discipline Makes a Man Perfect
By Naeem A Syed | Submitted On May 13, 2009
By Naeem A Syed | Submitted On May 13, 2009 Discipline means training or way of life aimed at self control and conformity to any given guidance. Obedience is what required from the person who intends to be disciplined. It is assumed that the one who disciplines another has already attained the top position or perfection in all respects. In other words, a person is taught how to behave with others, how to cope up with the surroundings and situations, from his/her childhood. The first persons who teach discipline are Mothers and the Fathers. From them everyone learns how to eat, walk, sleep, speak, and how to behave with others. With this initial stage of discipline we learn how to behave in school.
In school we are taught discipline of a higher degree, in order to learn self control, respect teachers, do our daily chorus at school and at home. We are taught discipline to study and play. Without this discipline, it would become difficult for the students and teachers to cope up with each other. At every level of a man he or she is taught discipline. Apart from home and school, discipline has to be followed in work places, offices, shops and in all public places. The Military of every nation has a highest degree of discipline. Without discipline no military could win a war. To put in a nutshell, without discipline, success in all walks of life is not possible. A person without discipline will behave like an animal. Discipline helps us to be organized. Put the things in their proper place, arrange events at the right time and acquire the required strength by means of politeness and friendship. An organized person can handle anything of his interest. Discipline helps us to acquire respect from others.
Disciplined people become trustworthy, noble and honored. At the time of Marriage proposals for anyone, his/her disciplined way of life is always looked into before accepting the same. For a disciplined man or woman love and respect from others is imminent thus their matrimony becomes easy. A happy home always would have a disciplined husband and a disciplined wife. If the children too are disciplined in such a way, no doubt the family becomes a beacon of discipline to others. The learner of discipline is called a disciple. The religious disciples are the example for us to see that they reached to their highest degree of honor and respect due to their undergoing of disciplined life style. The Prophets, Rishis, Sadhus and Sufis (Indian Origin, meaning holy-men) had their own band of disciples learning discipline throughout their lives. Even the animals are disciplined for the benefit of mankind. They are called domesticated animals.
Hence, we could find the difference of a disciplined or domesticated animal and an animal without discipline in the Jungle. Ants going their way in a single line and the flock of birds flying in their perfect speed, position and direction show us the discipline they observe. Finally, there is one interesting fact about the word D I S C I P L I N E : Arithmetically speaking, according to the alphabetical placement position of the letters, that is A=1, B=2, C=3, the total of DISCIPLINE comes to 100 - a sign of perfection. Hence, it is true that the DISCIPLINE makes a man perfect. Naeem Syed is the Founder And CEO of Shaadmaani.Com Co-founder of CalliberJobs.Com.
A Social Worker And Responsible Citizen of India, Naeem Syed has a couple of Websites for the benefit of Citizens of this world. He writes on Social Issues and Cultures. Naeem Syed may be contacted at [http://www.Shaadmaani.Com] & [http://www.CaliberJobs.Com]
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Friday, 23 April 2021
Thursday, 22 April 2021
All About Parenting - Discipline Guides
By David Oludare Ezekiel | Submitted On July 17, 2011
1. All about discipline: According to my latest research, there are millions of books, pamphlets and articles on the subject of child discipline. There are lots of books and articles out there on this particular topic (discipline) with kinds of name, such as "Behavior Modification", "Ways to Discipline a Child", "All About Parenting" or some approach that says, "This Is the Best Way to Discipline Your Child". That's why this article is different from any other and I enthusiastically recommend it to every parent.
2. Understand what discipline is?: Understanding the true nature of discipline. I ask, what is discipline? Discipline is teaching, it's the process of teaching that goes on all the time. When we discipline our children, we are teaching them two things that I want you to understand well, (i) To avoid undesirable behavior and (ii) To use desirable behavior, these are the two things, and very few people see this clearly. Agree with me that discipline is teaching? Yes it is. I will this medium to tell you that in discipline it is wrong to use one approach to discipline a child or children. Remember "that your child or any other child is truly unique, born with combination of genes and a biological temperament different from those of any other child in your family, or indeed any child anywhere". So, using one approach will not work at all time with a child or all children, you must have a tailor-made approach to fit the uniqueness of a child or any child. That's the reason discipline is teaching.
3. What you should know on/about discipline: Firstly, it is important to take the age of the child into consideration or account, because has they grow their, character, thinking ability and every thing about them change or move up with their growth. Am sure, you do not teach desirable behavior to a two-year-old or three-year-old in the same way you teach an eight-year-old. Secondly, this is on you (the parent) feeling comfortable on the way you're handling problems with your children. What I mean is, you must feel comfortable with the way you're handling situation or problems when it comes to discipline or parenting a child or children. It must suit you. Lastly, have explain this before, but I will put more light on it, this is for the parents who do feel comfortable with one approach when it comes to discipline. A word from an expert says "A particular approach works best when dealing with a specific situation", but will it work when dealing with another situation entirely? Definitely not! You ask why?, okay, what will work for parent Smith might not work for parent Anderson, because of his own personality or the way his parent raised him and the discipline or approach that works on Peter might not work on Johnson, because of their genes and biological temperament. So, I repeat "using one approach will not work at all time, when it comes to discipline". I believe a new approach to discipline or parenting is needed, and this article will give it in the following ways. (i) This article will teach or show you kinds of approach to discipline and how to use these different strategies. (ii) How to discipline your child from infancy to adulthood and (iii) How to find the right strategy or approach that will suit you comfortably. I believe a new approach to discipline or parenting is needed, and the next article will provide it in the following ways. (i) This article will teach or show you different kinds of approach to discipline and how to use these different strategies. (ii) How to discipline your child from infancy to adulthood and (iii) How to find the right strategy or approach that will suit you comfortably. Get more guides in the next article.Don't miss it! For more guides on child parenting/discipline check out my blog now:
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Wednesday, 21 April 2021
Tuesday, 20 April 2021
Monday, 19 April 2021
Five Secrets to Unlimited Motivation
By Joseph W Scott | Submitted On October 19, 2011
Motiv-Hate or Motivate 5 secrets for unlimited Motivation In life we need energy to live, to exist and to do things with our life and with others. Yet sometimes we can miss life through talking ourselves out of it. Just like this: • I just can't be bothered • It's just too much effort, I'm tired • It's not worth it, who cares • Sure, one of these days... • Yes, I know that I should, but... Sound familiar? If this is you, and you are saying this to yourself and or to others, you are lacking one of the key ingredients in the recipe of life, MOTIVATION: MOTIVATION; the psychological feature that arouses an individual to action toward a wanted goal; the reason for the action So, we can define motivation but does that help? Usually not enough! What is this thing called 'motivation'? Where do you find it? How can we get motivated? The first secret to share here is Secret No.1 'motivation is not a thing' it is not a noun. You will never trip over motivation that someone has left in the bathroom, nor will you find a chunk of it in the fridge! Has anyone ever bought a kilo of motivation from the shop? I think not! If that is the case, then what is motivation, how can we be motivated and more importantly how can we motivate ourselves? Would you like unlimited motivation, does this interest you? If so, read on because that is the design of this article. Motivation is a set of thinking strategies or processes that we run for ourselves... Did you notice what you just read? '...
That we run ourselves! What does this mean? It means that we are responsible for how motivated or not we are! It means there is no point looking to another to provide motivation for us; in fact it is impossible for another person to motivate us, only we can decide what is or is not motivational to us. So Secret No.2 to motivation is 'we are responsible for the amount of motivation we have'. Can you start to sense the power you have over yourself when you take responsibility for you? What is it that drives us to feel motivated? What drives motivation? Further, how does motivation drive us toward what we want, need or believe? What is this fuel? The answer brings us to secret No. 3, 'emotions are the fuel of motivation' and ultimately are what drive us! Let us take a look at how emotions 'drive or move us to action, the best place to start may be with the word 'emotion'. E-motion, as we look more closely at this word we can see its structure. 'E-nergy in motion';(e motion). Our emotions are our energy. Typically we can put emotions' into three distinctive categories: • Positive 4/19/2021 Five Secrets to Unlimited Motivation 2/3 • Neutral • Negative As we can define our emotions into these three simple types, then what does that also say about our energy? Well, we can make the same distinctions for our types of energy; positive, neutral and negative energy. This leads us to Secret No.4 'People are motivated and can motivate themselves using these 3 different types of energy' so can you! The affect of positive emotion often gives us the energy to move toward what we want or need, we somehow feel pulled or drawn (motivated). As we experience neutral emotions we can 'take it or leave it' and with negative emotions we experience discomfort, a form of pain and we (are motivated) try to get or move away from the cause of such. We can represent this with a diagram:
The Axis of Motivation Whether we move away from the pain and consequences or toward the good feelings or outcomes in our life, both create energy that we put into motion to do something. This is motivation. Now what this gives us is a strategy for developing unlimited motivation for anything we want to do or have in life. Typically, human beings have a preference to which end of the motivational axis they motivate or get motivated by. We can ask ourselves some questions to identify our own preference for getting motivated. Ask yourself the following questions and notice if you are motivated toward what you want or away from what you don't want: I get out of bed in the morning; 1. Because I have to (away from) 2. Because I want to start the day (toward) I take my medicine regularly; 1. Because I want to be well and live life as fully as I can (toward) 2. Because if I don't I will become ill or possibly die (away from) When asked I will go out and socialise with others; 1. Because I like to meet and be with other people (toward) 2. Because it is rude not too and I don't want to upset anyone (away from) I keep my home tidy; 1. Because I like it like that (toward) 2. Because I get moaned at if I don't, or someone unexpected may come round (away from) I understand that regular exercise is healthy for you; 1. And I exercise because I want to get the health benefits from it (toward) 2. And I exercise because if I don't my health may get worse (away from) I do things; 1. Because I can 2. Because I have to How many 'towards' or 'away from' did you identify with? Most people will find themselves using motivation at just one end of the axis, either mainly toward or mainly away from. Now that you have this understanding on how YOU are typically motivated, we can move to Secret No.5. This secret is the one that brings all the other secrets together and will show you how to get unlimited amounts of motivation for the rest of your life! Secret No.5 says 'Combine both away from and toward energies at the same time and you will create a personal motivation that propels you into action'! By becoming aware of the other energy available to you, at the other end of the motivation axis you can ramp up the emotional motivation to get you to take action, to feel motivated and finally in control of you! Either now or later, take 5 minutes to take yourself through the unlimited motivation pattern below.
These x simple questions can be applied to anything that you need more motivation for, any time, anywhere. After you have used this pattern a couple of times you will be motivating yourself and possibly other like an expert! The Unlimited Amounts of Motivation Pattern 1. Identify something in your life you want to have or be more motivated about (This can be anything, getting out more, going to the gym, or doing the housework, anything...) 2. Once you have identified something, write it down so you don't forget what you are working on 4/19/2021 Five Secrets to Unlimited Motivation 3/3 3. Notice your current motivation style associated with this activity, are you motivated away from or toward? If you are away from read and ask yourself part A, if you are toward, read and ask yourself part B Part A, You are moving away from the pain or consequences, but you can put up with it for awhile. First notice how real the discomfort is, what else could be a problem or even more painful if you don't take action on this. To add even more energy to your motivation notice what you will get that is good or pleasurable once you have taken the action or started the activity. Notice how good it feels and how good it will feel when you have completed this activity... So as you experience all of this about that activity, notice just how much energy you have for taking the step to be doing it... Go do it then! Part B, You are moving toward the activity, but it doesn't pull on you enough to take any action. First notice just what attracts or pulls you toward it in the first place, that's right, now as you think about that, ask yourself, what is important to me about this...
What does the importance of this mean to you, how do you feel about it now, knowing this? Just imagine what it would mean if you never did this, you would never realise this meaning and its importance. It could be the start of procrastinating on other important and meaningful things in life, you wouldn't want that to be true would you? Be with this awareness, notice the heightened pleasure and possible pain if you don't act on this as soon as you can... Just now, notice HOW much energy and motivation you know have for this... Get on with it then! Congratulate yourself on doing or starting the activity, notice how well you can motivate you to take the actions that are important to you. Notice the sense of independence and pride you have for yourself as you read this and start to take the first steps to becoming expert at developing your own motivation, imagine the possibilities you now have for your Joseph W. Scott Managing partner @ TheCoachingRoom Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia For more great insights join our fortnightly newsletter; EvolvingIntent email to
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Friday, 16 April 2021
Thursday, 15 April 2021
Changing Negative Attitudes In 3 Simple Steps
By Michael Lee | Submitted On March 10, 2011
Changing negative attitudes is not impossible, but it is not a piece of cake either. If you really want to change yourself for the better, you have to be 100% on it. This can't just be a one-time thing where you'll immediately give up after the first time. You really have to commit yourself to this for it to work. If you're ready to learn about changing negative attitudes, then read on!
Step 1: Decide On A Goal. Oftentimes, it is our negative behavior that stands in the way of our dreams. But if we're seriously focused on a goal, then we will do whatever it takes to achieve it, even when it entails changing certain aspects about ourselves. Take Mary for example. She wasn't the hardest working person in the company; but when she made it her goal to earn a promotion, she started taking shorter breaks and started working longer hours. Instead of waiting for others to come up with an idea, she went ahead and suggested her own. Because she had a very clear idea of what she wanted to happen, she initiated the change herself. If you can find a goal that is really worth working hard for, then changing negative habits or behavior will not be a problem for you!
Step 2: Give It A Name. Changing negative attitudes starts with knowing what kind of undesirable characteristic you have in the first place. Are you lazy, rude or prone to jealousy? By identifying what these negative qualities are, you at least have some sort of idea on how to go about getting rid of them. After all, if people keep telling you that you are short-tempered and yet you can't even admit it to yourself, then this attempt to change (what you perceive isn't existent or necessary) will be nothing but a waste of time. Be honest with yourself.
Step 3: Find A Role Model. 4/12/2021 Changing Negative Attitudes In 3 Simple Steps 2/2 Changing negative attitudes can also mean replacing them with better qualities. And who better to help you do that than the person with characteristics you admire? How about your boss, eh? He's smart, talented and is always respectful to everyone - even the door man. What about your aunt? She's confident, grateful and is fond of giving out compliments. When you find someone with positive attitudes, it becomes easier to adopt those same attitudes yourself. Changing negative attitudes can turn your life around. The very fact that you finished this article in the end is already proof of that burgeoning change. To help you achieve your dreams in record time, I'd like to give you instant access to more than 100 of the best free selfimprovement ebooks that could change your life! Download them free at
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Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Take Control of Your Life: How to Silence Fear and Win the Mental Game Audible Logo Audible Audiobook – Unabridged
I loved this book and finished it in a matter of days. Just taking half hour slots to listen, sometimes they stretched into an hour. I am already very familiar with Mel and her teams work and have followed them for a couple of years. What I love about this book and all of the material Mel and the team publish in various formats is that it is like having a really good friend who is helping you to understand clearly why you might feel a bit lost and how to change that.
Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Monday, 12 April 2021
Changing Bad Habits to Good Habits
By Michael Hoare | Submitted On February 01, 2015
If we look closely, we will see that the habits of an average person will rule that person's day-to-day actions. In general, bad habits block you from reaching your goals in life and fulfilling your potential. It doesn't matter so much what they are, but it is important to become aware of them and accept the truth of them, and then to take action to begin to change those negative things in your life. The average person will go through their life making repeated intentions to change their negative/bad habits, but within a short time they are back in the saddle, so to speak, and letting their bad habits run their lives. More often than not, those people find themselves not doing what they wished to do, but doing what they are accustomed to doing. So how do we change those habits that have outlived their usefulness or are just harmful to our growth? I'm not a psychotherapist, but I think we can all agree that habits are a fixed way of thinking, willing or feeling that has been acquired through a repetition of thinking or acting. I want so share my thoughts about good and bad habits in three areas: Eating, Sex and Honesty. The Good Habits and Bad Habits of Eating Eating is something we all have to do. We must feed the body in order to function. Keeping our bodies healthy and feeding them correctly will help us in our meditation and spiritual practices. For instance, try meditating when you're hungry, or when you've overeaten. Where's your focus going to be; not on the peaceful place in your heart area, or on the mantra you're listening to. The mind and all the senses will be working overtime to distract you. They already distract you enough during meditation, even when you don't over eat.
Remember what you focus on; that's what you draw into your consciousness and your life. Try to see your mind as a container and your consciousness as water. The water will take on the shape/form of the container you pour it into. So be careful of your container, i.e., your mind. Practice discrimination and control, and focus on spiritual aspirations as opposed to material ones and your consciousness will be elevated. It's a simple process, take care of the body, and for the most part it takes care of itself. Does that mean we are all going to get skinny and live a long peaceful life? No. But it will bring more peace into your life and your mind, and you will emanate more peace in day-to-day living. Sex: When is it Good and When is it Bad? Sex is a natural function of human life. Our human life is meant for enjoyment. We are meant to live life to our fullest, but not get overshadowed by the process of trying to enjoy it. Being respectful toward yourself and others is key. So when does sex become something that is harmful to you, others or the society we live in? Here's one of those ways: when sex is misunderstood by our children as a random act, rather than an act of intimacy between two people, because of the messages that are being promoted through billboards, movies, TV and the Internet, it then becomes harmful. 4/12/2021 Changing Bad Habits to Good Habits 2/3 When sex is used as a means of sensory enjoyment, rather than intimacy, it degrades that act and makes it no more important than having a milk shake or experiencing any other random act of enjoyment. When sex is used as just an act of gratifying our own pleasures, we are not only harming ourselves but others, as well.
Sex was always meant to be a spiritual experience between two intimate people who are looking to enhance and bind their relationship to become one. It is not a random act. Because of how sex is viewed today and the lack of discrimination surrounding right and wrong, and good and bad, we have an explosion of pornography, sex addiction, rape and the degradation of women as mere sex symbols. How do we turn that around? It begins with each one of us. We do the best we can by honoring each other. If you are a man, you honor women; women honor men. In the Ten Commandments, the 5th Law says "Honor your Mother and father," meaning we honor all that represents our mothers (everything that represents the feminine and creates life) and father (everything that represents the masculine and provides and protects life). In the Five Mindful Trainings, the Third One speaks of "Awareness of the suffering caused by sexual misconduct." I think that one is pretty clear. The 4th Yama of Yama Niyama talks about sexual responsibility. When the simple guidelines or spiritual laws are not followed, chaos ensues, integrity is lost and morality falls apart. The Good Habits and Bad Habits of Honesty Honesty is like a rebar (short for reinforcing bar, made of steel rods that are the essential structure when using cement and masonry in building). It helps bond and hold our core principles in place. It can be said that it is the most important facet of our moral character. In short, honesty defines who we are. Now if that doesn't put into perspective how important honesty is to us as human beings, I don't know what does. What brings about dishonesty? The answer is lots of things. But most likely fear would be associated with all of them in some form. Each time we are dishonest, it's like scratching the lens of our glasses. The size of the scratch on your lens will depend of the lie. With each scratch, our vision becomes a little more distorted. Some of us will get used to those scratches and thus look at life through a distorted lens, while others will see and feel uncomfortable and will want to change those lenses. Almost all of us are born with a "belly barometer" as I like to call it. We know even as little kids when we are being dishonest, but over time when that belly barometer is ignored it lessens and lessens until it's not there anymore. One of the ways dishonesty is very sneaky is through omission.
Most people will rationalize that they didn't lie because they didn't say something that was untruthful, but at the same time they did leave out part of what was being talked about. Omission is a lie when you leave out something that would change the meaning of what you said, thus giving a false representation of what is being spoken about. A lie is a lie. If you rationalize why you tell lies, you are tearing away at the structure of your integrity and morality. There is no white lie. It's a law of nature. Telling lies, regardless if they are small or large, will only bring about more lies. Being honest is not always easy and sometimes it isn't the right thing to do... at that moment. This is where you need the help of a spiritual advisor, a friend or loved one who will not be biased (this is hard to find), or good therapist. Honesty will bring you inner peace; dishonesty will bring you inner (and eventually outer) pain. Honesty will build character; dishonesty tears it apart. Honesty brings you respect; dishonesty brings disrespect. Honesty will bring you strength; dishonesty weakness. Honesty brings wisdom; dishonesty ignorance. Overcoming Bad Habits Habits make the performance of certain things easier. Good habits will help make the performance of difficult things easier. Bad habits, no matter how "good" the intentions, are destructive and disturbing to you, yourself and the universe. Bad habits are painful... now and in the future. Very seldom does a person understand that our health, success and outlook on life depend entirely on the battle between our good and bad habits. It is in all the Scriptures and we can see it play out in our everyday life. It's really very simple. Bad habits bring about more bad habits. They are contagious. 4/12/2021 Changing Bad Habits to Good Habits 3/3 Don't think you can get away with just one little bad habit because, small though it may be, it will eat away at the integrity of -- and commitment to -- everything in your life. It won't happen all at once; it never does. But someday you'll wake up and wonder: How did I ever get to this place? So how does one overcome bad habits? By starving them out! Don't give them a chance to grow. Don't rationalize them; don't give them power; don't let them make you think that you are better than others, etc. You have to replace them with something and, in the beginning that "something" might just be a prayer, but you can't let those bad habits go without replacing them or you'll certainly be back in the saddle again with the same old bad habits holding the reins. The most important thing to know is that you can't "white knuckle" them. If you do, it's just a matter of time before you cave back in to the same old bad habits. Discrimination is an important element here, i.e., knowing right from wrong... not letting our senses lead our actions. Admittedly, in the beginning (and even later on) bad habits do give you some pleasure. But as time goes on, the pleasure is a little less, then even a little less, until you're chasing something that you can't catch and you find that you are doing it strictly out of habit.
Worse yet, you may not even be aware anymore of the consequences you are experiencing because of the bad habit and you just become hopelessly adrift in a sea of negativity. In most instances bad habits seem harmless and you do derive some pleasure from it. Otherwise, you most likely wouldn't have done it. So how do we stop repeating bad habits? I said it before: discrimination. Now that might sound like a politically incorrect word. But this is not about being politically correct; it's about integrity, honesty, peace and real Love. How we can begin to be discriminating is by our spiritual practice, i.e., following the natural and spiritual laws. Not just the ones we like but the hard ones as well. Don't water down the teachings that have brought about real Love and Peace throughout time. I'm not talking about us becoming saints or monks. I'm talking about us living the life we are meant to live... being human... acting intelligently from a place of Love and Peace. Not solely from our senses where we find only temporary pleasure, but a place of lasting pleasure; the pleasure of lasting Peace and real Love. This is the goal of human life. We are meant to enjoy ourselves, we are not meant to be slaves to our sensual demands. We are supposed to have our feelings, but not let our feelings have us. When we regularly find the time to meditate, pray and read the Scriptures of the saintly ones, we will develop real peace, harmony and joy. Michael Hoare, D.D., is an author, minister and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner. He is the author of "Returning to WHOLENESS... Discovering Ah-Man," which chronicles his journey to recovery and redemption and the founding of his spiritual recovery program: Ah-Man. Through a series of retreats and one-on-one counseling sessions, Hoare teaches men and women to embrace the Ah-Man within them by creating a loving relationship with one's self, God and others; openness with other people; a sense of integrity; and the ability to communicate; all by incorporating trust, forgiveness and acceptance, thus allowing them to reach spiritual recovery and wholeness while attaining personal healing. You can find him on
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Friday, 9 April 2021
Thursday, 8 April 2021
Discipline is an Effective Habit
By Bob Urichuck | Submitted On March 04, 2009
What is Discipline? Does discipline have anything to do with success or motivation? Does discipline have anything to do with your everyday life? Can discipline be an effective habit? Discipline is defined as a commitment to the most important person in the world - YOU. It means doing what you have to do, even when you don't want to do it. Discipline is an effective habit and effective habits lead to effective results. Conversely, ineffective habits produce ineffective results. Firstly, you must discipline yourself to seek awareness and rid yourself of ineffective habits. Then, by utilizing discipline, replace those ineffective habits with useful and productive ones. By doing so, you can achieve anything you want in life. Discipline, along with a positive attitude, is within your control.
Don't allow those ineffective habits to control you and your future. Instead, discover how daily discipline will eventually alter any negative habits and change your life for the better. Go ahead and make the decision to lead a disciplined life and reap the benefits. Discipline is 100% within your control. Take the first letter in the word Discipline - D and give it the numerical value 4. Then, take each of the following letters in DISCIPLINE and give each letter its respective numerical value. Add all the letter values and take note that the sum equals 100. If you want to increase your performance by 100%, then, put discipline in the driver's seat. Discipline is an effective habit. Discipline is a complete process which includes personal awareness, desire, determination, recognition and reward. Personal behaviour is a part of discipline. Once a meticulous behaviour is recognized and rewarded, it gets repeated. The process is simple. You determine the necessary behaviour or action required to achieve the goal; do it even when you don't want to; and finally, recognize and reward that behaviour so it will be repeated. Allow me to share the discipline in my life. Years ago, I realized I am most productive in the morning, and classify myself as a "morning person".
I used to get up at 7am every morning. Then I had a thought. Why not get up one hour earlier and dedicated that hour as the most productive time for the most important person in the world - ME? I wondered about the outcome of this simple change. 4/5/2021 Discipline is an Effective Habit 2/2 Over the next month, I got up at 6am and dedicated one hour to Bob. I called it "Bob time" and my objective was to do something for me that will help me achieve my goals. That hour is quite special for me now and also, very satisfying. "Bob time" is both my discipline and an effective habit. Now, here is the secret to making "Bob time" a discipline and an effective habit. When I used to get up at 7am, I immediately enjoyed a cup of coffee. However, following my decision to begin "Bob time" at 6am, I decided not to have a coffee upon waking, but to wait until "Bob time" ended. My first cup of coffee became my reward for doing what I said I was going to do. Well, the discipline did not stop there. I believe in physical fitness to maintain good health and well being. Therefore, after my coffee, I venture out for a walk or go skiing, snowshoeing, swimming, etc. for an hour. What do you think my reward is for exercising? Yes, breakfast! My daily routine begins with a shower, getting dressed and preparing for a keynote, workshop or seminar.
Can you imagine how I feel and how I perform for the remainder of the day, based on all I have accomplished before leaving home? Well, I always feel wonderful and I am truly satisfied with my performance. I permit myself to do something rewarding just for me. I can, in turn, do something special for you. Statistics stipulate it takes 21 days to develop a habit. Rest assured, that my "Bob time" discipline and subsequent, reward is a definite habit. And that first cup of coffee tastes better than ever before. Take the time to reflect on your most productive time of day. Once you determine that time, fully utilize one hour of your most productive time and reward yourself upon completion. In no time, you will be disciplined and will achieve the things you thought were impossible in your life. Remember, both attitude and discipline are within your control.
They are the foundation for ongoing self motivation and personal success. Recognize and reward appropriate behaviours and you will enjoy effective habits and valuable disciplines. You are well on your way to where you want to go. Bob Urichuck [] is an International Speaker, Trainer and Best-Selling Author. Would you like to achieve all your goals, live your dreams and be more disciplined? Using Bob's Disciplined For Life course, the results are long lasting and measurable. Visit [] Now to Download 3 FREE Chapters of Disciplined For Life Book!
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Wednesday, 7 April 2021
The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results: Achieve your goals with one of the world's bestselling success books Paperback – 25 April 2014 by Gary Keller
Very interesting read and solidified some thoughts I've been having about focus. This book would be very helpful to those who feel bogged down by distractions from the one thing they really need to be working on. However, I think there are some people (like me) who need help with clearing the path (including clutter, small nagging to-do items) to being able to focus on that one thing. For example, I can't work very well in chaos and he says you have to get used to this -- a point I don't necessarily agree one. Some people need to be be organized and have other things out of the way to allow themselves to be creative and focused. But I am finding the principal tenet of this book to be extremely helpful: asking yourself that question of the one thing you need to work on to either make everything else easier or unnecessary is incredible. I'm using it in many different aspects of my life already.
Tuesday, 6 April 2021
Monday, 5 April 2021
Effective Tricks On How To Attract Success In Your Career
By Chris D Cruz | Submitted On June 19, 2011
Everyone wants to be successful in their careers and lives eventually. That is why people have dreams and ambitions so as they can work towards them. There are tested ways of how to attract success in your career and they are not so hard to practice. A lot of the wealthy people or those say to have made it have learnt some particular ways or practices that if followed they can elevate you to success in your career and you life. Some of them have even become best seller by writing down the practices and selling their books. The market is full of such ''how to get rich'' or ''best ways to...'' books and all have experiences of people who have made it. If you are employed or you run your own business, you often think of ways that will bring more success to your job, either to get that promotion or increment. One way is by having a dream or a goal that you are working towards. Everything that you do is geared at achieving something or getting somewhere.
When you do not have that end destination, you tend to lose your way along because there is no structured way for you to follow and there is nothing to motivate you. Having a goal gives you a purpose and sense of direction. Wise people say that time is money. This is very true because when you can account for your time in all your activities, you will know where to improve on and what seems to take up much of your time. Get to work a little early to prepare for the day and spent your time wisely. Some employees tend to waste company time by doing unproductive things which cost the company money eventually but when you are actively engaged in productive things, you spend your time well. Another way to become successful is by being pro-active in your work. Instead of always waiting until the last minute to start or work on that particular project you were given by superior, you need to start it early so that you can have enough time to go through it for mistakes or improvements. When you are also pro-active you avoid mistakes in advance and always stay ahead of your competition.
Focus can be termed as a structured way or means to something and being alert by sticking to that way. When you are heading anywhere or towards somewhere, so as to get there fast you need to become focused. Lack of it means that you stray off to do other things which will only drag you or make you lose. By being focused on your job, you will be able to always get to the end result not only fast but also effectively. Lastly on how to attract success, you need to be a result oriented employee or worker. All hard work with no result cannot get you anywhere but when you finish it all by bringing in good results, then you can be sure good things come your way and you become success. Click Here [] to download your FREE "Life Success Secrets" package. It normally sells for $47 but for a limited time only, you can grab it for free. Discover the secrets to a fuller, richer life with this free package at []
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Friday, 2 April 2021
Thursday, 1 April 2021
Getting Motivated: Towards or Away From Your Goals
By Pati McDermott | Submitted On November 04, 2017
Some people are motivated away from the things that they don't like and some people are motivated towards the things they want. For example, some people will work on increasing their income because they don't like where they live or they don't like being in debt. That would be called an Away From strategy; moving away from something that is uncomfortable. A Towards person increases their income because they are thinking of the home that they prefer or they are thinking about wanting to increase their savings or their retirement fund. Most people have some combination of both such as 60/40 in either direction. Statistically, this is the most common combination with most people leaning in one direction or the other rather than equally balanced. There is a social bias that a Towards strategy is preferable but that is not necessarily true. If someone has an Away From strategy and it is working then it is a good strategy. If you are primarily motivated away from things that you don't like then it is important that you use that strategy successfully to stay motivated. If your house is messy, there is a point where it gets to be too much and it gets tidied. At what point does the tidying begin? Does it begin at a comfortable level or is your house a disaster before you reach your threshold to clean it? Someone with an Away From strategy for cleaning their house has to notice the house becoming uncomfortable to get motivated to clean it. If you put on blinders and ignore the mess then your Away From strategy isn't working. You will have to take the blinders off and notice how uncomfortable your house is to change the threshold and have a house that is comfortable.
A Towards person is thinking about how nice the house looks when it is clean and is motivated to get it to look the way they like it. If the Towards person forgets what their house looks like with everything put away then there is no motivation that way either. For a Towards person it is important to remember what is good about a tidy house so that they stay motivated to keep it the way that they like it. In both cases the amount of work and effort is the same but one is motivated away from messiness and the other is motivated towards tidiness. If you think about it for a moment you can probably figure out which motivation strategy you are using. Think about something that you regularly get done. Are you motivated away from discomfort or towards a goal? You probably have a different strategy in different contexts. Most people have variations depending on whether they are motivated in their career, at home, in their relationship, etc. If you're not sure which strategy you are using in these different contexts you can begin to observe yourself being motivated to find out which strategy you primarily use. If your motivation strategy isn't working there are things you can do to turn it on more strongly. If you are primarily Away From, build your Away From strategy. Build your discomfort level by really noticing how bad the thing you don't like is. If you hate your job, career, home or finances, and you want to change it - really notice how much you hate it and build that until you start moving away from it. If you have goals and things that you really want, notice how much you want them and develop that strongly. Think about what it will be like when you have what you want. Make it strong and really compelling. Towards people are focused on a goal.
They are thinking about what they want to achieve. They are motivated by what they want to get, have, achieve, or attain. They are energized by their goals and tend to be good at managing their priorities. Away From people notice what they are avoiding, getting rid of and not allowing to happen. Their motivation is often triggered by an increase in difficulty or discomfort such as a new problem or an existing problem getting bigger that becomes a threat. Away From people respond to deadlines, penalties and negative consequences. They are good at troubleshooting, problem-solving, identifying obstacles and picking up on the things that could go wrong. They are motivated by fixing problems, correcting mistakes and a lack of mistakes. This is their style of writing and studying. They look for errors and correct them, constantly upgrading their accuracy by making corrections. They are often distracted by goals and are more motivated by a response to something negative. They are sometimes disliked by Towards people by 3/30/2021 Getting Motivated: Towards or Away From Your Goals 2/3 being seen as negative, cynical, jaded, managing crises, and drawn to problems. To accurately determine an Away From strategy get beyond the surface reason for doing something. Most of us have been trained that it is better to think positively so our first response is often going to be in a positive direction. Dig deeper for the real reason that you want what you want and look for an avoidance pattern or a moving away strategy. Identify what you want and then find the reason why you want it. Do you want it because of what it will give you or do you want it because of what you will avoid? Away From people set goals, but they do it to avoid failure. Their reason for setting goals is Away From and that is what triggers them to take action on their goals.
Away From people sometimes get easily distracted by any little thing that goes wrong. For an Away From person's strategy to work they need to have a balance of some Towards thinking to stay focused on what they need to fix and what they want to accomplish. Towards people need to be aware of any problems that might arise and stay Towards while they work on solving the problem. They need to have back up plans and contingencies for the things that can go wrong. Without a well thought out plan the Towards person can lose motivation when things go wrong if they haven't thought about how to solve their problems. Both Away From and Towards people need a successful combination of clear goals, contingency plans and a focus on priorities. The Away From or Towards strategy is often what gets the person started on a project but something bigger is usually needed for completing a goal bigger than cleaning the house. For big life goals it is important to be primarily goal focused rather than problem focused. An Away From person can still be primarily motivated away from discomfort, but staying focused on problems only will not succeed in maintaining motivation. Whether the person is moving away from a problem to avoid or moving towards a problem they are solving, as soon as the problem begins to get either resolved or successfully avoided, the discomfort of the problem is reduced just enough so that the motivation stops. The problem is no longer an irritant even though it is still there. Being problem focused does not maintain motivation. What maintains strong motivation is a focus on goals. If you are headed for the Emerald City and that is what you are focused on, if there is a mountain blocking your path you are either going to go under it, around it, over it, through it or go the whole way around the planet in the other direction, because you are focused on getting to the Emerald City. A problemfocused person is going to be stuck at the mountain and decide that it is not possible to get any further on their path. They will even forget about their goal because the problem becomes bigger than the goal. Don't ever let your problems get bigger than your goals.
Don't be ruled by your limitations. It's all a matter of perception. If goals were always easy to achieve they wouldn't mean as much to us. A challenging goal that has been reached is a valuable achievement, worthy of effort and even sacrifice. Keep your eyes on the prize! In archery you never aim for the bulls-eye. Gravity will always put the arrow in the ground before it gets there. Raise your aim a little higher, zero in and take your best shot. You can learn to hit the bulls-eye every time. Set a goal, define it very accurately, and generate a lot of excitement about the goal. Focus on what you want with a body of knowledge that supports that. This is what you want to build on. For a big important goal, think about that goal 3 or 4 times a day and get excited about it. It's a matter of focus. Attach a high level of energy to it. Learning to increase your own energy is a very useful thing to be able to do, particularly for achieving big goals. Attach an immense amount of energy to something that you want to accomplish, like riding on a roller coaster, galloping on a horse or skiing down a slope. Attach that intensity to achieving your goal and think about that several times a day. For a long-term goal, pick your goal and put intermediate step goals in between. Put your energy in that, keeping your eyes on the end goal. All along the way there will be obstacles, problems and things to resolve, go around, or avoid to get to the other side of the problem. As soon as you reach an obstacle reorient to the target. When a rocket is sent into outer space it is off course most of the time as it heads towards its destination. It will go off course to the right until a mechanism indicates that it is off course and if self-corrects back to the course. Then it goes off course to the left for a while until it self-corrects and starts heading to the right. The rocket is off course most of the way towards its target but it is programmed to reach its destination. As long as the rocket stays on course it will reach where it is going. Students tend to focus on a goal of getting through school rather than to focus on what their goal is for going to school which is whatever their chosen career is. This tendency can cause a lot of people to get stuck along the way and lose sight of their original goal for going to school.
The ultimate goal must be maintained in order to stay motivated to achieve all that is required for this big undertaking. Define where you want to be. Where do you want to be five years from now - career-wise, health-wise, relationship-wise... ? If you stray from that path you'll lose your focus. Motivation comes when you keep accessing the goal(s) that you really want. Attach fun to it. Make the achieving of this goal exciting - extra exciting - and really, really fun! Make it sparkle. Attach the same level of excitement to overcoming the obstacles and problems to be solved along the way to the goal. Keep looking back at the steps you have achieved to maintain your enthusiasm and belief in your ability to continue doing that as you continue toward your goal. 3/30/2021 Getting Motivated: Towards or Away From Your Goals 3/3 Here's a little exercise that you can follow now from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming): Think of a time in your life when you were really motivated. It might be that you are motivated to be in front of your TV at a certain time every week for your favorite show. It might be a time of learning something fun that you really enjoyed. It could be an experience from a younger age or something you got done easily yesterday. Think of an example where you were easily motivated; the motivation was switched on automatically. It doesn't have to be a big success. It can be any example, even a small one like making a cup of tea that you really want. Maybe it was learning a language or hang gliding. Find an example, any example, from any time in your life where you were highly motivated. Good. Now close your eyes and go back into that memory as if it is right now; fully associate into that memory as if it is happening right now, and notice everything that you can notice from that experience - what you see, what you feel (physical sensations), what you hear, and everything that you are aware of when you go to that memory fully associated.
Close your eyes and go there right now. Write down everything that you notice: pictures, sounds, physical sensations, and everything that you notice from that memory. What are you aware of when you think about that memory of being motivated? What do you notice most strongly? What is the one signal that is strongest? Is it certain words you are saying inside your head like, "Yes!" or "This is great" or is it a picture that you see? Do you see yourself in the picture or are you looking at the picture from your own eyes? What does your body feel - exact physical sensations such as temperature, movement, muscle sensations, smiling, etc.? Find one signal that is the strongest. Okay, now think of a goal that you have now that you want to be motivated to have. Bring the signal from your motivation memory to the goal you have now. So, for example, if you have, "Yes!" as your biggest signal from your past motivation memory, think of your current goal and hear yourself say, "Yes!" If the signal from the past memory was warmth or tingling in your body, think about your current goal and feel warmth or tingling in your body. This is a simple example of NLP using a signal from a past experience to elicit a similar response in the present. Another way to set up motivation for a successful future is to look into the future and see yourself achieving what you are working on having. If you are a student, for example, don't focus on graduating or passing - focus on what you will have after you achieve those steps on your path. School and exams are a doorway or stepping stones that lead to where you want to go. Graduation is not the destination; it is part of the journey.
Focus your attention on where you ultimately want to go. It could be debt or job limitations that are triggering you to move forward but you have goals of where you want to go. Focus on that. Create a clear picture for what that looks like and put it right in front of you, ahead of you, and not too far away. You want it to be achievable in the near future so have your picture somewhat close in front of you. It's not important to actually "see" a picture, but just to imagine in your mind's eye or even just to pretend that an image is there. Good. Now look on your path for obstacles. Is there anything there that you can clear out now? Maybe you can just put it to the side of your path and walk past it. If it's an exam, for example, see yourself walking through that to the other side where you have your goals. See that there might be some problems or challenges on the path to your goal and see yourself climbing over or around those or resolving them in a routine manner. Facing challenges is normal in achieving a big goal and increases the value of achieving it. Go out now into that future and imagine having your goal, experience what that is like (what it looks like, sounds like and feels like) and then come back to the present with that experience, knowing what it is like to have the goal. These are some simple exercises from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and TPM (Thought Pattern Management).
In my work with clients each session is individualized to the needs of each person. A Motivation Strategy or Success Strategy is strongly identified and made to run automatically. Any blocks or barriers to success are identified and resolved. We can elicit a successful strategy for achieving any goal. Keep your eyes on the prize! ©2017 Pati McDermott, CHT, Certified Hypnotherapist, NLP Master & Health Practitioner, & TPM Advanced Master Practitioner. Private Sessions Since 1990. Appointments by Telephone To Anywhere In The US & Canada. 1-877-881-4348 (toll free) Call Any Time or Email
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