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Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Miracles Happen

 By Carolyn Porter, D.Div. | Submitted On July 01, 2015

I absolutely believe in miracles, and although many individuals also believe in miracles, there are quite a few doubters out there. Oh, they may believe in a miracle when something huge happens like a driver racing at a high speed in the middle of a race loses control and crashes, but steps right out of the car unharmed, yet they are blinded in seeing everyday miracles and believing they can happen. So what is the definition of a miracle according to Webster? A miracle is an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes - an act of God. In addition, a miracle is considered something wonderful. I personally have experienced so many miracles in my life I wouldn't know where to begin in sharing them. They have come in all sizes: small, big and everything between. It's sad to me that many people doubt the appearance of miracles so miss the wonderful excitement and joy of experiencing them. Since miracles are referred to as supernatural events, they would naturally occur when a supernatural being gifts us with one. I believe the angels deliver the miracles. Although any angel can send a miracle our way, the Virtues, one of the groups of angels, is especially adept in showering miracles upon us. Of course all miracles essentially come from God (or a Higher Power), but angels are messengers of God so delight in bringing the miracles from God. We see lightning strike a tree under which someone is standing, but miraculously the person is unharmed - a miracle we say. 

A child runs out from behind a parked car and a driver unknowingly drags the child under the car until flagged down by a terrified onlooker. Miraculously, the child has only a few scratches and is basically unharmed - another miracle. One day I was driving back to Atlanta from Chattanooga during rush hour and it was raining in sheets so I couldn't see much in front of me. I did notice cars on every side of me being rush hour in the middle of town, and we were moving slowly when suddenly I saw brake lights right in front of me and instinctively slammed on my brakes. Immediately I began hydroplaning and expected to be in a major crash since cars were on all sides of me. Without being explainable, I blinked my eyes in disbelief when I realized my car was straight and I had not hit any car - no crash. I knew without a shadow of a doubt my angels had been watching out for me and for all I know, lifted my car out of the expected crash and put me down where I was, just driving along straight in line with all other cars. There is no earthly explanation for me not hitting any cars... none! That was truly a supernatural experience - a miracle!!! Many of you would quickly agree the things mentioned above are undoubtedly miracles because there is no logical explanation how these individuals were unharmed given the situations they found themselves in. But let's look at some other miracles. A young woman I met was desperately wanting to have a baby, yet after about 6 miscarriages, little hope was given by the medical profession. Yet some months ago, she delivered her first healthy baby after an uneventful pregnancy. To me, that's absolutely a miracle, but then again, isn't any birth a miracle? 

How about a very young adult who has been abused and on the 'wrong side of the track' for some time, suddenly meets someone who takes him/her under their wing and 12/27/2020 Miracles Happen 2/2 helps them see life differently, giving that person hope. As a result he/she turns their life around and ends up being a pillar in society. To me that's a miracle. Perhaps you've been looking for that perfect house but continually meet up with all types of obstacles. No house feels right and even if it did things aren't working out. Then one day, out of the blue, you find a really nice house and everything falls into place with ease - simply a miracle because it's the right house for you. Maybe you're walking down the street and suddenly drop your purse, spilling its contents all over the ground. A nice gentleman stops to help you retrieve your items, and even though embarrassed, you notice he's a good-looking man and seemed kind. As you thank him you're wishing you could see him again since you felt your heart flutter when shaking his hand. What you didn't know was he picked up one of your business cards that had fallen onto the ground because he was thinking he'd like to see you again. Then he calls you and the rest is history. A coincidence? Not on your life - it's a miracle complete with divine orchestration behind it! Sometimes you need help finding a parking spot close to the store since you hurt yourself and walking is painful, so ask your angels for help - ask for a miracle even if it seems trivial. Or perhaps you need to find something in the store that's perfect for what you want and really inexpensive. This happened in my life. I had allotted 2 hours to shop for a gown for one of my daughter's wedding. 

It could only be certain colors, had to be long and as inexpensive as I could find (since it would only be worn once most likely) - I set my intention for this before I left home. I walked into every store that sold gowns in that mall and even tried some on, but couldn't find anything I liked that was in the price range I had set for my budget. But just as I was leaving the last store I noticed a rack of gowns outside the sportswear department. Who would have thought long formal gowns would be here, and they were clearance at that. I found three I liked in my size and one was a perfect fit and color. Not only that, it had been marked down 80%! Coincidence? No way! I checked the time and had 10 minutes to spare from my original 2 hour shopping time allotment. I still marvel over happenings like this in my life - that I found a dress within the 2 hours and that it was the perfect color and fit, and the price was better than I expected. I totally believe in miracles! What have you experienced in your life that has no logical explanation for how it could be? Perhaps you never thought of them as miracles... maybe you explained them as luck or coincidence. They were miracles since coincidence just doesn't happen. And all miracles are divinely orchestrated. Perhaps it was as simple as a change of plans that felt like an inconvenience yet allowed you to meet someone new who becomes a friend or client. Or maybe you expected several clients that day and all canceled their appointment for various reasons, which gave you an unexpected day to accomplish something else that made you feel really good. Or one time you were driving on the expressway and completely missed your exit. You were fuming because it was making you backtrack, yet while backtracking, you found a wonderful store or restaurant you didn't know existed but were glad to find.

 Pay attention! Miracles abound around you every day if you simply open your eyes to them. The happenings that may seem as if they are messing things up for you often become gifts in seeing something new, most likely miracles. Ask the angels to help you see the miracles in your life clearly. It will make each day exciting as you anticipate the gifts, blessings and miracles that will abound. And don't forget to say "Thank you" for every one you receive. Dear friends, believe in miracles because, like GK Chesterton says, "The most astonishing thing about miracles is that they happen." My wish is that you experience multitudes of miracles every day of your life beginning right now! Miracles happen! They present themselves to us in unbelievable ways many times, but often we overlook things that are truly miracles because we're too busy living life. Take time to notice them in your life and be sure to say 'Thank you" for them. I believe the angels deliver these to us and are sent from God, and they are always wonderful blessings in our life, whether they are big ones or small ones. Look around you. Pay attention, and you will experience miracles!

 Article Source:,_D.Div./28304 

The Gathering Room: Miracles and How to Work Them

Monday, 28 December 2020

When Was the Last Time You Were Truly Vulnerable?

 By Laura Borland | Submitted On August 29, 2014

As I walking past Oxford Street tube station the other day, a homeless man sat on the ground, just inside the entrance sobbing. Loudly. Because of where he was sitting, the sound of his sobbing was magnified and made even louder. It was rush hour and that's exactly what people were doing. Rushing past him. What struck me was his utter vulnerability. He was truly expressing who he was in that moment. Regardless of how he was perceived, judged or ridiculed. He didn't care. He was beyond all of that. It was a powerful and really intense moment watching him sitting there. It almost seemed like he was in a parallel universe to everyone who was rushing past him, pretending he was invisible or else so caught up in their own world that they were oblivious to him. So here is my question. When was the last time you were truly vulnerable? 

By vulnerable I mean having no barriers or defences up against the world. Just being with what is and expressing you in that moment. So often we say yes, when we mean no. We smile, when we want to cry. Stay silent, when on the inside we are screaming for help. Choose what will make it OK for the other person, not what will make it OK for us. You will know what it is for you. We spend so much of the time pretending to be something we are not. Not only to others, but also to ourselves. We all too often specialise in image. The thing about image is that it limits us and totally imprisons us. It is not real and many of us aren't even aware of when we are doing it. It doesn't feel authentic. There is some disconnect between what you can see and what you are feeling from the person. 12/27/2020 When Was the Last Time You Were Truly Vulnerable? 2/2 I know someone who does image a lot in their life, and on the rare moments when they have chosen vulnerability it makes them so attractive and magnetic. It totally pulls me in - much more so than when they are doing image. See often we believe that vulnerability is weakness and not strength. Being vulnerable is risky business... or is just what we tell ourselves? 

What if being vulnerable is when we are actually at our most potent? Yes, people may not know what to do with us - but should that mean that we stop being us? No. No. No. No. No. When we are more of who we are, it really invites people to be more of who they are. Authentic connection is powerful. It is what changes worlds. Over to you So what would it take for you to begin to take a small step into vulnerability? To show up as who you truly are, not who you think you should be? Pick an are of your life and be like the curious scientist. Do something that makes you feel a little vulnerable just to see what happens. What connection could that create? What change could it inspire? What difference could you make? What else is possible that you have not yet considered?

 Article Source: 

The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown

Sunday, 27 December 2020

True Love, How to Obtain It

 By Eloryia Ra | Submitted On August 25, 2011

Have you been looking for love in all the wrong places and in too many faces; only to find more pain and despair? Then it is time to find out the truth regarding your search for true love. You don't need to engage in an endless search for Mr. or Mrs. Right, nor do you settle or compromise for any Mr. or Mrs. Right now. If you continue to search for Mr. or Mrs. Right you will inevitably lose yourself trying to please others who can never really be pleased. When you engage in trying to satisfy the unappeasable you are doing nothing more than giving them the power to control your life. Of course the powerful one is the subtle redeemer of all your good deeds, and can effortlessly play the game all day long everyday. It's much more important to empower yourself by knowing where your love really exists, than it is to be drained of your energy or continue to feel betrayed and end up abandoned by continually giving to someone who is not giving back to you. Instead of surviving in the lack of love where you find yourself alone, you turn your precious love and attention towards the person who most deserves it, you! So that you can become very consciously aware of any inner healing that is necessary to occur within you that has caused you to invest so much of yourself without any returns. True Love is the remembrance and moment-to-moment application and expression of self-love. 

This honors the value of you, your divine magnificence. You will want to attend to you to be sure you eliminate anything inside of you that is causing you to attract those outer relationships that are less than honorable, respectful and loving. Your healing can occur quickly; as when you are engaged in paying attention to the true love of self, your heart opens and is willing to receive. The difficulty for most in accepting and acknowledging their own true love is due to the painful experiences from past lives and the past in this life. These experiences are encoded on a cellular level within you. You fear being fully open with your freedom of expression of self on all levels, not just due to the old painful experiences, but at the real causal level originating from when you first chose to lower your vibration to digress into matter, human form when you subscribed to incorrectly believing you are unworthy of true love. When you incarnate, you came in with a veil of forgetfulness. You are not conscious of this veil, and thusly, you sense a separation from your source, God/Goddess. In human form you have an ego, or the lower mental mind. This lower mental mind does not have the capacity of understanding like the universal higher mind does. The lower mind attempts to calculate and figure everything out rather 12/27/2020 True Love, How to Obtain It,-How-to-Obtain-It&id=6520156 2/5 than simply connecting to the inner feelings of love. The lower mind attempting to figure out the sensation of separation, reasons that you must have done something wrong, and your abandonment is a direct punishment for your incorrectly perceived crime. The ego doesn't remember that your soul made the choice to simply experience incarnation for the very purpose of realizing the love it truly is. Thusly, it calculates if you have done wrong you must be penalized for your wrong doing in some manner. You engage in one life experience after another punishing self in one form or another for doing nothing more than choosing life on earth. These self-abusing experiences accumulate and compound as you continue to cycle through this incorrect belief of wrong doing punishable by whatever. What you are really unconsciously doing is creating one opportunity after another to be able to see the higher truth of being your own true love. Unfortunately, you as well as many have been stuck in this unhealthy behavior for eons The self-punishment does have a silver lining, as a result of your multiple painful experiences, you can realize the greater truth that states you have done no wrong, the truth that states you can do no wrong because you are and have always been love.

 Love that is creating many experiences to realize it is love personified. The time is now, as this is the Golden age of Heaven on Earth, where all will come to realize the truth of the true love of self. You need not wait for anyone else to shift your incorrect beliefs into divine knowingness, nor do you need to fear them any longer. For those whom are still not ready to fully awaken to the truth will not be able to get any where near you once you choose love. When you are connected to your true love, you will not encounter these souls, as you have in the past; who are choosing to live in a lower vibration and are stuck in treating others badly because they don't value themselves to begin with. You need not fear being vulnerable and walking with an open heart, as those who have not yet learned to love themselves simply will not cross your path. The energy of love is a far greater frequency and nothing vibrating from fear will be able to get any where near you. Love cannot encounter fear and those players who are stuck in fear will be on different grounds where they will continue to have the necessary less than loving experiences, so they can come to the same realization of remembering they were never lacking love and need not steal it from another. 

When you incorrectly believe you are lacking love, you seek outside of yourself, another person, place or thing that will fulfill and satisfy this sense of lacking. You continue to pursue others one after the other in search of the love you are not willing to give yourself. Sometimes you may play the role of the victim by giving and never receiving equally in return, or you might take on the opposing role of the abuser, where you constantly take without ever being satisfied. When you play the victim you give anyone and/or everyone the credits for your feel goods and you also project the blame for your feel bads. When you are the abuser you simply blame everyone for everything therefore righteously licensing your terrible treatment of others. The ego is insatiable because it thrives on the sense of lack; lack is what fuels its fires and thusly you give the power to the ego of self, in your endless search of another to fulfill the very love of which you already are. Until you are willing, as you have always been able, to stay and master the ego and its control over you and your life by realizing you are responsible for all the choices you have made; you will never come to know and live in the bliss of true love. Your true love is you! It does not exist outside of you. The one that exists outside of you is known more commonly as, the conscious life partner or twin flame. Although you will never enjoy the benefits of this whole relationship either until you realize your wholeness lies within. How could you expect a whole individual to desire to live with and stand by the side of one who believes they are half a person, or lesser than.

 It simply cannot occur because the vibratory rates are completely different. The whole individual is vibrating with a frequency of abundance of love of self and therefore lacks nothing. This individual needs no one, even though they may choose to share their life with another. The half individual perceives they are in lack and therefore is always needy. The half person lives in fear and the whole person lives in love, as stated above love and fear simply cannot encounter one another. You have already experienced the kind of relationship when two fearful low vibrating individuals get together. These two are like separate halfs attempting to make a whole. They may be very attracted at first, because they are both looking for the same thing, someone to make them whole. Eventually they will unconsciously battle over control of the whole. Often with each half switching roles flipping back and forth from the powerful controlling one to the submissive one. 12/27/2020 True Love, How to Obtain It,-How-to-Obtain-It&id=6520156 3/5 When you incorrectly believe that you lack something and then engage in attempts to fulfill yourself outside of yourself, you will experience being surrounded by many who seem to not want to give you the time of day. They dismiss your opinion as if it is worthless and they don't return the love you wish to give or have given to them. Anyone one who believes they are not fulfilled without the other half is holding a lower vibration and cannot realize true love until they heal their incorrect beliefs about being less than love, less than loving, less than lovable and less than loved. Opposing energies cannot meet and stay together for an extended period of time unless one or both change to vibrate at the same rate of frequency. 

The higher vibrational person will never encounter the lower vibrational individual unless they are participating in their lives for the purpose of healing. In as such the relationship is only temporary unless the lower vibratory person raises its frequency to love and/or the higher vibratory person lowers it frequency to fear. You will not realize and walk side by side with that life partner or twin flame and/or peers until you are whole yourself. All those that come across your path are always a reflection of self. They are messengers to radiate back to you who you are in any given moment. You will always be surrounded by those that represent who you presently are, who you were in the recent past and who you are becoming in the near future, as you awaken to the true love of self. Understanding the mirror those around you are reflecting back to you for your greater good and immediate benefit allows you to disengage yourself from another aspect of the lower mental mind known as judgment. If you are disturbed by someone, look upon them and see what is in within self that is so annoying because you choose not to be willing to see that the behavior of the individual is either something you are presently doing yourself, something you have done in the past, or something you are fearful of doing in the future. Judgment also works the other way, when you find yourself enamored by someone, it is important for you to understand what you love about them is the same that is within you as well. You just don't see it as clearly when you are looking directly at yourself. When you release judgment of self in the understanding that you are your own true love, you can easily relinquish the debilitating judgment of others as well. In order to fully realize your true love you must apply self-love; meaning do for self what you so willingly do for so many others. Give to self what you have been expecting or demanding others to give to you. Lovingly place yourself at the head of the line, rather in the rear where there is naught left for you. Place yourself not at the head of the banquet table, but rather in a seat at the round table of worthiness for all, as opposed to crawling at the feet of others scrounging for the leftovers or the crumbs that fall at their feet. You are a queen or king, a Goddess or God because you are the personification of the love of the higher union that exists within you and you deserve the best of everything, not just the best of a few things or in some cases nothing good at all. Use some of your money to purchase something for self, even if it is determined useless or frivolous by your logical mind or others.

 If you don't engage in the heart's desires, profound and or silly, you will surely have to spend the same amount of money or more on something else you were not expecting. Or you may find yourself in a position to have to spend the same amount or more by surrendering it to a physician to help you heal the body that is reflecting back to you, via some disease or uncomfortable pain, your incorrect beliefs of not being love, loving, loved or lovable. You may have become angry or resentful because you give and are not given to in return and thusly your body will abscess with poison that is being oppressed within and is seeking an avenue of outlet. Or your heart will be in pain and you will have what is called a heart attack; know the heart does not attack, it is reacting in defense of being ignored by you. Apply self-love by living your life knowing its value and worth. Life is precious and precious few up until now have fully understood the gift of breath. Most of you allow others to live your life for you because you are in fear of loss of love, attention, safety or some other form of support. The true love of you is independent and whole; it knows no lack and does not seek anything or anyone outside of self because it is always giving to self. It listens to the heart and follows the direction of what makes you happy. True love lives within a thriving joyful heart, not a fearful lacking mind. Who cares if others call you a silly heart or a Pollyanna; remember misery loves, company because it lacks the courage to step out above or beyond the crowd or tribe. Misery is ego based, it will very boldly or subtly manipulate to get you to join it. Your own inner true love is prepared to rescue the heart of you; it will whisk you away on a shining white horse of the spirit of courage. 

You can gain courage in being your own true love by going with what is right for you, rather than giving your power away to another out of fearful limiting incorrect belief of loss. In divine support of the true love of self, you are being inspired to be willing to no longer dwell in the pain of the past, but to release the long held emotions that have been oppressed. Emotions are like water; they are energy in motion and if they are 12/27/2020 True Love, How to Obtain It,-How-to-Obtain-It&id=6520156 4/5 not honored, acknowledged and expressed in the moment of feeling them, they then stagnate and become a supportive pool for disease in the heart, mind and body. There is no one denying you true love, other than you. No one is withholding the relationship you deserve, other than you. Be yourself and trust your feelings, as they are navigating you to what is right for you so you do not compromise yourself for the false love and attention of another. Your emotions are a gift, they are the messengers within to help us become aware of what we are thinking about our self or any other situation for that matter. If we feel bad, we are having some fearful limited thought. If we feel good we are having an expanded loving thought. Don't hide behind a smile, for if the feelings behind it are disingenuous, It is not OK to be grinning all the time. Emotions must be expressed; they must be given permission to be released in a healthy manner, regardless of whether they are good feelings or less than desirable feeling. You do this with integrity by honoring the feeling whatever it is in the moment you feel it. To dwell in them or project the responsibility of the feeling on to another is unhealthy, as either leads to more of the same vicious cycle of stuffing the emotion and then drawing an experience to you for which the emotion has a pathway to freedom. This is the unconscious way and inevitably leads to more pain and frustration, more rejection and abandonment, as emotions also grow if they are contained. They become explosive like bombs because they are being resisted and what you resist will indeed persist and before long you explode in someone's face or you explode all over yourself and then the whole nasty business of believing you are not worthy of love begins again. All of your life you have been trying to prove your worth by getting someone else to be your true love.

 There is nothing to prove because you already are the true love you are seeking. This would be humorous if it wasn't so sad and in time you will learn to also laugh about it. The soul of you holds the mastery of the higher mind and lives in the presence of its own true love, it has no need to prove anything. It is the ego that demands acknowledgement. So in attempting to prove what already is known is a bit like banging your head against the wall and wondering why you are bleeding. The union of the inner God, Goddess is the true loving relationship you. They intend to be joined together, yet they need your cooperation to come within for your love rather than continually seeking it outside of yourself from another. Even though you ignore their desire they continuously send you unconditionally loving messages. Yet the ego of you would rather be right in its incorrect belief of being the lesser child of God/Goddess and therefore not deserving of love. Your ego will crucifies you with its rightful indignations rather than be happy in the truth of being the magnificent child of God/Goddess. It would rather project blame onto another, than take responsibility in its fearful unwillingness to accept the truth and heal. It remains far too busy chasing after some man or woman refusing to be calm and listen to the true love that resides within. If you want true love, than you focus all of your energy on the strength and courage to honor respect and love self. When we take the action to do this all others treat us with the same love, honor, respect and support. It can be no other way, as no one can help but give to you what you are already giving to self. It works the opposite as well, if you give little or nothing to self than no others can give to you what you are unwilling to give to self. Look at the real beauty you are, look beyond the physical into the eyes of true love. Gaze within the eyes of the soul you are and know your true love; this will restore your spirit and reawaken your passion Your true love will compassionately listen to the victim of you, allowing it to be heard and also to shed its long held tears or anger. This is when your need to look for love outside of yourself can end, as the victim has been heard and it will cease it's tight control over your life with its relentless insatiable needs and wants, as it will no longer fear giving and/or receiving love. It knows beyond the shadow of a doubt it is true love. 

The victim is given its voice in a healthy, safe, loving environment where it is able to express all that it feels. The victim then becomes victorious; it wins and its life is filled with wows rather than being dogged by the woes. In victory of choosing your value and worth, your aura will be crowned with the beauty, love and light of true love of self for all to see. You will know through the encounters with others, who or what each of them is to you and you will engage with them in the highest love, honor and respect of the true love of them as well. Surround yourself in self loving images, dress yourself up in self loving apparatus and continue to look into the mirror directly into the eyes the windows of the soul and you will see your true love and when you are willing to see this clearly 12/27/2020 True Love, How to Obtain It,-How-to-Obtain-It&id=6520156 5/5 and live it each and every moment, that other if you still desire him or her, whom also knows and is practicing true love can stand with you and for you as an equal life partner. You will live in a relationship where there is no blame, no control or any other form of abuse. You will walk in heaven on earth hand in hand in love with self thereby having more than enough love to share with another. 

Your heart will be ablaze with the passion for life, as opposed to an endless search for love. You will fully know the value of yourself and the gift you are. Your passion for life radiating out from the true love of self will literally light up the world and through this example many others will return home to the true love of self. Who wouldn't want to be around and with such an individual? Come join those already shinning in the light of true love, as all lovers on the bright side of the street! How blessed is that? In light with love from heaven on earth Eloryia Be your own True Love! Get more free instructions with the videos that include guided healings or personal facilitation

 Article Source: 

How To Rediscover YOU! - Lisa Nichols

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Self Love: The Only Lesson

 By Teal Swan | Submitted On October 05, 2011

There is a wholeness that calls to all people, we are born with its song ringing in our ears and yet we come to know it, first by its absence. For most people, the time comes in adulthood when the emptiness within us grows so large it can not be filled externally. And running from fears becomes a fight that we can't keep fighting. This is the awakening. The point at which we stop dead in our tracks and decide that the fight is over. A kind of serenity is born of this acceptance. We see that "happily ever after" is never a place that can be found in the world that surrounds us. It is only a state that becomes from within. We chase it as if it's a drug. We chase it out of need because the absence of it within us is so deep and vacuous it becomes a kind of living torture. We become addicts to a drug we can never find when the answer is with us all along. What is this wholeness you ask? This wholeness is love. This wholeness is love of the self. Self-love is the trump card. It is the root around which everything grows. It is the apex of our journey here. And in truth, it is the only practice.

 Love transforms everything unlike it's self. What this means is, when a person takes on the practice of self love, they are committing to the re-surfacing and peeling back of everything that is unhealed and unloving about them. You can not complete this journey to self love without moving through the processes of awareness, truth, equanimity, forgiveness, self-reliance, trust, responsibility, gratitude, realization, compassion, unity, freedom, letting go, joy and boundless love. It is the spiritual journey through which all other journeys are realized. Most of us were taught indirectly growing up that self love was selfish and conceited. We were taught that self deprecation was virtuous by adults who confused humility with prostration. It is for this reason that we must learn for ourselves what self love is and what self love isn't. People whom are traditionally seen as "selfish and conceited" do not love themselves, instead, they are people who do not recognize oneness and whom feel such profound lack in their own lives that they feel the need to take from others and to hoard. They cover over their insecurities with self defeating pride. On the contrary, people who show themselves love, are filling in their own internal need to such a degree that there is overflow. And in that abundance, they do not feel lack. They do not need anything from others. Instead, their love spills over to others. They are honest about their weaknesses and strengths knowing that they have no bearing on over all worth and in that honesty, they find the stable platform of humility. Self love is the desire for the highest good of the self. Expressing self love means to recognize one's own unwavering worth and deserving which can not be added to or taken away from, merely obscured or highlighted and then to subsequently choose actions and thoughts which align with the highest good for the self. It is the state of wholeness or self unity. It is the state and focus of pure appreciation of the self. This focus leads to confidence, self- approval, self- regard, self-admiration and a deep level of inner peace and pleasure. 

Perhaps it is most important to note that on a Vibrational level, self love is the state of total non resistance to the self. And so, in order to begin loving yourself you may have to first look for the ways that you are resisting yourself and resisting where you are. Look for ways that you can identify that you are not showing love to yourself, and from that understanding, begin to form a picture of what new decisions you could make. People who love themselves pick the path of least resistance. Picking the hard way is 12/21/2020 Self Love: The Only Lesson 2/3 not virtuous... it is self punishment. Look for what there is to appreciate about your self. What do you really admire about yourself in this very moment (which is the honest truth of where you are)? Look in the mirror and come to terms with the fact that you will never be what you think is "perfect". The only way to be free is to stop trying to compete with the image of perfection inside your head. Love what is now about you. Find a way to decide it is not only exactly where you should be, but it is enough. You are enough. In the beginning of this process, most of us are standing so fully in the mindset of self hatred that we can not even get a taste of love. And so instead of fighting to find that vantage point, we can ask our selves continuously throughout the day and most especially when there is a decision to be made... "What would someone else who loved themselves do right now if they were standing in my shoes?". 

The journey to self love begins with honoring yourself and who you really are. This means you must be brave enough to tell the highest truth, which is that we are powerful beings capable of creating joy and success or pain and suffering in our lives. We are not destined to be victims. We have the power to choose, and this power is both the greatest responsibility we have and the greatest opportunity. Telling the honest truth especially to ourselves can be a daunting task because it means that we have to admit that we have not been living according to our own joy, desires and values. Honoring ourselves and who we really are means that we must be willing to withdraw our investment in other people's opinions of us because no one knows what makes us happy but us. And if we commit to living according to our own truth, we must be willing at times to take risks to change course and go in an entirely different direction. We can not hope to ever be happy if we are unwilling to take this risk. Self love means honoring our feelings and responding to those feelings. Feelings, (like a compass) are in place to tell us whether we are at any moment faced in the direction of our true selves (and that which we desire) or in the opposite direction of it. This is why the most important thing to recognize in life is how you feel. If you are brave enough to make feeling good your number one priority, all other conditions in your life will simply fall into line. Self-love involves recognizing that you are constantly evolving into a more powerful and more loving being and that where you are, is just where you are. Where you are is perfect in relation to where you have been. 

From a space of self love, the desire for self betterment comes from the desire for the highest good for yourself, not because you are thinking you not good enough or need fixing because you're somehow unlovable if you don't. People who truly love themselves, do not think about beliefs in terms of what is true. Instead, they keep only beliefs which are useful and beneficial to them. They let go of what no longer serves them. Reach for an understanding of yourself. Reach to understand why you choose limitations in your life and admit to what scares you. We are often taught by life experiences that being helpless is the way to get attention and love. Look at your own (as well as other peoples) attempts to get acceptance, attention and love. Ask yourself, what was I taught about being lovable? What was I taught about being responsible for my life? It is not our fault that we learn these patterns, but we can change them. We do not need to let these fears keep us from what we want. They do not need to have power over us. Loving yourself means no longer letting fear operate your life for you. Loving yourself also means forgiving yourself. Forgiveness is much like setting a prisoner free only to discover that you were the prisoner all along. Quite often in life, when we do not make immediate harmony of things that cause us to suffer, they become wounds of the mind-wounds we carry with us in our consciousness and sub consciousness every day. The pain becomes like shackles we are so used to living with we do not even realize we have the power to take them off. In truth, forgiveness has nothing to do with anyone other than us. Though it can feel very good to a receiving party, forgiveness is only ever about ourselves. Whether it is someone else we are forgiving or ourselves we are forgiving, forgiveness is only ever unilateral. We do not need the other person present in order to forgive them-or ourselves. The healing takes place within oneself alone. 

Forgive yourself for having made mistakes, mistakes have no effect on worth and contrary to popular belief, forgiveness is strong not weak. Many of us have an untrue, self limiting core belief that if we forgive ourselves, we are allowing or pardoning weakness and thus are out of control of our own actions. This is scary to most of us because we believe that if we are out of control of our own actions, we will hurt other people. This is something we believe because somewhere in our early lives, we adopted the untrue belief that something is inherently wrong with us and that we are inherently "bad". So withholding forgiveness from ones self can become a form of control over ones self which becomes like punishment which we are taught is virtuous and "good". In this way, withholding forgiveness from one's self becomes like self abuse. It is because of this that to forgive one's self, one must look for proof of and cultivate trust in one's own inherent goodness. All of us upon this earth know what love is. We may not know it as a cerebral concept, but we all know it inherently. 

The reason we know it is because at our most basic level, we are it. We, in our physical bodies are not separate from source energy. We are instead extensions of source energy and source energy is the exact vibrational equivalent of love. Therefore love is not something we can ever escape. It is a constant, and it is our choice whether we resist it or whether we allow it in this life. The universe is literally made of love. And as such, love is your birthright. If we will just open ourselves to receiving it, like flowers opening to the sun, anything and everything becomes possible. You will create your life the way you want it to be. And you will be able to say "I love myself" and really mean it. 12/21/2020 Self Love: The Only Lesson 3/3 Teal Scott is a well known esoteric, extrasensory who writes and teaches publicly about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. See more at []

 Article Source: 

Give The World The Best Example Of How To Love You | Lisa Nichols

Monday, 21 December 2020

Understanding Addiction and the Simplicity of Cure

 By Sara Rutherford | Submitted On August 16, 2012

First let me explain what addiction is. Addiction is frequently being compelled to indulge in a behaviour that offers shortterm relief, but long term damage in any area of your life (heath, relationships, finance and work to name just a few areas). The important word here is compelled. Addiction is a difficult challenge to overcome. Not because the addictive behaviour is hard to break once the addict realises they have an addiction, but because addiction is shrouded in denial, preventing the addict from seeing their behaviour with clarity. Denial is created by the addict in a bid to protect them from the loss they perceive they will endure if they give up the addictive behaviour or substance. Perceive is a very important word here because the addict actually does not gain anything from their addiction at all. Their addiction gradually and systematically destroys every area of the addicts life until all that is left is the addiction. As each area of the addicts life is slowly destroyed, the addict clings more and more to the addiction because the addiction is perceived to be a pleasure. 

The key to breaking any addiction is to break the cycle of faulty thinking that keeps the addict enmeshed in this cycle. So the good news is, addiction can be overcome a lot easier than we all think possible. First let us explore addiction itself. All addiction has exactly the same roots regardless of the substance or behaviour that makes up the addiction. So addiction could be to substances such as alcohol, drugs or food, or it could be to behaviours such as gambling or shopping. All addictions are there to serve the same purpose, which is to change the way the addict feels. All addiction is masking unresolved pain. This is how it works. The addict has a feeling. Now the feeling could be good or bad. A good feeling will lead the addict to celebrate. If they are addicted to food, they will celebrate by eating. An alcoholic will have a drink. 

A gambler will treat himself to a little flutter. If the addict has a bad feeling, they will indulge in the addictive behaviour to try and make themselves feel better. This is the paradox of addiction. One cure for all feelings! So, as the addictive behaviour continues it naturally gathers momentum (I will explain why in a moment) and becomes a bigger and bigger part of the addicts life. In extreme cases, if allowed to continue, it becomes the only thing in the addicts life. Addictions naturally gather momentum for numerous reasons. The first reason is that the addict perceives that they gain some kind of reward from their addiction. This is never the case. If you enjoy something, you can take part in the activity and feel better for having done it afterwards. An addict usually feels worse following the addictive behaviour. A drinker will have a hangover, a shopper will feel guilt about the bills they now have to pay, an emotional eater will feel guilt about their latest binge etc. As discussed earlier, addicts indulge in their addictive behaviour to change their emotional state. Once the bad feelings surface after their latest indulgence, what is the first thing you think they will want to do? Yes! 

They will indulge once again in their addictive behaviour in order to get rid of their unwanted feelings. This is obviously a downward spiral. The second reason why addictive behaviour gathers momentum is because it is used as a coping mechanism but in addition is used as a celebration (initially anyway. Once the addiction really takes a grip there is no longer the desire for celebration). Usually, if we are healthy and balanced, we have a number of ways to alter our emotional state. A few examples are, take a 12/21/2020 Understanding Addiction and the Simplicity of Cure 2/3 hot bath, meditate, read, relax and watch a movie, chat with friends etc etc. The addict stops looking for new ways to resolve challenges and ease stress. 

They use their addiction for immediate gratification. This gives the addict fewer and fewer coping mechanisms, as the addiction becomes a bigger and bigger part of their lives. The third reason addiction gathers momentum is if the addiction is to a substance rather than a behaviour. If the substance is physically addictive, this causes further complications in the cycle of addiction as the body starts to crave the substance and will react (withdrawal symptoms) when the substance in question leaves the body. The forth reason addiction gathers momentum is tolerance. Our bodies are amazing and intricate machines. If you are addicted to nicotine or alcohol, try and think back to the first time you smoked or drank. The taste was disgusting! You felt sick and dizzy and your body produced all kinds of unpleasant feelings. It did this because you were poisoning it! It was a warning. Now nature is very clever. Your body assumes over time, that if you are constantly poisoning it, you are doing so because you have no other option. So in order to make you more comfortable, it stops producing warning signs. This means that in order to get any 'benefit' from the drug of your choice, you have to take more of it. Your body then once again reacts to warn you. 

You ignore the warning, so your body decides to stop warning you because it assumes you have no other option than to poison yourself so you have to increase the dose. This is called tolerance. Obviously, with each increase in dosage, the body comes under more stress as it tries to cope. As the body comes under more and more stress our health and wellbeing becomes more and more compromised. Again, a very painful downward spiral. So we now come to the point where we can explore how to overcome an addiction. As previously stated, it is not the addiction that is the difficulty; it is the addicts perception of their addiction that is the challenge. If the addicts perception changed, the addiction could be overcome with relative ease. The addict feels helpless to overcome their addiction because they perceive their addictive behaviour as being precious to them. This is denial. It is this denial that needs to be addressed and then the addiction can be resolved because the addict can see clearly that the addiction is not serving them. It is in fact doing the opposite. It is destroying them. The strongest addiction is actually psychological addiction rather than physical addiction. Physical addiction can usually be resolved after a few days of detoxification. If physical addiction were the strongest element of addiction, then it would follow that after a few days of detoxification, you would be free. As we all know, this is not the case.

 Psychological addiction is the root and is caused by faulty thinking and denial. Change the thinking and the addiction no longer exists because it is no longer 'needed'. If you think you have a physical addiction, please seek help because you may need a supervised detoxification programme. For addictive behaviours, your first step is to admit you have a problem. You do not have to hit rock bottom to overcome an addiction. People hit rock bottom because they fear their life without their addictive behaviour so much that they continue with the behaviour until they have nothing left. I promise you. Life without addiction is wonderful. It is faulty thinking that is telling you otherwise! Beneath addiction is often unresolved emotional pain. If you have suffered any type of trauma in your past, please go and seek help now to resolve it. Avoiding emotional pain will not help you. You have to learn to walk through emotional pain. Don't allow your past to dictate your future. Addiction often also masks a feeling of lack of purpose. Addiction can allow someone to 'opt out' of life and sit on the fence just observing from a distance. We all have skills and gifts to share with the world. You are no exception (although you may feel as if you are). Trust me, you have a purpose. Decide today that you are going to commit to finding and living that purpose. As I said before, addiction often masks emotional pain. If you have suffered trauma in the past, get help today to resolve that trauma, and then resolve to make meaning out of your suffering. There are probably thousands of people who have suffered a similar trauma who could really benefit from your help even if it is just hearing your story. Addiction also exacerbates emotional pain. As you try to navigate life through the eyes of your addiction, you create more challenges for yourself. Your behaviour creates feelings of helplessness and guilt. This has a prolific effect on your selfesteem, which then needs to be medicated further with your addiction of choice. Be kind to yourself. 

Try and think back to things that used to give you pleasure. Slowly introduce those things back into your life. And don't beat yourself up if you try to quite and then relapse, doing that will only make the journey more difficult. And finally, as a Homeopath, I have dealt with many clients with addictive behaviours. I have listed below a few remedies that may help with your addiction. Remedies should be 30c potency and should be taken 3 times a day until you start feeling better. Once you start feeling better, only take another remedy when you start feeling worse. Nux Vomica Take this remedy if you work hard. You may worry about work, eat unhealthy food and drink alcohol to cope. You may be bad tempered and stressed. Arsenicum Album 12/21/2020 Understanding Addiction and the Simplicity of Cure 3/3 Take this remedy if you feel anxious and restless. You may be off your food or you may have a large appetite. You may feel sick at the sight or smell of food. You are exhausted but will still get things done. You like everything in its place. Carcinocin Take this remedy if you like to be perfect. 

You may have had abusive or strict parents when growing up. You may have had to take on adult responsibility as a child. You need to be a 'good girl' 'good boy'. Natrum muriaticum Take this if you find it hard to share your problems with people. You like to cry alone. You don't like people to get too close. You may like salt. You dwell on past disagreements or negative situations. You find it hard to forgive. This is also good for past unresolved grief/loss. Pulsatilla Take this if you feel you bend and sway to gain peoples love and approval. You can be needy and clingy. You may weep a lot. You don't like being on your own. Sulphur Take this if you have a philosophical approach. You may think more than you 'do'. It is also good to restore energy where energy is depleted due to toxic liver. Avena sativa This is a good tonic for those who are thin and weak as a result of too many drugs. When used with a good diet, it helps strengthen the body. 

Article Source: 

Gabrielle Bernstein: How to Quit Your Addiction to Judgment

Sunday, 20 December 2020

What Mindset Do You Have?

 By Annette Tonkin | Submitted On June 06, 2012

Understanding how mindset can influence your behavior is important if you want to grow as a person and prevent falling into a state of depression when things don't go the way you want them to. In my last article on Mindset, I had previously talked about the two types that have been found to exist and they are: "Fixed" and "Growth" Mindset. In this article, I plan to illustrate how you can begin to work out which type best describes you. Taking responsibility of what Mindset you have now is the first step in deciding whether you want to make a change and how that change can affect your behaviors. Mindset And Our Lives. Mindset comes into play in many areas of our lives and include: Intelligence Personality Artistic talent Sporting ability IT skills Business skills To keep things fairly simple I will focus on what Mindset you have with respect to your intelligence. You can create statements similar to those below to suit any area in your life. Read the statements below and consider whether you agree or disagree with each of them: You can't change how smart you are even though you can learn new things. Your mental capacity is something very basic about you that you can't vary very much. 

No matter how much mental capacity you have, you can always develop more. You can always markedly change your IQ. Statements 1 and 2 are Fixed-Mindset statements. Statements 3 and 4 indicate a Growth Mindset. Which statements did you agree with more? In reality you can be a mixture of both, but most individuals lean toward one or the other. Fixed Mindset And How It Influences You 12/20/2020 What Mindset Do You Have? 2/2 The focus of the statements is around whether you believe you can learn, grow and change. If you have a Fixed Mindset then your belief is probably one that says that the way you are now is the way you have been all your life and you will be the same for the rest of it. You also most probably shy away from learning and problem solving as you subconsciously think that attempting any of these will be put into question your competence in various facets of life. You will want to safeguard the image you have of yourself that you depict to the world. What is 'fixed' needs to be proven and the way you act will be such that you are constantly trying to prove your worth as an individual rather than feel free to grow and develop. 

The Influence Of Growth Mindset On You If your response to the last two statements was 'I agree', then it is likely that you have more of a Growth Mindset. Learning and taking on challenges are things that you seek to do as you subconsciously think that by doing this you will grow as a person and you also think that you are constantly moving towards your ultimate potential which is at present unknown. You believe that you are continually changing and that each new challenge enables you to thrive and blossom as a person. You know that you are not the sum of success or failure in any area. Your experiences, both good and bad are but lessons as you journey along life and they are not the essence of you as an individual. Believing this enables you to make decisions and accept that what ever happens as a result of choice you make are adventures that you go through.

 Mindset And Depression A Fixed Mindset has the potential to lead a person into a state of depression as they see no future for themselves. It can incline a person to be critical and prejudiced towards others. When people are critical of others they are likely to be also critical of themselves and this can prevent any chance of them beating depression. Mindsets are beliefs and beliefs are something in your mind. You have the power to change you mind whenever you choose to. If you want to read more on managing depression through Mindset and Brain Power, go to my website: where I have many more articles on the subject. Annette Tonkin B.Ap.Sc.Physio., Grad.Dip.Ad.Manip.Ther., Grad. Cert.NLP Adversity Consultant, Physiotherapist and Author "You have to do it yourself, and you can't do it alone." Martin Rutte 

Article Source: 

Mel Robbins' BEST Mindset Tricks That Destroy Excuses, Fears & Worries |...

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Understand Money

 By Abraham Laleye | Submitted On May 22, 2016

Two exuberant seven-year old kids were disappointed by their parents' inability to provide enough money for all their needs. They strongly believed that their parents must be getting some basic things wrong. They wanted money by all means and wondered why everybody they met was portraying money as a scarce commodity. In the usual characteristics of children, they resolved to solve the money problem by designing and printing their own money! They got unto their computer with a mint $ 100 bill note and began the process of designing their own $ 100 bill note. They made a very good job of their design and were in the process of commissioning a mass printing contract when the father of one the kids saw a copy of the colored printout of their creative endeavor. He was shocked, confused, and scared all at the same time. 'Where did you get this from'! He shouted. What has gone over you? Who gave you the idea? 

Have you joined a gang? Questions flowed freely from the father who somehow believed the police can come in and arrest him and the children any moment. In a repentant but unconvinced manner the kid tried to explain his frustrations about his father inability to provide enough money at home and his decision to end the problem once and for all. With better understanding of his son's role in the whole saga, the father calmed down and explained the illegality and danger of the boy's actions and gave suggestions on better ways of managing his money frustrations. Most adults will dismiss the kids' actions as immature and unrealistic. But according to Robert Conklin, "men often do not really grow up from childhood emotions, they only change the form of its expressions". The desire for money and the lack of understanding expressed by these kids are often manifested in a different form in the life of most adults.

 Armed robbery, pen robbery, different types and styles of begging for money, money-oriented power struggles are all manifestations of the same childhood tendency expressed by the kids. What is Money? Money! Everybody wants it; nobody wants to lose it; most people don't have enough of it; only very few people understand it! The question is: What is money? The dictionary defines money as an officially recognized medium of exchange of value. Money is also defined as a measure of value. You will notice that the central or key word in the two definitions above is VALUE. The word value means usefulness, benefits, or solutions to problems. Money can therefore be redefined as a medium of exchange of benefits or solutions. Money is a measure of usefulness or benefits. The implication of this new definition is quite profound. 

Going by the new definition of money, it is impossible for money to exist without value. Money is to value what shadow is to an object. While it is possible for an object to exist without shadow, it is impossible for shadow to exist without object! Dead Money 12/14/2020 Understand Money 2/2 Money without corresponding value is dead! The reason why most people are perpetually poor is because they are trying to hold onto money without offering corresponding value. It is like trying to romance a dead body. Death is usually preceded by sickness characterized by specific symptoms. In any economy, inflation and devaluation are symptoms of sick money. When money dies it is called economic depression or economic recession. The death of money is always followed by burial ceremonies and rites called staff downsizing and stock market crashes. 

Money will always be readjusted to the corresponding value or benefit it represents. Why People are Poor Money was created because of value; therefore value is superior to money. Before money was invented, value was exchanged through trade by barter. You are not poor because you don't have money, you are poor because you lack value or you cannot recognize your value. When you do not have money, if you can recognize, organize and skillfully exchange your values, money will flow into your life automatically! No Value, No Money Value is superior to money in so many ways. First, money can fail while value cannot. During major wars, people often reject money as means of exchange and prefer other tangible things of value such as food, bullets, and guns as medium of exchange. Also, money often has limited geographical relevance. For instance, irrespective of the volume of dollar note you have in your possession, once you cross over to Germany, you cannot buy anything unless you first exchange the money to its euro equivalent. 

To attract and retain money in your possession therefore requires the possession and accumulation of significant amount of value. This is because value is to money what river is to a dam of water; once the river stops flowing, the dam eventually runs dry. Value is the root, money is the fruit; once the root is dead, the fruits will eventually cease. It is therefore impossible to permanently cure poverty by the accumulation of large amount of cash or physical assets that are not connected to equivalent sustaining source of value. It is impossible to steal money to create enduring and guaranteed generational wealth. It will not happen. Somewhere along the line, the wealth will suddenly disappear. Be Aware of Your Riches While it is impossible to possess enduring wealth without the possession of value, it is possible to acquire and be in possession of large amount of value and still lack money. This looks like a paradox, but that is the reality about money.

 The truth is that you cannot take advantage of a resource you are not aware of, irrespective of its value or quantity. Do you know that mineral resources such as gold, diamonds, crude oil etc were lying dormant and unused sometimes for thousands of years before they are eventually discovered by citizens of a nation? The nation can as well wallow in poverty and suffer deprivation as long as they are ignorant of the existence of the value hidden somewhere in the soil of their nation. Most people are poor and suffer financial deprivation, not because they lack value but because they are yet to discover the vast amount of immeasurable assets buried in their minds. The greatest and most valuable resources to be discovered is not buried in the soil but buried inside you; the day you discover it, is the day you begin to take advantage of its benefits! Quite Rich, Yet Poor Finally, it is possible to possess a lot of value, have awareness of these values and still lack its money equivalent in your life. This is because money is not given for the value possessed by a person; money is always exchanged for the value delivered as solutions to peoples problems. You will notice that the richest people in the world are not university professors or people with longest chain of certifications.

 The richest people in the world are those who find the means of delivering and exchanging their value (products) to the greatest number of people in the shortest possible time period. Look at the business owned by people like Bill Gates, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey; you will notice a common trend about all of them. They all deliver their products through the widest channels possible to thousands of customers, who gladly give money in exchange for the value received. To take a financial intelligence psychometric test that will accurately diagnosis your financial habits and speed up your financial success log on to: To read other articles like this log on to

 Article Source: 

The Gathering Room: Making Friends with Money

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Becoming Successful in Life - The Importance of Discipline

 By Tahimd Ahmed | Submitted On June 02, 2011

Discipline means obedience to rules for regulation of human conduct. A life without discipline is like a ship without a rudder. Discipline is be -all and end-all of life.It does not mean a negation of individual liberty or a life cabin-ed and confined in iron case. William Slim says 'It is only discipline that enables man to live in a community and yet retains individual liberty'. No body can prosper in his life without it. We find discipline in: If we take a closer look around us, we will be able to realize that all of things abide by the rules of rolls of nature. There are many examples around us. Here is some examples where, we can take lesson of discipline from- - The nature: Discipline is the first low of nature. Nature is not a chaos but a cosmos. 

Had there been no order in nature, the world would have destroyed in the twinkle of an eye. All the planets of the solar system move on their respective orbits in a discipline way and do never come in collision with one another - The army life: Discipline is must be obeyed in army life. Here discipline is a question of life and death. The soldiers must follow the command of the leader without any question, without any excuse, without any hesitation. It is because here a moment's hesitation may mean defeat and death. There goes a saying 'Do or die' - The animals: Discipline is also seen in the life of lower animals. The life of bees is an eye-opening example of discipline. All the bees obey the queen bee. Ant are also disciplined. 

They lead their life in a discipline way. If any ant find a drop of water he share this drop of water with another ant. All other animals also follow a disciplined course of life. And so on. Value of discipline: - In daily life: Great value of discipline in our life. Man is a social being. He can not do whatever he likes. He must abide by the rules of the society. Where there is no discipline, there is no rule of law and where there is on rule of law, there is only chaos and confusion everywhere. Than "Might is right" becomes the go of the day. A well-regulated disciplined man can enjoy all the boons of a happy life and leave behind him foot prints of glorious deeds on the sands of time. M.K. Gandhi says 'Discipline maintains system, system maintains development and development vibrates human life.' - In family life: 

Discipline is of great value in a family life. A family with good discipline is like a team under a good captain. On the contrary, a family without discipline is cannot go nicely. A family is the first training ground for a man to learn discipline. - In student life: Students are the future hope of the nation. There life is life of preparation - preparation for the struggle of life. They can't expect to win in the battle of life without discipline. A less meritorious student with discipline can beat out a more meritorious student without discipline in the competition. - In playground: Discipline is strictly followed in the playground. A team can't play well without discipline. A well disciplined but a weak team can easily beat out the strong rival team bereft if discipline among them. 

Discipline may be called a million dollar secret for winning victory in the competitions of game and sports. - In traffic system: Discipline is strictly followed in the traffic system. This is why the traffic police are posted at important crossing points in the roads to maintain the traffic rules. They guide the vehicles to follow their due course and avoid jams and accidents. We know that a road without discipline would be a road with a horrible scene of accidents only. 12/14/2020 Becoming Successful in Life - The Importance of Discipline 2/2 Finely, discipline is the key to success in life. It actually means a prescribed code of conduct which helps us to lead a peaceful life in a community along with liberty. We all should work in the way of discipline.

 Article Source: 

Gabrielle Bernstein: The Universe Has Your Back | SuperSoul Sessions | O...

Monday, 14 December 2020

Living in Abundance

 By Donna M Thomson | Submitted On March 03, 2009

When you saw the title did you assume this article was about money? Many people associate abundance, wealth and prosperity with the financial side of life but it's much more than that. We're going to look at your own abundance, define the types of abundance and work out how you can feel more abundant across your whole life. Do you have abundance? Abundance is generally considered a positive word. In basic terms it means 'a lot of a good thing'. So do you feel you have abundance in your life? I want you to take a piece of paper and a pen right now and write down every area of your life where you feel you have abundance. Okay, now that you've done that, did you find the task easy or difficult? Those of you who found the task easier and found several areas of abundance in your life will tend to have a greater understanding of what abundance truly is. 

Perhaps you included emotions and things that make you happy as well as the concrete, material things we usually associate with abundance. For instance, you may feel you have an abundance of love or joy in your family life, or an abundance of beauty in your home because you've created the feel and comfort you desire in the place you spend much of your time. Do you have an abundance of time to do the things you enjoy or simply an abundance of happiness and contentment with your life in general? Those of you who struggled to think of where you have abundance in your life may be more disconnected with the true notion of abundance and this is quite common in our materially-focused world. Your abundance, or lack of it, comes not from your opportunities to make money but from the way you perceive abundance and the way you perceive yourself more about that further on. Perhaps you have a long list but they are all material things a great car, the latest technological gadgets, lots of money in the bank, a great house, a wardrobe full of expensive clothes, etc. So the task may have appeared easy, but your view of abundance is incomplete and may lead to discontentment in the long-term. 

Defining Abundance According to, abundance relates to three areas: 1. an extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity or supply: an abundance of grain. 2. overflowing fullness: abundance of the heart. 3. affluence; wealth: the enjoyment of abundance. Definition one relates to material abundance - when we have plenty of something such as money and possessions. This can be anything from food to an abundance of shoes in your wardrobe! Material abundance is the easiest to focus on because it's external and requires little more than acquiring 'things'. It's important to point out here that money in itself is not a negative 12/14/2020 Living in Abundance 2/3 thing but tends to have many negative associations. By changing how you perceive money, and by managing it correctly and wisely, you can actually increase your financial abundance. See the section on affirmations below.

Definition two relates to emotional abundance, where your heart overflows with love, or you feel full of contentment, compassion, and so on with yourself and others. This side of abundance comes from within you and is therefore not as easy to acquire. It requires loving yourself and opening yourself up to the world because unless you can feel an abundance of love towards yourself you will find it difficult to receive an abundance of love from others. I love the third definition that points out that wealth, for example, is not a state in itself but the enjoyment of what you have. You may need to examine your mindset and redefine what 'wealth' is to you it relates not just to material abundance but to your emotional abundance as well. Recognize where in your life you already have abundance and identify what will truly make you feel you have abundance.

 Knowing when you've achieved abundance As you can see, abundance is not so much about what we've acquired as it is about a feeling of contentment, satisfaction and happiness. I believe that when we are in a true state of abundance we are keen to share that abundance with others. When we've achieved that state of 'overflow' we have enough to give to others and this can be in the form of both material and emotional contributions. However, if you feel you 'need' more or that you're still 'lacking' something, then you're not yet feeling abundant. Think about this, the same two people living within the exact same means, same house, same possessions, same career, state of health and family life can have two very different perceptions. One can feel grateful for the abundance they have and feel very satisfied with their life. While the other person can feel they are living at the bottom of their means and are not satisfied with what they have. It's all about how you choose to think. What are you going to choose? How to Achieve Abundance Now that you have a more complete view of abundance, you may be wondering exactly what you can do to recognise it and welcome it into your life.

 Here are some ideas: Honor Yourself Before anything else you need to believe that you are worthy of abundance. Begin with the list you already created and examine your beliefs about wealth, money, happiness and abundance because it's all tied together. Feeling that you don't deserve these things may be your biggest block to having positive things come into your life. The following ideas will help you work on identifying your reality and honoring yourself and your life. Gratitude Journal I suggest you start a gratitude journal. This is something that has become popular since Sarah Ban Breathnach wrote "Simple Abundance". Buy yourself a nice blank notebook and at the end of each day, write down at least three things you are grateful for (aim for 5) from your day. This will help you recognise the things in your life that are positive and will help to change your way of thinking from one of 'lacking' to one of 'abundance'. There's a lot we take for granted and focusing your attention on the tiniest of good things in your life will help you put things into perspective. Even if things seem dire at this point in time, you can choose to be grateful for the basics such as the food you have to eat, the clothes on your back and the roof over your head. 

A gratitude journal will help you focus on what you have rather than what you don't have. Affirmations Affirmations are positive statements that can help you change the way you think about something, especially yourself. Find or create some affirmations and say them to yourself several times a day, at least when you wake up and before going to bed. Place the affirmations in prominent locations so you are reminded to read them and try to really feel them. By phrasing them in the present ("I am..." or "I have..."), you allow your mind to connect with the statement and implement it, whereas creating a phrase that is in the future ("I will..." or "I want to...") tells your mind that it's only a possibility. Here are some examples of positive affirmations relating to abundance: "I allow abundance to flow through me." "I am prosperous." "I am physically, emotionally and spiritually wealthy." "My life is filled with positive abundance. All of my needs are met and more." "I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe." "I always find an abundance of things to love about my life, myself, and all those around me." Be of Service 12/14/2020 Living in Abundance 3/3 Look at the world, your local community and your neighbors. What do they need that you can give?

 Even if it's something small, knowing that you can help others can put things into perspective and make you realise what's most important to you. You could volunteer your time in the children's ward at your local hospital, visit with the elderly in nursing homes and listen to their stories, make a meal for your sick neighbor, donate a few dollars a week or month to causes close to your heart and so on. This act works on the universal law that what you send out comes back to you. Give of yourself and the world will give back to you. There is no reason that you should not have abundance flow to you. The universe is waiting for you to allow it to give to you, so open up your mind and heart and see what can happen! Donna is a natural psychic, channel and healer with a special interest in helping people heal from the inside out and to be empowered in the process. She is co-owner of Peaceful Willow [], offering her expertise in many forms including writing courses, articles and answering readers' questions. Donna's areas of expertise include crystals, color, energy healing (including Reiki) and other self-healing and empowerment topics. Donna is Learning Coordinator for Peaceful Willow's Learning Center and is the author of a series of courses on crystals, including 'Introduction to Crystals', 'Understanding Crystals' and 'Crystal Intuition'. 

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I Was TIRED of Having POTENTIAL, I Wanted it NOW! | Lisa Nichols | Top 1...

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Mindset - How to Breakthrough Mindset Limitations

 By Jodi Rosenberg | Submitted On February 24, 2009

The My Mindset Matters definition for MINDSET is a chosen attitude or intention that determines a person's responses to and interpretations of situations. In previous articles I have shared how to choose your mindset and examples of when I and others have made intentional mindset choices. I share these to help you easily explore new ideas and new possibilities. I share these to help you set aside any limiting beliefs from yourself or others so you can freely explore new ways of living and dealing with life. My want for you is that you will freely imagine how your can live beyond your present limits. Many times we set limits on ourselves without even realizing what we have done. We then carry those limitations around with us for years, some even a lifetime. When you were a child you formed a great deal of your beliefs about the world, others and yourself.

 Think about it, what do you believe about your looks, your athletic ability, the area of your life and you have a belief about it. And you have gathered a lifetime of evidence to "prove" your beliefs true. Taking on an innovative mindset does not make you the Thomas Edison of today, I simply allows you to look at your world as though you were an innovator. You have a new perspective, a new filter to experience life through, a new way of doing things that will render you a different result. Taking on a new mindset is experimental. In spite of this you may find yourself stuck, unable to act as if you are your chosen mindset. If you are having trouble taking on your chosen mindset here are few questions to ask yourself: "What is stopping me?" There may be something real or perceived stopping you from living your chosen mindset. 

Take an honest look at the beliefs that are stopping you. "Who else lives this mindset?" Finding a role model can be extremely beneficial. You can model their behavior and ask them about their beliefs around this specific mindset. You may be surprised to learn many who act with such confidence have merely found ways to get all their nervous butterflies to fly in formation. "Could there by anyone who could live this mindset?" Answer that question before reading the next line. This question is to test your belief about if this mindset is possible or not. I think most mindsets can be lived within the proper context, if you think this mindset is impossible check the context you view it in, maybe your context is impossible and a slight tweak would bring it into the realm of possibility. "What would happen if I did have this mindset?" Are there any concerns about your safety while you have this mindset? Explore that, if you are putting yourself in harms way, reconsider the context of your mindset. "Have I ever lived this mindset in the past?" Pull from your past. 

Do you associate this mindset with any negative results from your past? Put aside any judgment and explore your history. "Is there a part of me that would have a problem living this mindset?" Follow your feelings they will lead you to any internal conflict with this mindset. 12/20/2020 Mindset - How to Breakthrough Mindset Limitations 2/2 "What else would I bring into my life if I lived this mindset?" Exploring all the positives this mindset could bring into your life will provide you with additional positive motivational leverage. "If my wife/husband/brother/sister/best friend were here, what might s/he say I am not seeing about living this mindset?" Choosing another perspective will open you to more options and solutions. "How would it feel if I could find a way to live this mindset?" Break out your crystal ball and start seeing the future. Partner this question with "And how might I find a way to live this mindset?" And finally, "And if I could find a way to live this mindset anyway, what might I have to do first?" This is where you uncover the first step to living the mindset of your choice. This is where you train your butterflies to fly in formation.

 When you take the time to honestly explore these questions you will uncover your limiting beliefs, you may even show some of your self sabotaging behaviors, but you will take a giant step towards claiming this mindset because now you are aware of what has been holding you back, what could happen if you make this change and how to start the change process. With this new awareness you are already living the mindset you have chosen. Continue exploring how to break through limitations around your mindset when you accept the FREE gift of the My Mindset Matters Speaker Series. This is a series designed to allow you and I to gather at the feet of the experts and learn how to create the mindset for success in all areas of our lives. Please join me for this life changing speaker series, [], and make 2009 the year you break through. 

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The Lifestyle and Its Research

 By Francesco Zinzaro | Submitted On December 12, 2009

Lifestyle research stands at the boundary between a number of traditional academic disciplines, developing expertise from sociology and the social sciences in areas as distinct as business, retailing, marketing, understanding of consumers, and health and social care. The very diversity of fields and disciplines with an interest in lifestyle research creates complexity in an already dynamic and fast-changing area of research. Multifaceted approaches are used, alongside a variety of academic and business conventions, but typically, lifestyle research focuses on subgroups within the general population defined by age, occupation, religion, sexuality, medical conditions, or behaviors. In terms of business research, this market segmentation of the consumer market is a key use for lifestyle research. As the importance of the consumer in determining the success of business operations has become increasingly clear to businesses, so the importance of lifestyle-based market segmentation has increased and the importance of ongoing cultural change has been recognized.

 Ongoing social and cultural change, both in purchasing dynamics, in related group behavior, and in lifestyle decision making are illuminated by lifestyle research but also act as a key source of information for strategic planning within business and for the ongoing development of successful corporate strategy. The links between lifestyle research and the development of successful marketing strategies are currently being discussed within the academic literature, both from a management perspective and from a social science perspective. The development of an increasing understanding of the diverse research that contributes to this area of study is key to the ongoing development of successful and strategic business development. Typically, research in this area is grounded first in the concept of lifestyle and relates this to various aspects of an individual or group lifestyle. Key themes that may influence lifestyle include activities/behavior, values and attitudes, individuals versus groups, group interaction, coherence, recognizability, and choice. Within this definition, lifestyle research may focus either upon the implications of belonging to a certain group or upon the implications of certain lifestyles, including areas such as the role of lifestyle in the management of clinical conditions or the impact of a voluntarily adopted lifestyle on other areas of an individual's life. In business terms, lifestyle research is used both to classify consumers in terms of patterns of behavior, purchasing, etc., and as a way of looking at lifestyle as a key factor in the generation of new products, services, etc.

 One important distinction lies between research that attempts to identify causal relationships between a lifestyle and the development of certain patterns of health and behavior and an alternative pattern of lifestyle research that evaluates the impact of lifestyle changes. Both have considerable implications for business, being directly linked to the development and promotion of goods and services. The lifestyles assessed may be proscriptive-and much of the research in this area lies in health-or broader changes that reflect the development of society, the economy, and the workplace. Business research generally focuses upon this latter scenario, where the intertwining of cause, effect, and incremental change provides fruitful ground for research. One useful 12/13/2020 The Lifestyle and Its Research 2/2 example of this intertwining is the relationship between the availability of processed ready-meals and the lack of availability of time for cooking. 

Does a lack of time trigger the demand for ready-meals? Or does the availability of ready-meals facilitate broader changes in lifestyle that tend to mitigate against the "ring fencing" of time to devote to cooking? The answer to such questions is unlikely to be simple-and in this example the ongoing development of skills within the consumer group would play a contributing role-but this example illustrates the complexity of cause, effect, and contributing factors within lifestyle research. Lifestyle retailing is an additional important area of study, where the promotion of a "lifestyle package" linked to a brand, a group of products, or a service forms part of the marketing strategy for many companies. The creation of aspirational brands within a consumer economy-be they products or services-is a key driver for many businesses. Typically, however, this builds upon initial market-segmentation work, and successful lifestyle retailing strategies tend to indicate a very well-researched and clearly identified market-segmentation strategy. Building upon this, so-called subcultures of consumption have been a focus for some additional study focusing around ideas and theoretical frameworks from general consumption literature and applying these in a variety of servicescapes. A more recent approach to segmentation, for example, has included Web-based-related lifestyle research, where access, enthusiasm, and propensity to use internet resources formed a key defining a part of an individual or group lifestyle and hence the basis for recent research. Francesco Zinzaro.

 Article Source: 

5 Love Languages of Children, The: The Secret to Loving Children Effectively Paperback – 1 May 2016

 Wow, what can I say about this book? I wish I had found it earlier? Such a simple concept with lots of tips and tricks of how to find out your children's love languages. I found myself analyzing what my love language and the language of my husband is and will definitely be buying the adult version to read next! I highly recommend this book to anyone who struggled with a difficult child, it will change your world!

Get it now!

Why We Do What We Do | TED Talks | Tony Robbins

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Time Management - Be Most Effective at Work by Managing Your Time

 By Mark S Marhon Jr | Submitted On July 26, 2011

Management and staff must remember that they alone cannot perform all of the practice's duties on their own, and such duties cannot be performed at once. Therefore management must use efficient time management skills and must also teach such skills to staff. It is common that employees feel a sense of urgency to complete their tasks. This can be caused by the fear of reprimand or generating the perception of poor performance by having uncompleted tasks. Some employees experience significant anxiety knowing they have multiple tasks waiting to be completed. Management and staff gain satisfaction by completing their tasks urgently as it helps them feel useful. This reinforces the need to work in an urgent manner. Although this provides employees with a temporary relief of stress, the perception of urgency creates more stress than what is relieved after quickly completing many tasks. Employees should always keep a work-list of tasks that need to be done.

 During the day, tasks can manifest during the busiest of times and the employee may easily forget about it if they do not write it down. Employees would benefit from carrying around a notebook so that they can make notes and reminders as the day progresses. A work-list should also be prioritized. Management and staff should know the difference between what is important and what is urgent, and should prioritize accordingly. Organizing this way reduces stress as and relieves anxiety as employees will feel more confident that duties will be completed when they need to be and that nothing will fall through the cracks. Employees should prioritize urgent matters but must ensure that important issues are addressed as well, as important issues that are not taken care of will later become urgent. To manage time on a broader perspective, managers should plan about 30 days in advance to ensure that they are prepared for tasks or events in the future. Management should make use of a calendar and refer to such while planning. Specific times should be set for certain tasks. i.e. Nurses should choose a time each day to return phone calls when they are the least busy and can avoid interruption. Staff should communicate to each other at times when they cannot be disturbed. 

For managers, the most effective time management skill is delegation. Although some may like too, managers CANNOT control everything. Some managers are reluctant to delegate duties because they feel that by passing their responsibilities onto others, they are threatening their own jobs. However, if the employees that a manager manages do well, it is reflective of their leaders. A good leader not only has a goal and a vision for the practice, but shares such goals with the staff and the challenges in the way of reaching its goals. Delegation also empowers staff and involves them in the challenges of the practice. Therefore, they take more responsibility and pride in their work and become stronger employees. When delegating responsibilities to employees, management should provide specific instructions on what is to be done and should monitor the employee's progress on the task. Management should not micromanage the employee on tasks that were 12/8/2020 Time Management - Be Most Effective at Work by Managing Your Time 2/2 delegated as it defeats the purpose for the manager as it would not free up any time for them.

 Management should conduct a morning meeting each day. This ensures that all staff is sharing the same vision and goal for the day. The daily schedule should be reviewed for anything that may cause an issue or delay. Management should lay out a "game plan" to staff of what needs to be done that particular day. Most of all, management should provide encouragement to staff to boost morale before they begin their work day. In regards to help the physicians manage their schedule, management should ensure that the provider's schedules are reviewed and that there is a consistent and smooth patient flow. If the physician is running behind, notify patients that there is a delay, and if the wait is exceptionally long, give the patient the option to reschedule. If the patient waits too long, they will become very dissatisfied with the physician's and practice's service. At the end of each day, patient's charts, who are being seen the next day, should be pulled and checked to ensure that all records and documentation that the physician will need for the appointment are present. This helps prevent delays. Read more healthcare administration focused articles on [] Article Source: 

Jim Rohn ~ How to Work Smarter Time Management

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Understanding Motivation, Debunking the Motivation Myth

 By Tao De Haas | Submitted On March 01, 2012

Motivation comes from the word 'move' and means 'to move'. Motivation literally means; that which moves a person to a course of action. Motivation indicates a movement that is initiated by a reason or purpose. This is an important point to understand; having a reason and purpose will activate motivation. For example, it is hard to move towards something if you can't see any reason or purpose. In other words you need a motif or good reason as to why you would put in the effort and to create some momentum and move from where you currently are. If you are keen to do something you are more likely to be motivated; you don't have to try, you will just want do it. Remember also that you might have a reason and purpose to NOT be motivated; in that case you won't to 'move'. Move away or towards? At the core we humans are very simple creatures. We either move away from something or towards something courtesy of the brain. The brain is designed to move towards reward or pleasure and move away from pain. Like any other living creature we move away from pain and towards pleasure (survival). In order to be motivated (to move) you need to have a good reason; either a reward or benefit, or a move away from discomfort, dislike or danger. To be or not to be motivated...that is the question There are many questions about personal motivation - or lack of it - as well as motivation in others. People often wonder why they themselves or someone else is not motivated. Managers often ask the question 'How can I motivate my team?' The problem is they look for a simple solution like a team building day, expecting it to work like magic. 

They think that somehow by waving a magic wand they will become motivated. Even if you get the world's most respected motivational speaker, it's unlikely to achieve anything more than a short term high. It generally does not result in the team being more motivated to work together. Why...because if there is not a clear reason, a motif for the individuals in that team, nothing much will move them. The same goes for personal motivation. Many people go searching for the magic motivation formula instead of just being clear about their purpose or reason. WIIFM (What's In It For Me?) 12/8/2020 Understanding Motivation, Debunking the Motivation Myth,-Debunking-the-Motivation-Myth&id=6914991 2/6 We generally are only motivated if the most fundamental questions are addressed: What is the point? Why should I be doing this? What's in it for me? Why is this relevant to me? In order to be motivated there needs to be something in it for you. Even if you are motivated to help others, it makes you feel good; it gives you satisfaction, a purpose. You need to create and have a good reason to put in continuous effort. Why else would you put in the effort and generally give up doing something else that you might otherwise enjoy? Did you ever wonder why you had to do certain subjects at school that did not particularly interest you? The answer probably was 'because it is part of the curriculum'. Did this motivate and inspire you to do well? While you probably complied - as not doing so probably had negative consequences - you certainly did not undertake the task feeling motivated, eager and excited. But I am trying How well does it work when you feel you 'should' give up smoking, 'should' lose weight, 'should' drink less or 'should' exercise more, when you don't really want to? 

Have you ever met someone who has been trying to give up smoking? Answer one question: Do they or don't they smoke? The problem is with the implication of the word trying. The word trying says you are not really motivated or committed but you are attempting something, having a go. Only when you see a compelling reason and decide to do something will you be motivated enough to change your habits and achieve what it is you want to achieve. Without a decision and a compelling reason you can try as hard as you like, but you are unlikely to succeed. No amount of teambuilding, motivational speakers or programs can do this for you. No rewards will help you to become motivated beyond compliance if you don't personally see a motif or a good reason why. The more motifs, the more motivation As a general rule, the more reasons you have to do something - the more benefits there are for you - the more motivated you are likely to be. No matter how many reasons other people might give you or how much they try to persuade or influence you, until it resonates with what is important to you, in other words with what you value, you just cannot and will not be motivated. You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Ultimately no-one else can motivate you other than you. The more your activities and goals are aligned with what you value, the more motivated you will be. You are unlikely to be motivated by what you 'should' do rather then what you would love to do. Of course we are also motivated by what I call 'secondary motivation.' Secondary motivation is being motivated to do something because if you don't it will have negative consequences. 

If you don't lose weight and look after your body you might get sick, if you don't do your tax return, pay your mortgage, earn money etc. there will be costs, other words pain. The more compelling reasons you can find to do something, the more motivated you will be and the easier things will become. If there is a lack of motivation it is because there is no clear primary or secondary benefit. When you are not motivated in areas of your life that are important to you, examine the 'pay off', the reason or benefit of staying stuck. By the way, you can't make the horse drink but you can make it very thirsty! Am I being lazy? Many people confuse lack of motivation with being lazy. Ultimately there is no such thing as being lazy. But there certainly can be an absence of motivation due to a lack of motive. If you want test this theory ask a teenager to tidy up their room and see their response. You might have (wrongly) judged the absence of enthusiasm as being lazy. Now ask the teenager to leave the room. Hide money in their room in different places and invite them to find as much as they can within two minutes. What do you think might happen to the 'lazy' teenager? You got it...MOTIVATION! Get up, get out and make it happen....or not Motivation is what will make things happen. It is what helps you get out of that chair, stop putting toxins into your body and move towards what you really want in life. So from now on don't waste your time by calling yourself lazy or making half hearted attempts by 'trying'. Instead spend time uncovering your motivation. You will find that there are certain things that motivate you and other things that don't. 

No one can tell you what should or should not motivate you. Different people are motivated by different things. If you feel motivated to keep overeating, smoking, drinking etc. that's okay. You know the consequences and if you chose to accept them, then that is entirely your choice. So make it! The important thing is don't kid yourself. The fact is you are motivated and committed to these things otherwise you would not be doing it. So if you want to overeat, smoke, drink, stay 12/8/2020 Understanding Motivation, Debunking the Motivation Myth,-Debunking-the-Motivation-Myth&id=6914991 3/6 sitting in your chair watching lots of TV, then don't waste your time trying to give up or by making excuses. Stop boring yourself and others with the word 'should' or 'I should give up'. Either give up or don't! The choice is yours. But before you decide ask yourself these questions: Is this really what I want to do? Why am I doing what I am doing? What is my real motif, reason or purpose? Am I sure? How does this serve me now and in the future? Does what I do really align with my values or is it merely a lack of impulse control? The motivation myth We now know that motivation is the key to getting things done; for achieving goals and desires. We also know that aligning our motif with our values is important. People often say: 'I know it is important to me but I am just not that motivated'. These people rarely start or change anything because they are waiting to be motivated first. They somehow think that the only way they can move towards something (or away from something) is to be motivated. Wrong! They somehow expect that motivation will appear out of thin air and this will magically hurdle them into action towards their goal. Don't sit around waiting for motivation to magically doesn't and it won't! The motivation bus will never arrive no matter how long you wait for it. What follows is a most important statement. DON'T wait to feel, or to get, motivated If what you want to achieve is important to you and you don't feel motivated, just do it anyway without feeling motivated! Make the decision to do it. Yes this might take an act of will, discipline and determination. Yes it might be unpleasant, require a commitment and you might even have to give up something else. 

Yet you do it because you know the end result, your goal and that is more important than whether you feel motivated or not. The problem is that most people focus on what they have to give up rather than focussing on the long term gain. Do you really think elite swimmers look forward to getting up every morning at 4:30am day after day? Rather than begrudging their early morning starts, they are completely focused on the end result; their goal. That is what keeps them going, that is what motivates them. What is important to you? When you want to achieve something that is important to you, just start the ball rolling. Start pushing that motivation ball until it creates its own momentum...and it will, and then it might even be hard to stop. As the famous Nike motto says 'Just Do It!' Or as the famous quote attributed to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe says: 'Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it'. Just like starting to exercise again after you haven't for a while or perhaps never. It is highly unlikely that you will jump out of bed one morning full of motivation and start exercising. You might not feel like it, but because you know it is important, you will feel better and healthier in the long term, you get going even though you don't want to. At first it is a real effort and you might have to fight that little voice in your head that will offer you all kinds of good reasons and temptations not to do it. Here is an important fact. The more you do it, the more motivated you will become! The more the ball gets pushed, the more the ball will create its own momentum. It's just like pushing a rock up hill. When you push a rock up on one side of a hill, it gets harder and harder the closer you get to the top. ** Important note: Most people give up just before the critical moment of breakthrough. But when you push that rock over the edge it creates its own momentum and it will roll down faster and faster as it builds up more momentum. So remember. You won't always be motivated to do the things that are important to you. Don't wait for motivation to come along. Make a decision to do it anyway and start creating momentum. Soon you will find that the momentum will continue all on its own and it might even pull you along with it. Why is it so difficult to maintain the momentum? Now you might say 'But I have tried to do things differently may times but I have not succeeded'. There is a really good reason for this and guess what it's not your fault. It all has to do with your brain. There are three major reasons. The latest research in neuroscience tells us that when you want to make changes in your life the brain will not necessarily be on your side and might actually hinder you in achieving what you want. 

Let's explore this further: 1. Don't take it personally 12/8/2020 Understanding Motivation, Debunking the Motivation Myth,-Debunking-the-Motivation-Myth&id=6914991 4/6 Many people resist change. Even when people's lives are threatened, through smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor eating habits etc., changing the habit often seems near impossible. Have you ever wondered why so few weight loss programs work? Here is the answer. It all has to do with habits and conditioning. Neuroscience has found that the part of the brain that deals with habits and what is familiar requires little energy. When something is a habit or routine it does not require much attention and you do things automatically. Because of this no matter how damaging it is to you, your behavior or habit is familiar and therefore feels normal and 'comfortable'. You don't have to think about lighting up that cigarette or putting junk food in your mouth, it just comes naturally to you. This automatic response frees up the more conscious or thinking part of the brain to deal with more complex tasks such as processing new information. This part of the brain, the prefrontal cortex or the executive part of the brain, is not as energy efficient and requires more energy. Just think about driving your car. You no longer have to consciously think about driving it, do you? Most of it is automatic until you are confronted with an unusual situation. Now imagine driving your car in another country where they drive on the other side of the road. Do you think your driving would be less automatic? Probably yes. You now have to consciously think about what you are doing and you feel uncomfortable and less confident. Until you get use to it, you would rather go back to driving on the other side of the road because that is what you are used to. 

Before you get use to this new way of driving it feels strange and even wrong to you and you might even wonder why these people drive on 'the wrong' side of the road. Something might appear wrong because it is not what you are used to. It requires more focus, energy and effort from you. Given half a chance you would probably like to revert back to what is comfortable and familiar. It takes the brain some time to get use to a new situation...but before it does something else happens. It's essential that you know this if you want to make important and lasting changes in your life. 2. The brain resists change Your brain actually resists the change; not because it is trying to make things hard for you, but it does so for a very good reason. Your brain's basic function is to keep you safe. Its main interest is your survival. In order to keep you safe your brain is designed to be alert and detect if there is something different in your environment; something unusual or unfamiliar. If there is something out of the ordinary it could mean there is a threat to you. The limbic part of the brain - where our emotions and fight/flight system (the amygdala) resides, has a very fast, effective and efficient reference library. It will constantly and instantly compare all incoming information to see if it matches. Of course you are not consciously aware of this as it runs 'in the background'. The limbic part of the brain will determine if what is happening is different from your experience, expectations and assumptions. When it detects a mismatch - just like an error code - it will activate the alarm center (the amygdale) in the brain.

 Your brain will send a powerful and urgent message that there is something amiss. When the alarm is sounded the fear circuitry, the primitive part of your brain, gets triggered and you become unsettled or worse, you become stressed and anxious. This is what is supposed to happen as without this you would not survive. When the error message shows up your 'animal' instincts take over and the most primitive and instinctual part of your brain gets activated and you become fully alert and ready to fight or run away. When the amygdale, gets activated you tend to become more emotional, act impulsively and it's difficult to think logically. Your capacity for higher thought (reason) immediately decreases. Rather than you consciously overriding the error message you tend to automatically retreat to what is familiar. Just like any primitive creature you retreat to your familiar habitat, your 'home' or default position. Are you getting the picture? Change leads to an error message; feeling unsafe, wanting to retreat to safety or to what is familiar, which guessed it, whatever you are used to doing; whether it is food, cigarettes, alcohol or any other habit you may have. So comparing information and alerting us to a mismatch is great for survival but not so good when it comes to making positive changes in our life. As far as the brain is concerned, change is a pain in the.....brain! 3. Focusing on the loss and not the gain Another reason that change is so difficult is because of the way we drive our brain. There is a technique that racing car drivers use; don't look were you don't want to go. In other words look where you do want to go. As I mentioned, most people fail to make changes in their life because they focus on what they are giving up rather than on what they are gaining. For example, they look longingly at that cigarette they have just given up. 

When the brain perceives a loss it interprets it as giving up part of its security. 'You want to give up something that is familiar? Not if I have my way! I am here to protect you. You want to give up the familiar neuro pathway and create a different one? No thanks, I'd rather we stick to well trodden and familiar ones' says the brain. When you focus on the loss rather than the gain it is hard for the brain to get excited and support you. Giving up something trusted and familiar is not the way to do it. Your brain needs a better and more compelling reason in order to start making 12/8/2020 Understanding Motivation, Debunking the Motivation Myth,-Debunking-the-Motivation-Myth&id=6914991 5/6 changes. What you need to do to make positive and lasting changes in your life? Get your brain on board and get it to support you. And here is how you can do it: 1. Align what you are moving towards (what you want) as much as possible to what you value (what is important to you). This is a very important motivator. 2. Remember if the brain's error code and therefore its alarm system get activated by making a change, this does not mean the change is wrong or you are in danger. 3. Recognize that the brain's protective mechanism is reactive, impulse based and prone to overreaction. 4. Override the rather primitive alarm system with reasoning and logic and understand that it is mostly a false alarm. 5. Understand that the data processing system, the limbic part of the brain, is very fast, automatic and very fuel efficient and the logical and reasoning part of the brain, the prefrontal cortex is much slower and very fuel consuming. This part of the brain rather than being automatic needs to be activated deliberately and consciously. 6. Accept that it takes the brain time to get use to a new situation. 7. Be aware the error code will keep popping up for a while until a new neuro pathway is established and the new behavior becomes a habit. 8. Realize that it takes between 30-60 days for a new behavior or habit to become engrained and automatic. Remember also that withdrawal is a necessary part - and positive symptom - of the change process. 9. Remember that if you regress during that time you often have to start from the beginning. 

That is where discipline and determination come in. 10. Understand that when under stress you need to be extra vigilant so you don't regress to old and ineffective behavior or habits. For example people will often revert back to smoking, drinking or over eating during times of stress, hence the saying; during stress we often regress. 11. Focus on the gain not the pain. Focus and get excited about reaching your goal, the end result and the solution rather than the loss of what you are giving up. For example, replace 'I have to give up cigarettes' with something like: 'I am looking after my health and everyday my health is improving'. 12. Visualize what you want to change or achieve and imagine that you have already achieved your goal. See the end in mind and get excited about how it feels to have already achieved your goal. Studies have found that your brain will already start to create new neuro pathways just by visualizing and feeling excited about what you want. 13. Be aware that the unconscious part of the brain does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. Imagination works. (Think about drinking a glass of vinegar or hearing the sound of someone scratching a blackboard with their nails). 14. Understand that you are in charge of your brain and therefore your thinking. Let it serve you not the other way around. 15. Mind your mind. In other words be aware of what you think about. Just as with your body, don't pollute your brain with rubbish and junk thoughts or thoughts that don't serve you. 16. Understand the power of language. You command your brain by the words you use. Your brain will accepts and believe what you tell it. So be careful what you say to yourself. Thoughts like: I can't do it, I am lazy, I am not clever, I have no will power, I can't stick to things etc. instruct your brain to produce that result. 17. Tell your brain what you want rather than what you don't want and use positive language in the present tense. 

I am successful, rather than I am not going to fail. I am wealthy, rather than I want to be free of debt. I am a non-smoker rather than I am trying to give up smoking. 18. Know that your brain can't reverse. Try not to think of a pink elephant. See! 19. Be very specific about what you would like to change and develop an action plan. 12/8/2020 Understanding Motivation, Debunking the Motivation Myth,-Debunking-the-Motivation-Myth&id=6914991 6/6 20. Be solution orientated, remember that solutions are uplifting and problems will weigh you down. 21. Step up! Learn to become more resilient, be your own best ally and supporter. 22. Accept your humanness and don't beat yourself up, it is bad for your brain! 23. Remain focused and committed. It is easy to give up and unfortunately most people do. 24. Create a vision board (a collage of inspiring pictures, images and affirmations that represent what you want). 25. Know that the brain takes itself very seriously. Make sure you lighten it up by having lots of laughs. Numerous studies have shown that people who set goals consistently achieve more in life than those who do not. Yet there is so much more to goal setting than most people think. Not only do people need to be clear about what they want, they need to create an environment for success and achievement; an environment that guides and supports them, keeps them focused and on the right track. Just think about New Year resolutions. 

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My 3 Words Today! July 1st, 2022 Today's words are:

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